3,554 research outputs found

    Політика пам’яті про нацистську окупацію в радянських музеях (приклад Харківського державного історичного музею, 1943-1953 рр.)

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    http://www-philosophy.univer.kharkov.ua/ua/kafedra/visn_ua/visn_15.htmlСтаття присвячена особливостям представлення періоду нацистської окупації у радянських музеях в роки сталінізму (1943-1953 рр.). На прикладі Харківського історичного музею розглянуто питання про участь різних дієвців у формуванні музейного бачення минулого, проблему взаємозв’язку форми та змісту виставок, проаналізовано реакції відвідувачів. Статья посвящена особенностям представления периода нацистской оккупации в советских музеях в годы сталинизма (1943-1953 гг.). На примере Харьковского исторического музея рассмотрен вопрос об участии разных инстанций в формировании музейного видения прошлого, проблему взаимосвязи формы и содержания выставок, проанализированы реакции посетителей. The paper is related to the representation of Nazi occupation period in Soviet museums during Stalinism (1943-1953). On the base of Kharkiv historical museum case several problems are studied: problem of different actors’participation in the making of exhibition, relations between form and content of display, the problem of visitors’ reactions

    Житлове забезпечення мешканців Чернігова в 1943-1953 рр. як складова повсякденного життя

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    У статті схарактеризовано рівень забезпечення населення Чернігова житлом у 1943–1953 рр. З’ясовано його вартість, рівень комфортності та якість будівництва.В статье охарактеризован уровень обеспечения населения Чернигова жильем в 1943-1953 гг. Выяснено его стоимость, уровень комфортности и качество строительства.The article describes the level of providing the population of the population of Chernihiv with housing in 1943-1953. It is found out the cost, level of comfort and quality of construction

    Санітарне очищення Чернігова як складова повсякденного життя в 1943-1953 рр.

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    У статті відображений стан санітарного очищення міста Чернігова в 1943−1953 рр. та його вплив на здоров’я і життєдіяльність городян.В статье отображено состояние санитарной очистки города Чернигова в 1943−1953 гг и его влияние на здоровье и жизнедеятельность горожан.The article refl ected the state of sanitary cleaning in the city of Chernihiv in 1943−1953 and its impact on the health and livelihoods of citizens

    Book Review Club - Fordsville, Kentucky (SC 3638)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 3638. Yearbooks, 1942/1943 1953/1954, of the Book Review Club, Fordsville, Kentucky, a woman’s literary club organized in 1938. The yearbooks include the club constitution, program notes, and membership lists

    Советское государство и Русская Православная церковь в 1943–1953 гг. в советской атеистической историографии

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    The article analyzes the soviet atheistic historiography of the interrelations between the Soviet state and the Russian Orthodox Church in 1943–1953, putting a special emphasis on its methodology and peculiarities. The main problematique of the atheistic research is described as follows: the reasons of a changing role of the church in the context of the socialistic. = Анализируется советская атеистическая историография взаимоотношений Советского государства и Русской Православной церкви (РПЦ) в 1943–1953 гг., ее методология и особенности. Раскрываются основные вопросы атеистических исследований: причины эволюции церкви в условиях социалистического строительства, позиция РПЦ в годы Великой Отечественной войны и послевоенные годы

    Changes in women’s occupations and occupational mobility over 25 years

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    Theatrical Militants: Stage For Action and Social Activist Performance, 1943 - 1953

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    Stage For Action began as "Stage Door to Action" in December 1943 under the leadership of a twenty-three year old radio performer, Perry Miller, along with fellow radio actress Donna Keath, the stage actress Berilla Kerr, and Peggy Clark, a soon-to-be prominent Broadway designer. Officially changing their name in March of 1944, Stage For Action was described in newspapers as a group which "dramatiz[es] current problems and [is] patterned after the Living Newspaper technique." From their original theme of supporting the war effort to tackling post-war issues of atomic warfare, racism, anti-Semitism, and the witch-hunts of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (commonly referred to as HUAC), Stage For Action became the prevailing social activist theatre group of the 1940s. They operated as one of the "opposing currents of dynamic progress and static conservatism...with its militant program...tak[ing] the theatre to the people when the people can't come to the theatre." By the time of Walter S. Steele's July 21, 1947 testimony before the HUAC, Stage For Action had created their own performance aesthetic, operated in at least nine cities, initiated a training school in New York City, and was funded by or had a direct connection to the Jewish People's Fraternal Order, the CIO Teachers' Union, the United Electrical Workers, the Furriers Union, Transport Union, National Maritime Union, and Department Store Workers' Union. This dissertation constructs Stage For Action as a social activist theatre that drew on the practices of the social activist and Workers' Theatres of the 1930s but utilized events specific to their historical moment in order to educate and activate their audiences. The dissertation moves freely between analyses of political, social, and theatrical events in order to address how Stage For Action directly commented on its entire cultural moment, its "norms, values, beliefs, and ways of life"; combating not only fascism and racism, but also the mainstream or commercial theatrical market through its productions

    Local collaborators on trial. Soviet war crimes trials under Stalin (1943-1953)

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    Financial efficiency and aggregate fluctuations: an exploration

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    An exploration of the link between changes in the efficiency of the financial system and business cycle fluctuations.Business cycles ; Banks and banking ; Macroeconomics