776 research outputs found

    0726: Robert A. Grant Papers, 1903-1984

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    This collection is principally composed of a diary written by Robert A. Grant while he was a student at Marshall between 1933 and 1938. The diary covers Grant’s life as a student and his work in the Anderson-Newcomb department store. Additional materials include copies of the Parthenon published after the 1970 Marshall plane crash, a copy of the Greenline with Grant’s name in it as a donor, two algebra textbooks from 1903 and 1904, and newspaper clippings about an October 1970 riot in Huntington

    Remembrances of Eva Foster Robinson: 1903-1984

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    Dr. Elwyn Robinson wrote this book following the death of his wife, Eva, in 1984. The publication records memories of their courtship, marriage, and family life.https://commons.und.edu/und-books/1022/thumbnail.jp


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    The papers of Ophelia Settle Egypt (1903-1984), sociologist, social worker, educator and writer, reflect the varied vocations and interests of a multifaceted Black woman. The initial deposit of papers was made by Mrs. Egypt in 1977, the balance being deposited after her death in 1984. The collection totals approximately 11 linear feet and span a period from the early 1930s to the 1930s

    Cass County Cemetery (Fargo, N.D.) Records, 1903-1984

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    Photocopy of handwritten and typed originals. The first list is a chronological record of burials in the county cemetery, beginning in 1903 and ending in 1934; a map of the cemetery is included. This list gives name, age, and occasionally, cause of death. Many of these burials were from the Cass County Poor Farm located in the same area. The other list begins with burials in 1947 and goes through 1984. It gives name, date of burial, age, and funeral home in charge of arrangements

    K.C. Wu Collection

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    K.C. Wu (1903-1984) served as mayor of several Chinese cities during the 1930s and 1940s and then in December 1949 was appointed Governor of Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek. Wu emigrated to the United States in 1954. Wu joined the faculty of Armstrong from 1966 to 1973. The collection consists of biographical information, manuscripts mainly of The Chinese Heritage (1982), lecture notes, clippings and information on his lawsuit with the National Endowment for the Humanities in 1972. Also Wu\u27s collection of Chinese history books.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/finding-aids-lane/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Film Compilation as Restoration?: borders, bricolage and La venganza de Pancho Villa

