630,239 research outputs found

    Influences of cosmic radiation, artificial radioactivity and aerosol concentration upon the fair-weather atmospheric electric field in Lisbon (1955–1991)

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    The atmospheric electric field is influenced by cosmic radiation, radioactivity and aerosols. In this work we investigate the existence of: (i) correlations between relative anomalies of annual values of atmospheric electric field and cosmic radiation intensity, artificial radioactivity and aerosol concentration; (ii) seasonal correlations between relative anomalies of the atmospheric electric field and cosmic radiation intensity. We used data of the electric field strength recorded at the Portela meteorological station (Lisbon) in the period 1955–1991. We found statistically significant inverse correlations between atmospheric electric field and cosmic radiation in the period 1967–1991. We also found that the influence of cosmic radiation on the atmospheric electric field is strong in wintertime and very weak in summertime. The GCR–CN–CCN–Cloud Hypothesis and the wintertime reduced boundary layer convection are analyzed as possible explanations for this difference

    Do technology spillovers matter for growth?

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    This paper attempts to explain the growth of labour productivity by (inter)national spillovers from R&D and patenting. We develop a model that is tested for Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America using a new set of panel data for the period 1955 until 1991. The results indicate that domestic R&D has an indirect and, for Germany, a positive impact on productivity growth.

    Temporal Reliability of Willingness to Pay from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation

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    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation has been a source of information on wildlife-related recreation since 1955. The contingent valuation method has been used to estimate willingness to pay for recreation trips in the 1980, 1985, 1991, 1996 and 2001 surveys. However, relatively little comparative analysis over time has been performed. Similar value elicitation formats were used in the 1991 and 1996 surveys for bass and trout fishing, deer hunting, and nonconsumptive wildlife recreation. We statistically analyze these data to assess the temporal reliability of the willingness to pay. We control for the effects of trip quality and socioeconomic variables and find that willingness to pay is significantly lower in 1996 for each activity. A subtle, but important, change in the 1996 question format may drive the result of lower willingness to pay.

    Influence of seismic activity on the atmospheric electric field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1955 to 1991

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    In the present study, we considered the influence of seismic activity on the atmospheric electric field recorded at Portela meteorological station (Lisbon, Portugal) for the period from 1955 to 1991. To this end, an exploratory method was developed, which involved the selection of events for which the distance from the atmospheric electrical field sensor to the earthquake epicenter is smaller than the preparation radius of the event. This enabled the correlation of the atmospheric electric field variations with a quantity S, defined basically as the ratio of the earthquake preparation radius to the distance between the sensor and the event epicenter. The first results show promising perspectives, but clearly a more profound study is required, in which a careful analysis of the weather conditions and other variables, like atmospheric radon levels, must be considered

    Public Capital and Productive Efficiency in the Spanish Regions (1964 1989)

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    The article analyses the evolution of the differences in economic conditions among Spanish regions from the perspective provided by the recent advances made in economic growth empirics. Although convergence is usually established in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) per capita, in the case of Spain it is of special interest to break it down into three separate elements: activity rate, employment rate, and productivity of labour. Regional differences in unemployment rates, which persist for long periods of time, are identified as a force against convergence. After describing the distinction between conditional and non conditional convergence, the paper considers the role played by the productive structure in establishing regional differences, with special reference to the weight of the agricultural sector and the role of public capital in conditional convergence. Finally, conditional and non conditional convergence equations are estimated for the 17 Spanish regions for the 1955 1991 period. The paper concludes that the convergence process is concentrated in the first half of the period (1955 1979) and that both, the productive structure and public capital, had a significant role in the convergence process.Regional Convergence, Public Capital

    A Varsói Szerződés keretében megvalósuló katonai és hadiipari együttműködés története 1955-1991 = Military and armaments industry co-operation in Warsaw Pact 1955-1991

