144 research outputs found


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    In lectures, attendance is one of the assessment points that plays an important role in determining a student's graduation. The attendance prediction simulation is an estimate of the calculation of student attendance in lectures. This type of research is quantitative research using data collection techniques by means of observation and documentation study. In the process of analysis, the observed data were attendance data of 5th semester computer engineering study program students and a sample of 40 people as research subjects. The stages of the monte carlo simulation are used: Determining variable frequency; Calculating cumulative probabilities; Determine random number intervals; Create a simulation to determine student attendance; Generate random numbers; Make a simulation of the experimental circuit. Based on a series of experimental data that has been The simulation results obtained predicted attendance and absence of computer engineering study program students at the STMIK Agamua Wamena campus from November 7 to December 19, 2022 with an average attendance of above 50%. Keywords— Attendance, Simulation, Monte carlo, Predictio

    Systemic lupus erythematosus: one year in review 2023

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations and a relapsing-remitting course. New data regarding pathogenic pathways, biomarkers and clinical manifestations of SLE are emerging, and new drugs and therapeutic protocols have been proposed to improve the control of disease activity. Furthermore, new insights into comorbidities and reproductive health in SLE patients are constantly emerging.This annual review aims to summarise the most relevant data on SLE that was published in 2022

    Probiotics and Gut Microbiota: The Underlying Helpers of Health

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    As per the amount of time that bacteria spend living and growing in the intestine, we can divide them into two categories: long-term (also called permanent residents) and transitory (also called alien). According to the findings of previous research, a dysbiosis of the microbiota in the gut may be linked to a wide variety of human illnesses. Microorganisms that are considered to be living, such as bacteria, are known as probiotics. When given to a host in adequate quantities, probiotics can be beneficial. There is compelling evidence that probiotics have a positive impact on health, but this area of research has to be expanded

    Congenital dacryocele: a case report

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    Introducción: el dacriocele congénito es una entidad poco frecuente por obstrucción del conducto nasolagrimal.Presentación del caso: neonato, del sexo femenino, de 17 días de nacida, producto de un parto eutócico, atérmino, sin antecedentes prenatales de importancia. Acude a los servicios por presentar inflamación en ojo derecho desde el nacimiento, secreciones conjuntivales abundantes e hiperemia conjuntival. A examen físico se constata presencia de un tumor de 8 mm de diámetro en zona del saco lagrimal derecho, no doloroso a la palpación, de coloración azulada. Se indica como complementario imágenes como ecografía. Se determina el diagnóstico de dacriocele congénito. Se decidió tratamiento no quirúrgico. Se indicó compresas tibias en la zona del saco lagrimal afectado por cinco minutos, tres veces al día. Se decide colocar antibioticoterapia con tobramicina + dexametasona en colirio, indicada una gota cada cuatro horas por 10 días. Al cabo del tratamiento se mostró mejoría, sin necesidad de otras intervenciones. Se indicó seguimiento por consulta de oftalmología.Conclusiones: el dacriocele congénito constituye una entidad congénita de las vías lagrimales de baja incidencia. Su diagnóstico es clínico, sin embargo, para descartar otras entidades resultan necesarias pruebas de imagen. El tratamiento médico conservador puede llevar a la resolución de la entidad, resultando útil el masaje sumado a terapia antimicrobiana; sin embargo, puede requerirse una intervención quirúrgica.Introduction: congenital dacryocele is a rare entity due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction.Case report: female neonate, 17 days old, born after euthyroid delivery, at term, with no significant prenatal history. She presented with swelling of the right eye since birth, abundant conjunctival secretions and conjunctival hyperemia. Physical examination revealed the presence of an 8 mm diameter tumor in the area of the right lacrimal sac, not painful to palpation, bluish color. Complementary images such as ultrasound were indicated. The diagnosis of congenital dacryocele was determined. Non surgical treatment was decided. Warm compresses were indicated in the area of the affected lacrimal sac for five minutes, three times a day. It was decided to apply antibiotic therapy with tobramycin + dexamethasone in eye drops, one drop every four hours for 10 days. At the end of the treatment, the patient showed improvement, without the need of further interventions. Follow-up by ophthalmology was indicated.Conclusions: Congenital dacryocele is a congenital entity of the lacrimal ducts of low incidence. Its diagnosis is clinical; however, imaging tests are necessary to rule out other entities. Conservative medical treatment may lead to resolution of the entity, with massage and antimicrobial therapy being useful; however, surgical intervention may be required

    Environmental Factors Associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Introducción: la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es una entidad caracterizada por la disnea, tos crónica y fatiga, siendo la gravedad de estos progresiva mientras avanza la enfermedad y determinada por el predominio de uno de sus componentes: bronquitis crónica y enfisema.Objetivo: describir los factores ambientales asociados al desarrollo de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de información en las bases de datos SciELO, Medigraphic, Redalyc y AmeliCA. Se seleccionaron 22 artículos referentes al periodo 2018-2020, de acceso abierto y en idiomas español e inglés. Desarrollo: los factores ambientales que predisponen a la población a desarrollar EPOC son el tabaquismo (activo y pasivo), exposición a contaminantes ambientales, sustancias industriales.Conclusiones: la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica presenta alta mortalidad en todo el mundo, por esta razón es indispensable tomar en cuenta la predisposición que puede tener una persona a desarrollar esta enfermedad, así como la importancia que tiene para los médicos realizar un diagnóstico y prevención oportunos.Introduction: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an entity characterized by dyspnea, chronic cough and fatigue, being the severity of these progressive as the disease progresses and determined by the predominance of one of its components: chronic bronchitis and emphysema.Objective: to describe the environmental factors associated with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Methods: a search for information was carried out in the SciELO, Medigraphic, Redalyc and AmeliCA databases. Twenty-two articles referring to the period 2018-2020, open access and in Spanish and English languages were selected.Development: the environmental factors that predispose the population to develop COPD are smoking (active and passive), exposure to environmental pollutants, industrial substances.Conclusions: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease presents high mortality worldwide, for this reason it is essential to take into account the predisposition that a person may have to develop this disease, as well as the importance for physicians to make a timely diagnosis and prevention

    Chronic Immunoinflammatory Periodontal Disease in Diabetic Patients

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    Introducción: la enfermedad periodontal y la diabetes mellitus son padecimientos de origen multifactorial que se asocian de manera bidireccional. Su estudio posibilita ampliar conocimientos, lograr mejor cuidado de la salud bucal y elevar la calidad de vida de un gran número de pacientes diabéticos que actualmente sufren de enfermedad periodontal inmunoinflamatoria crónica.Objetivo: describir las características clínico-epidemiológicas de los pacientes diabéticos con enfermedad periodontal inmunoinflamatoria crónica, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “Antonio Briones Montoto” de la provincia Pinar del Río.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en el período noviembre/2021 – abril/2022. El universo estuvo constituido por 62 pacientes diabéticos atendidos en consulta de periodoncia de la Clínica. La muestra fue intencional no probabilística y quedó conformada por 59 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los resultados se representaron en tablas estadísticas con la utilización de frecuencias absolutas y porcientos como medidas de resumen, así como Chi Cuadrado para un nivel de significación de p<0,05, grados de libertad y cálculo de probabilidades.Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino (61 %) y los pacientes del grupo de edad de 60 y más años (42,4 %). La higiene bucal deficiente (88,1 %) resultó ser el factor de riesgo que más afectó la muestra estudiada. Predominaron las formas avanzadas de la enfermedad periodontal inmunoinflamatoria crónica; la periodontitis avanzada (49,2 %) la de mayor prevalencia.Conclusiones: la enfermedad periodontal inmunoinflamatoria crónica en los pacientes diabéticos estudiados se caracterizó por predominio femenino y edades avanzadas, con presencia de periodontitis avanzada y deficiente higiene bucal.Introduction: periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus are conditions of multifactorial origin that are associated in a bidirectional way. Their study makes it possible to expand knowledge, achieve better oral health care and improve the quality of life of a large number of diabetic patients who currently suffer from chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease.Objective: to describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of diabetic patients with chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease treated at the "Antonio Briones Montoto" Teaching Stomatology Clinic in Pinar del Río province.Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out during the period November/2021 - April/2022. The universe was constituted by 62 diabetic patients attended in periodontics consultation of the Clinic. The sample was intentional, non-probabilistic and consisted of 59 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results were represented in statistical tables using absolute frequencies and percentages as summary measures, as well as Chi Square for a significance level of p<0,05, degrees of freedom and calculation of probabilities.Results: female sex (61 %) and patients in the 60 and older age group (42,4 %) predominated. Poor oral hygiene (88,1 %) was the risk factor that most affected the sample studied. Advanced forms of chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease predominated, with advanced periodontitis (49,2 %) being the most prevalent.Conclusions: Chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease in the diabetic patients studied was characterized by female predominance and advanced age, with the presence of advanced periodontitis and poor oral hygiene

