893 research outputs found

    Opera Scenes; Martin Johnson, stage director; Carolyn Hart, music director (March 19, 1999)

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    Opera Scenes; Martin Johnson, stage director; Carolyn Hart, music director (March 19, 1999

    The Harrowing of Hell, a Paschal Oratorio

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    The Harrowing of Hell is an event defined in early Christian doctrine, which states that between his death on Good Friday and his triumphant resurrection at Easter, Christ descended to Hell to claim the souls languishing in Satan\u27s thralldom by dint of Original Sin, having ransomed them by his passion and death. This oratorio is a treatment of that ancient story using the vibrant colors of early instrumental sound and drawing on a variety of forms and archetypes, most importantly those of the extant operas of Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) and the Easter Vigil of the Roman Catholic Church

    Lynn Griebling, soprano; Michael Moores, piano and harpsichord

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    Scherzi Musicali, Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) -- Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise, Georg Friederick Handel (1685-1759) -- Susse Stille, George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) -- Flammende Rose, From "Nuen Deutsche Arien", George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) -- Nichts, Richard Strauss (1864-1949) -- Nacht, Richard Strauss (1864-1949) -- Die Georgine, Richard Strauss (1864-1949) -- Allerseelen, From Op. 10, Richard Strauss (1864-1949) -- Six Songs, Op. 90, Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) -- Three Songs, Op. 18, Paul Hindemith -- Three Songs After Jennie Lind. O John No, Folk Song ; Drink to me only with thine eyes, Folk Song ; The Gypsy and the Bird, Julius Benedic

    Boston University Women's Chorale and Repertory Chorus, Monday, February 22, 1999

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Women's Chorale and Repertory Chorus performance on Monday, February 22, 1999 at 8:00 p.m., at Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Salve Regina by Claudio Monteverdi, Laudamus Te by Antonio Vivaldi, Non Vos Relinquam Orphanos by Ignazio Donati, Salve Regina by Franz Liszt, The Road Not Taken by Randall Thompson, and Der gang zum Liebchen, Op. 31 No. 3 and Neckereien, Op. 31 No. 2 by Johannes Brahms. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Baroque Chamber Music, February 24, 1997

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    This is the concert program of the Baroque Chamber Music performance on Monday, February 24, 1997 at 9:00 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Baroque Chamber Music Concert

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Chamber Music performance on Thursday, May 4, 2000 at 8:00 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Trio Sonata in C major by Antonio Vivaldi, Two Duets from "Il Coronazione de Poppea" by Claudio Monteverdi, Three Pieces de Viole by Marin Marais, Duo for Two Violins by Jean Marie Leclair, Sonata for Flute and Basso Continuo in E minor by Car Philipp Emanuel Bach, Trio Sonata No. 5 in F major by Jan Dismas Zelenka, Sonata for Flute and Harpsichord in E minor, K. 81 by Domenico Scarlatti, Sonata for Violin by David Petersen, and Piece de Clavecin en Concert No.1 by Jean-Philippe Rameau. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Empire Brass, May 3, 1986

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    This is the concert program of the Empire Brass performance on Saturday, May 3, 1986 at 8:00 p.m., at Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Dances from "Terpsichord" by Michael Praetorius, O Magnum Mysterium by Tomás Luis de Victoria, Le Renvoye by Pierre de la Rue, Agnus Dei by Antoine Brumel, "Re la re" by Christopher Tye, "Cyre" by C. Tye, "Saye so" by C. Tye, "Ridean già per le piagg' herbette e fiori" by Luca Marenzio, "Mentre vaga Angioletta ogn'anima" by Claudio Monteverdi, and Canzoni all Francese by Adriano Banchieri. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Baroque Chamber Music Concert, April 30, 1992

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    This is the concert program of the Baroque Chamber Music Concert on Thursday, April 30, 1992 at 8:30 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were QUartet in G minor by Georg Phillipp Telemann, Trio Sonata in D minor by George Frideric Handel, Cantata, "Ich Suchte des Nachts" by Dietrich Buxtehude, If Music Be The Food of Love by Henry Purcell, Lamento d'Arianna by Claudio Monteverdi, O come sei gentile by C. Monteverdi, and Quartet in G major by G. P. Telemann. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Análise do Prefácio de Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) ao "Oitavo Livro de Madrigais" de 1638, conforme diretrizes retóricas do gênero demonstrativo ou epidíctico

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    No ano de 1638, Claudio Monteverdi (1567- 1643) publicou seu Oitavo Livro de Madrigais que traz consigo um artificioso prefácio no qual o compositor demonstra todos os argumentos probatórios em favor de sua mais nova criação, o stile concitato. Este discurso prefacial, ignorado na maioria das pesquisas sobre este livro de madrigais, é construído sobre um gênero retórico específico, o gênero demonstrativo aristotélico ou gênero epidíctico. Nosso objetivo, portanto, é demonstrar quais são as prescrições deste gênero e como o discurso prefacial de Monteverdi é estruturado conforme suas diretivas.

    Boston University Collegium Musicum, December 16, 1994

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Collegium Musicum performance on Friday, December 16, 1994 at 8:00 p.m., at the Boston University Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Je ne puis vivre ainsy by Antoine Busnoys, Voi che ascoltate by Marchetto Cara, Mascherata d'astrologi by Francesco Corteccia, No tienen vado mis males by Juan del Encina, O felic' occhi miei by Jacques Arcadelt, Two recercadas on O felic' occhi miei by Diego Ortiz, Volcanes de Amor by Sebastián Durón, Chacona by Juan Arañés, La Negrina by Mateo Flecha, Dulce ruyseñor by Juan Hidalgo, Descuidado Ruiseñor by Francisco Xavier Nebra, Corazón que suspiras atento by Sebastián Durón, Ay que si, ay que no by Juan Hidalgo, "Ammutite, tacete," from Ormindo by Francesco Cavalieri, "Dagl'abissi del mio core," from Cantate, ariette e duetti, Op. 2 by Barbara Strozzi, "Quel sguardo sdegnosetto," from Scherzi Musicali by Claudio Monteverdi, and "Primo Intermedio," from La Pellegrina by Emilio de'Cavalieri and Cristofano Malvezzi. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund