1,327 research outputs found

    A class of finite pp-groups and the normalized unit groups of group algebras

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    Let pp be a prime and Fp\mathbb{F}_p be a finite field of pp elements. Let FpG\mathbb{F}_pG denote the group algebra of the finite pp-group GG over the field Fp\mathbb{F}_p and V(FpG)V(\mathbb{F}_pG) denote the group of normalized units in FpG\mathbb{F}_pG. Suppose that GG is a finite pp-group given by a central extension of the form 1Zpn×ZpmGZp××Zp11\longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}_{p^n}\times \mathbb{Z}_{p^m} \longrightarrow G \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}_p\times \cdots\times \mathbb{Z}_p \longrightarrow 1 and GZpG'\cong \mathbb{Z}_p, n,m1n, m\geq 1 and pp is odd. In this paper, the structure of GG is determined. And the relations of V(FpG)plV(\mathbb{F}_pG)^{p^l} and GplG^{p^l}, Ωl(V(FpG))\Omega_l(V(\mathbb{F}_pG)) and Ωl(G)\Omega_l(G) are given. Furthermore, there is a direct proof for V(FpG)pG=GpV(\mathbb{F}_pG)^p\bigcap G=G^p

    Tikhonov-Fenichel reduction for parameterized critical manifolds with applications to chemical reaction networks

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    We derive a reduction formula for singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations (in the sense of Tikhonov and Fenichel) with a known parameterization of the critical manifold. No a priori assumptions concerning separation of slow and fast variables are made, or necessary.We apply the theoretical results to chemical reaction networks with mass action kinetics admitting slow and fast reactions. For some relevant classes of such systems there exist canonical parameterizations of the variety of stationary points, hence the theory is applicable in a natural manner. In particular we obtain a closed form expression for the reduced system when the fast subsystem admits complex balanced steady states

    A finite element procedure for nonlinear prebuckling and initial postbuckling analysis

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    A procedure cast in a form appropriate to the finite element method is presented for geometrically nonlinear prebuckling and postbuckling structural analysis, including the identification of snap-through type of buckling. The principal features of this procedure are the use of direct iteration for solution of the nonlinear algebraic equations in the prebuckling range, an interpolation scheme for determination of the initial bifurcation point, a perturbation method in definition of the load-displacement behavior through the postbuckling regime, and extrapolation in determination of the limit point for snap-through buckling. Three numerical examples are presented in illustration of the procedure and in comparison with alternative approaches

    Genuine Bell locality and nonlocality in the networks

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    In the literature on KK-locality (K2K\geq2) networks, the local hidden variables are strictly distributed in the specific observers rather than the whole ones. Regarding genuine Bell locality, all local hidden variables, as classical objects that allow for perfect cloning in classical physics, should be cloned and then spread throughout the networks. More correlators are involved in the proposed linear and non-linear Bell-type inequalities, where their upper bounds are specified by the pre-determined output probability distribution. As for the quantum version, the no-clone theorem limits the broadcast of quantum correlations. To explore genuine Bell nonlocality in variant particle distributions in the networks, the Pauli operators stabilizing the two-qubit Bell states or multi-qubit Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger states (GHZ states) play an essential role in designing the proposed linear and non-linear Bell tests and assigning the local incompatible measurements for the spatially separated observers. We prove the maximal violations of the proposed Bell-type inequalities quantum networks. In the end, how entanglement swapping replaces the joint measurements in the Bell tests is demonstrated

    On the lowest possible dimension of supports of solutions to the discrete Schrodinger equation

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    In this article we study the possible size of support of solutions to the discrete stationary Schrodinger equation Δu(x)+V(x)u(x)=0\Delta u(x)+V(x)u(x)=0 in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. We show that for any nonzero solution to any discrete stationary Schrodinger equation the dimension of the support is at least log2(d)7.\log_2(d)-7. In the related setting of Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-valued harmonic functions in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d one can improve the estimate on support's dimension to log2(d).\log_2(d). However, we also provide an example where a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-valued harmonic function in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d has a fractal-like support with dimension log2(d)+1\log_2(d)+1. This fractal satisfies a recurrence relation: X=2X+{e1,e1,,ed,ed}.X = 2X+\{e_1,-e_1,\dots,e_d,-e_d\}. This example and estimate provide an answer to the Malinnikova's question about the smallest size of set XZdX\subset\mathbb{Z}^d such that no cross contains exactly one point of XX

    The Zieschang-McCool method for generating algebraic mapping-class groups

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    Let g and p be non-negative integers. Let A(g,p) denote the group consisting of all those automorphisms of the free group on {t_1,...,t_p, x_1,...,x_g, y_1,...y_g} which fix the element t_1t_2...t_p[x_1,y_1]...[x_g,y_g] and permute the set of conjugacy classes {[t_1],....,[t_p]}. Labru\`ere and Paris, building on work of Artin, Magnus, Dehn, Nielsen, Lickorish, Zieschang, Birman, Humphries, and others, showed that A(g,p) is generated by a set that is called the ADLH set. We use methods of Zieschang and McCool to give a self-contained, algebraic proof of this result. Labru\`ere and Paris also gave defining relations for the ADLH set in A(g,p); we do not know an algebraic proof of this for g > 1. Consider an orientable surface S(g,p) of genus g with p punctures, such that (g,p) is not (0,0) or (0,1). The algebraic mapping-class group of S(g,p), denoted M(g,p), is defined as the group of all those outer automorphisms of the one-relator group with generating set {t_1,...,t_p, x_1,...,x_g, y_1,...y_g} and relator t_1t_2...t_p[x_1,y_1]...[x_g,y_g] which permute the set of conjugacy classes {[t_1],....,[t_p]}. It now follows from a result of Nielsen that M(g,p) is generated by the image of the ADLH set together with a reflection. This gives a new way of seeing that M(g,p) equals the (topological) mapping-class group of S(g,p), along lines suggested by Magnus, Karrass, and Solitar in 1966.Comment: 21 pages, 0 figure