18,678 research outputs found

    A Software Package for Neural Network Applications Development

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    Original Backprop (Version 1.2) is an MS-DOS package of four stand-alone C-language programs that enable users to develop neural network solutions to a variety of practical problems. Original Backprop generates three-layer, feed-forward (series-coupled) networks which map fixed-length input vectors into fixed length output vectors through an intermediate (hidden) layer of binary threshold units. Version 1.2 can handle up to 200 input vectors at a time, each having up to 128 real-valued components. The first subprogram, TSET, appends a number (up to 16) of classification bits to each input, thus creating a training set of input output pairs. The second subprogram, BACKPROP, creates a trilayer network to do the prescribed mapping and modifies the weights of its connections incrementally until the training set is leaned. The learning algorithm is the 'back-propagating error correction procedures first described by F. Rosenblatt in 1961. The third subprogram, VIEWNET, lets the trained network be examined, tested, and 'pruned' (by the deletion of unnecessary hidden units). The fourth subprogram, DONET, makes a TSR routine by which the finished product of the neural net design-and-training exercise can be consulted under other MS-DOS applications

    A Natural language interface to MS-DOS

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    The goal of this thesis was to design and implement a dialog facility to assist novice users of the MS-DOS operating system. A small natural language interface facility called PE-DOS (Plain English DOS) was built, which serves as a front end for a subset of simple MS-DOS commands. PE-DOS accepts English-like terminology and translates it into the appropriate MS-DOS command using a system of recursive transition networks (RTNs). The translated command then is presented to the user along with an English paraphrase of the user\u27s input sentence in an effort to provide confirmation for the intended command in both English and MS-DOS command language. PE-DOS was tested by presenting it to two classes of users. One group was made up of sophisticated users of other operating systems who had not used MS-DOS. The second group consisted of unsophisticated users of applications that run under MS-DOS who had not used any operating system commands. The feedback from these user indicates that PE-DOS is probably most useful as an educational device to teach new users a set of basic MS-DOS commands, rather than as a viable command interface

    Вивчення MS DOS і Norton Commander у школі

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    Пропонуються методичні поради для організації роботи школярів у групі при вивченні MS DOS і Norton Commander на основі використання системних дискет і орієнтованих на їх файлову систему посібникі

    Addition of Structured Records to the UNIX™ and MS-DOS™ File Systems

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    A file system consists of operating system code supporting the I/O operations that open, close, create, read and write to files. Record oriented I/O is not a feature of either the UNIX or the MS-DOS native file system. The data is stored by the file system as a sequence of bytes. It is the task of the user to design an application dependent structure on the file system. In the case of logically related fixed or variable length data, a record structure is desirable. This thesis describes a set of extensions to the UNIX and the MS-DOS file systems that supply a record structure to these native file systems. The descriptions of both the UNIX and the MS-DOS native file systems are followed by the extensions to each file system. Program code is provided to demonstrate the MS-DOS extensions

    Bayesian econometrics:conjugate analysis and rejection sampling using mathematica

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    Mathematica is a powerful "system for doing mathematics by computer" which runs on personal computers (Macs and MS-DOS machines), workstations and mainframes. Here we show how Bayesian methods can be implemented in Mathematica. One of the drawbacks of Bayesian techniques is that they are computation-intensive, and every computation is a little different. Since Mathematica is so flexible, it can easily be adapted to solving a number of different Bayesian estimation problems. We illustrate the use of Mathematica functions (i) in a traditional conjugate analysis of the linear regression model and (ii) in a completely nonstandard model -where rejection sampling is used to sample from the posterior

    Laboratory process control using natural language commands from a personal computer

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    PC software is described which provides flexible natural language process control capability with an IBM PC or compatible machine. Hardware requirements include the PC, and suitable hardware interfaces to all controlled devices. Software required includes the Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) operating system, a PC-based FORTRAN-77 compiler, and user-written device drivers. Instructions for use of the software are given as well as a description of an application of the system

    IRDS prototyping with applications to the representation of EA/RA models

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    The requirements and system overview for the Information Resources Dictionary System (IRDS) are described. A formal design specification for a scaled down IRDS implementation compatible with the proposed FIPS IRDS standard is contained. The major design objectives for this IRDS will include a menu driven user interface, implementation of basic IRDS operations, and PC compatibility. The IRDS was implemented using Smalltalk/5 object oriented programming system and an ATT 6300 personal computer running under MS-DOS 3.1. The difficulties encountered in using Smalltalk are discussed

    Development of a prototype commonality analysis tool for use in space programs

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    A software tool to aid in performing commonality analyses, called Commonality Analysis Problem Solver (CAPS), was designed, and a prototype version (CAPS 1.0) was implemented and tested. The CAPS 1.0 runs in an MS-DOS or IBM PC-DOS environment. The CAPS is designed around a simple input language which provides a natural syntax for the description of feasibility constraints. It provides its users with the ability to load a database representing a set of design items, describe the feasibility constraints on items in that database, and do a comprehensive cost analysis to find the most economical substitution pattern

    Cluster analysis of flow cytometric list mode data on a personal computer

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    A cluster analysis algorithm, dedicated to analysis of flow cytometric data is described. The algorithm is written in Pascal and implemented on an MS-DOS personal computer. It uses k-means, initialized with a large number of seed points, followed by a modified nearest neighbor technique to reduce the large number of subclusters. Thus we combine the advantage of the k-means (speed) with that of the nearest neighbor technique (accuracy). In order to achieve a rapid analysis, no complex data transformations such as principal components analysis were used. \ud Results of the cluster analysis on both real and artificial flow cytometric data are presented and discussed. The results show that it is possible to get very good cluster analysis partitions, which compare favorably with manually gated analysis in both time and in reliability, using a personal computer