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    Kutatócsoportunk az alapkutatások eredményeire építve feltárta, értékelte, tudományos közleményeiben bemutatta és bemutatja: a Varsói Szerződés megalakulásának közvetlen előzményeit, a deklarált és valóságos indokok között meglévő ellentmondásokat, azt, hogy a Szervezetet a Szovjetunió milyen formában használta fel a tagországokkal szemben is nemzeti érdekei érvényesítésére; az Egyesített Fegyveres Erők és Magyarország béke- és tervezett "háborús működése" közötti különbségeket; az atomháború lehetséges megvívására, lefolyására vonatkozó konkrét katonai terveket. Nagy figyelmet fordítottunk a Magyar Néphadsereg 1954-1991 közötti történetére vonatkozó újabb történeti források feldolgozására, vizsgáltuk Magyarország helyét és szerepét a Varsói Szerződés háborús terveiben. A kutatás és az elkészülő másik monográfia fontos érdemének tartjuk, hogy nemzetközi szinten is elsők között enged bepillantást a KGST egy ágazati együttműködésének mindennapjaiba - eredeti, eddig alig ismert dokumentumok alapján. Kutatásunk eredményeiből egyértelműen megállapítható, hogy a Varsói Szerződés és a KGST szoros összefonódásban, ugyanakkor megfelelő feladatfelosztással és tagozódással adott keretet a szovjet blokkon belüli politikai, katonai és gazdasági együttműködésének. | In scholarly publications based on the results of the basic research, our research team has uncovered, evaluated and presented the following: the immediate antecedents of the formation of the Warsaw Pact; the contradictions between the declared and real reasons; how the Soviet Union used the Organization to enforce its national interests even against the member states; the differences between the peace and the planned 'war operations' by the Unified Armed Forces and Hungary. We have paid great attention to studying the latest historical sources concerning the history of the Hungarian People's Army between 1954-1991; we have examined Hungary's place and role in the Warsaw Pact war plans. It is the merit of the research and the other monograph in progress that it is among the first ones even in the international scene that provide insight into the daily processes of Comecon's sectional cooperation - based on original, so far almost unknown documents. From the results of our research it can be clearly ascertained that the Warsaw Pact and the Comecon enabled the political, military and economic cooperation in the Soviet bloc in a tightly connected manner, although with adequate task allocation and structural division

    Testing differences in long run growth among Spanish regions: Can growth models explain it?

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    During the last decade we have assisted to a renewal interest in growth. There were a great number of theoretical and empirical works since the question was reopen by the Romer (1986) article about long run properties of growth models. Growth models can be classified in two kinds: exogenous growth models and endogenous growth models. The main differences between them are that the endogenous models try to incorporate into the behavior of the agents the assumptions that the first assumes as exogenous. This difference, that sounds only methodological, has important implications. The conclusion of the exogenous models is that, in presence of free factor mobility and free diffusion of technology, countries and regions will converge to the same rate of growth, and, in absence of technical progress, they will converge to the same level of per capita income, without any influence of initial conditions or political intervention in the economy (This result is obtained by Barro(1991) and Barro y Sala(1992)). With endogenous models the economies will growth at a rate determined by the behavior of the agents in the economy and could be the same or different among different economies. The theoretical result of these models is that in the long run could exist convergence or divergence. The main focus of this paper is, using the data for Spanish Regions from 1955 to 1991 and applying unit root time series methodology, to determine long run growth rates for each region with the aim of knowing if we can choose between the two kind of growth models.

    Niagara Grape and Wine Festival Records 1955, 1964-1991, n.d.

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    Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.

    The Palace as Type. Finding Regionalism in Soviet Modernism

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    In a building campaign which spanned across all Soviet Republics, public “palace” buildings were the cornerstone of the architectural image which defined a political regime. At the time of their construction, the palaces were categorized primarily by program—wedding palaces, sports palaces, cinema palaces, youth palaces and cultural palaces. This paper will compare key sites of Soviet modernism (1955-1991) in three countries surrounding the Black Sea: Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. Using these countries as case studies, this paper will discuss two important aspects of regionalism found in these works—first, the relationship between a universal program type and the local specificity signalled by the building’s original design through the use of specific construction materials, ornamentation, and cultural references; second, the transformation the building underwent after 1991 adopting or rejecting new regional affiliations related to its geographical and political location.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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