28 research outputs found


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    The main peculiarities of youth policy of totalitarian states of 1930s are considered in the paper. The establishment of totalitarian regimes in Russia, Germany and some other countries had totally transformed the life of these nations. It was the way to democracy, to contemporary civil society and the social state, full of hardships, violence and bloodshed. There were only two all-nation youth leagues – Leninist Youth League and Hitlerjugend - that turned out to have the most outstanding results in the history. Their comparative research is most interesting and instructive

    Pragmatic Anomalies in Media Texts of “Show “Uralskiye Pelmeni”

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    The analysis of humorous media texts is carried out from the point of view of presence in them of pragmatic anomalies as a kind of language anomalies. The author assumes that consideration of pragmatic language anomalies of media texts of “Show “Uralskiye Pelmeni” within the framework of the theory of language anomalies allows to trace features of their functioning as means of the organization of entertaining texts. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that, despite the great interest of linguists in the study of the language game and the wide popularity of the “Show “Uralskiye Pelmeni,” the anomalies on which this media text is built, have not previously been analyzed. The main types of pragmatic anomalies are characterized: pragmatic-semantic and communicative-pragmatic. The following anomalies are attributed to pragmatic-semantic ones: contradiction between pragmatic presuppositions and assertive components of the meaning of a word, phrase or utterance; abnormal actualization of deictic indices; excessive “literalism” of pragmatic presuppositions; abnormal reference. Among the communicative-pragmatic anomalies the following phenomena are analyzed: presence in utterance false discourse implicators; anomalous intentionality of utterances; abnormal reasoning; abnormal operation of speech strategies de dicto / de re. The author comes to the conclusion that the presence of different types of pragmatic anomalies is due to the specifics of media text of humorous TV program “Show “Uralskiye Pelmeni,” assuming the presence of comic

    Глаголы агрессивного эмоционального состояния

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    The article is devoted to the study of verbs nominating aggressive emotional condition. Fragments from modern fiction were used as an illustrative material.Статья посвящена исследованию глаголов, номинирующих агрессивное эмоциональное состояние. В качества иллюстрирующего материала были использованы фрагменты из современной художественной литературы

    Formation of Adherent Negative Assessment of Media Neologisms

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    The features of the formation of an adherent negative assessment of neologism on the material of the headlines of electronic media are considered. The results of structural-semantic, contextual and pragmatic analysis of media neologisms expressing an adherent negative assessment are presented. The analysis of the main methods of forming an adherent negative assessment of neologisms under the influence of narrow (title context) and wide (context of an integral media product) verbal contexts, as well as under the influence of extra-linguistic conditions of use (communicative-pragmatic settings of the author, features of the subject of evaluation, specificity of the value system). It is concluded that the adherent negative evaluation of the neologisms is formed in the context due to the updating and intensification of the negative evaluation components of the semantics of the producing word, at the same time, due to the conditions of use, it is possible to de-intensify the estimated semantics of the structural components of the neologism, up to the neutralization of the evaluation of the neologism, as well as reversal (change of sign) of the assessment from positive to negative. Cases of the formation of adherent negative evaluation semantics in neologisms created on the basis of evaluation-neutral components are also analyzed. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying its results in journalistic practice, as well as in the practice of teaching university courses in morphemic, lexicology and special courses on the study of the language of the media, pragmalinguistics

    Semantics of Enmity: Aggressive Subject Naming in Modern Internet Communication

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    The article presents research results, and highlights the peculiarities of hostile-minded subject naming in Internet communication in the 21 st century. The composition of the paradigmatic subset under consideration is determined, its internal structure, word-formation features, semantics, syntagmatics and functioning of constituents are characterized. The research is carried out through purposeful sampling, semantic, definitional, contextual analysis, some aspects of motivational, word-formation and syntactic analysis, quantitative method. It is shown, that the majority of the new names are borrowed from the English language and derived from Anglicisms. Mental and linguistic representation of a hostile subject reflects such parameters as: the verbal / nonverbal nature of the subject's actions; animate / inanimate object of hostility; the membership of the subject and object of hostility of a certain group; obligatory / optional allies of the subject; the degree of the subjects emotional involvement; the purpose of the actions / needs of the subject. The studied designations differ in the frequency of use in the described network communicative practices and are used to characterize the corresponding phenomenon or class of subjects, a particular member of the Internet community; for the speakers self-presentation; as an evaluative appeal. There is a tendency to romanticize certain classes of the named aggressive subjects. The emergence of new designations of a hostile subject and their functioning are determined by the turn towards intensification, intellectualization, integration and internationalization

    A Meeting Point and Space of Exchange: The Role of Post-Soviet Marketplaces in Urban Community Life (A Case Study of Elista)

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    Introduction. The article discusses the place, functions and significance of marketplaces in urban space. Goals. So, the paper particularly aims to consider the place, functions and significance of the marketplace in the public space of Elista. Materials. The study employs the structural-functional method and that of participant observation. Results. The Central Cossack Bazaar is an important resource for the shaping of Elista’s market economy — small and medium-sized businesses. The marketplace has changed essentially through the stages of its existence within boundaries of the urban landscape, and would prove a most suitable place for trade and supply of the population in certain historical periods. Its place in public life formed the function of a common territory and shaped the structure of traffic flows

    Субстантивация как способ языковой компрессии: функциональный аспект : специальность 10.02.01 "Русский язык" : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук

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    Диссертация посвящена рассмотрению субстантивации в качестве способа языковой компрессии и способа словообразования. В работе учитываются различные типы субстантиватов (полные субстантиваты – неполные частичные – окказиональные), комплексно описывается их функционирование в различных сферах коммуникации: средствах массовой информации и в языке интернета, а также текстах современной художественной прозы, устной речи и других источниках. Результаты исследования могут найти применение в вузовских курсах теории языка, грамматики, стилистики текста; курсах и спецкурсах, посвященных языковой динамике, живым трансформационным процессам русского языка; в организации научно-исследовательской работы студентов по анализу языка и текста

    Травматология, ортопедия и военно-полевая хирургия. Тесты

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    ВОЕННО-ПОЛЕВАЯ ХИРУРГИЯОРТОПЕДИЯТЕСТЫТРАВМАТОЛОГИЯУЧЕБНЫЕ ПОСОБИЯВключены тесты по всем наиболее актуальным темам теоретического материала и практических занятий