    The Role of Self Congruity on The Effect to Brand Equity on Brand Preference (Study of IT Telkom Purwokerto)

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    Finding an ideal university considered as a difficult process because it will involve students’ identity and conformity. This research was conducted to examine the role of self congruity on the brand preference that moderated by brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality. The research was conducted in IT Telkom Purwokerto to measure how students prefer this brand. The result showed that self congruity had a significant influence on brand preference moderated by brand equity. All variables were statistically tested and had a significant path. Brand equity would be influenced by students’ self concept and conformity where this state would lead them to create their consideration on the brand equity. By this brand equity, students would explore what university’s brand is relevant and ideal to their self concept and identity. This research found and underlined that self congruity had a significant influence on brand preference moderated by brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality.Keywords: Self Congruity; Brand Awareness; Brand Association; Perceived Quality; Brand Preference

    Government revenue and spending nexus in regional Indonesia: Causality approach

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    This study aims to test the hypothesis that explains the relationship between tax revenue and government spending in six Indonesian regions. Furthermore, the units of analysis were districts and cities in each region from 2006 to 2017, and a Granger panel causality approach was used. The results showed five experienced bidirectional causalities between tax revenues and local government spending out of the six regions, namely Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and the Bali &amp; Nusa Tenggara. Also, there was fiscal synchronisation in five regions, while the tax-spend hypothesis applies in the Papua &amp; Maluku regions. Therefore, the local governments in these regions need to be careful in deciding actions related to increasing revenue. This can be achieved through the tax sector's optimisation and expenditure increment by encouraging public spending from the administration

    Controversies in ureteroscopy: lasers, scopes, ureteral access sheaths, practice patterns and beyond

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    Ureteroscopy has become an increasingly popular surgical intervention for conditions such as urinary stone disease. As new technologies and techniques become available, debate regarding their proper use has risen. This includes the role of single use ureteroscopes, optimal laser for stone lithotripsy, basketing versus dusting, the impact of ureteral access sheath, the need for safety guidewire, fluoroscopy free URS, imaging and follow up practices are all areas which have generated a lot of debate. This review serves to evaluate each of these issues and provide a balanced conclusion to guide the clinician in their practice

    Food Insecurity in Thailand during the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    Food insecurity is a reality for millions of people around the world and affects even relatively affluent populations such as those found in urban Bangkok in Thailand. It is anticipated that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic will have intensified the presence of food insecurity both in the initial closedown that prevented food from entering the city but, also, in the longer term as the economic damage has intensified across the country. This raises questions about the extent to which people are experiencing food insecurity and how are they dealing with it. In particular, what level of resilience are people showing in response to the crisis? A qualitative research program of personal interviews was organized to explore these issues. Content analysis revealed that the sample was responding to these issues in a manner generally predicted by the existing research but with the addition of a non-technical form of mindful meditation we have called ‘everyday fatalism.’ The paper contributes to awareness of food insecurity in Thailand during the coronavirus period and an understanding of the adaptability of people in a Buddhist society dealing with hardship. The spiritual element of life is present in becoming resilient according to how respondents describe their experiences