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    This essay examines the “film compilation” framed within early Mexican itinerant exhibition practices using the specific case study of entrepreneurs Félix Padilla (1862-1937) and his son Edmundo Padilla (1903-1984) of the El Paso-Juárez border region. As I will show, the Padillas’ La venganza de Pancho Villa (Pancho Villa’s Revenge) is a borderless film of continually changing ideas and technical processes, one that destabilizes the notion of the original that is used to identify differences between national cinemas and as a standard for film preservation protocol that determines national heritage. In its place, I offer the notion of bricolage as a methodological concept for understanding the heterogeneous nature of cinema in general, and more specifically to describe the craft repurposing exemplified by the Padillas’ artisanal, bilingual and bicultural media practice.Key words: bricolage, fronterizo, intermediality, hybridity, film preservation, heritage                             ___________ ¿Compilación como restauración?: fronteras, bricolaje y La venganza de Pancho VillaResumen: En este ensayo se examina la “compilación fílmica” en relación con prácticas tempranas de la exhibición itinerante en México, utilizando el caso específico de los empresarios Félix Padilla (1862-1937) y su hijo Edmundo Padilla (1903-1984), de la región fronteriza de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua-El Paso, Texas. Como se mostrará, la película de los Padilla La venganza de Pancho Villa es una cinta abierta en la que se da un continuo cambio de ideas y de procesos técnicos. Ese cambio desestabiliza la noción de original que se usa para identificar las diferencias entre cines nacionales y para servir de modelo en los protocolos de conservación cinematográfica que determinan el patrimonio nacional. En lugar de esa noción se propone la de bricolaje, concepto metodológico que permite comprender la naturaleza heterogénea del cine en general y más específicamente el oficio de reconversión ejemplificado por las prácticas mediáticas artesanales, bilingües y biculturales de los Padilla.Palabras clave: bricolage, fronterizo, intermedialidad, preservación, patrimonio___________ Compilação como restauração?: fronteiras, bricolagem e A vingança de Pancho VillaResumo: Neste ensaio se examina a “compilação fílmica” em relação com práticas precoces da exibição itinerante no México, utilizando o caso específico dos empresários Félix Padilla (1862-1937) e seu filho Edmundo Padilla (1903-1984), da região fronteiriça de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua-O Passo, Texas. Como se mostrará, o filme dos Padilla La venganza de Pancho Villa (A vingança de Pancho Villa) é uma fita aberta na qual se dá uma mudança continua de ideias e de processos técnicos. Essa mudança desestabiliza a noção de original que determina o patrimônio nacional e sirve de modelo nos protocolos de conservação cinematográfica que determinam o patrimônio nacional. Em lugar dessa noção se propõe a de bricolagem, conceito metodológico que permite compreender a natureza heterogénea do cinema em geral e mais especificamente o oficio de reconversão exemplificado pelas práticas mediáticas artesanais, bilíngues e bi culturais dos Padilla.Palavras chave: bricolagem, fronteiriço, intermedialidade, preservação, patrimônio___________Date of reception: 26th September 2016Date of acceptance: 12th November 2016This essay examines the “film compilation” framed within early Mexican itinerant exhibition practices using the specific case study of entrepreneurs Félix Padilla (1862-1937) and his son Edmundo Padilla (1903-1984) of the El Paso-Juárez border region. As I will show, the Padillas’ La venganza de Pancho Villa (Pancho Villa’s Revenge) is a borderless film of continually changing ideas and technical processes, one that destabilizes the notion of the original that is used to identify differences between national cinemas and as a standard for film preservation protocol that determines national heritage. In its place, I offer the notion of bricolage as a methodological concept for understanding the heterogeneous nature of cinema in general, and more specifically to describe the craft repurposing exemplified by the Padillas’ artisanal, bilingual and bicultural media practice.Key words: bricolage, fronterizo, intermediality, hybridity, film preservation, heritage                             ___________¿Compilación como restauración?: fronteras, bricolaje y La venganza de Pancho VillaResumen: En este ensayo se examina la “compilación fílmica” en relación con prácticas tempranas de la exhibición itinerante en México, utilizando el caso específico de los empresarios Félix Padilla (1862-1937) y su hijo Edmundo Padilla (1903-1984), de la región fronteriza de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua-El Paso, Texas. Como se mostrará, la película de los Padilla La venganza de Pancho Villa es una cinta abierta en la que se da un continuo cambio de ideas y de procesos técnicos. Ese cambio desestabiliza la noción de original que se usa para identificar las diferencias entre cines nacionales y para servir de modelo en los protocolos de conservación cinematográfica que determinan el patrimonio nacional. En lugar de esa noción se propone la de bricolaje, concepto metodológico que permite comprender la naturaleza heterogénea del cine en general y más específicamente el oficio de reconversión ejemplificado por las prácticas mediáticas artesanales, bilingües y biculturales de los Padilla.Palabras clave: bricolage, fronterizo, intermedialidad, preservación, patrimonio___________ Compilação como restauração?: fronteiras, bricolagem e A vingança de Pancho VillaResumo: Neste ensaio se examina a “compilação fílmica” em relação com práticas precoces da exibição itinerante no México, utilizando o caso específico dos empresários Félix Padilla (1862-1937) e seu filho Edmundo Padilla (1903-1984), da região fronteiriça de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua-O Passo, Texas. Como se mostrará, o filme dos Padilla La venganza de Pancho Villa (A vingança de Pancho Villa) é uma fita aberta na qual se dá uma mudança continua de ideias e de processos técnicos. Essa mudança desestabiliza a noção de original que determina o patrimônio nacional e sirve de modelo nos protocolos de conservação cinematográfica que determinam o patrimônio nacional. Em lugar dessa noção se propõe a de bricolagem, conceito metodológico que permite compreender a natureza heterogénea do cinema em geral e mais especificamente o oficio de reconversão exemplificado pelas práticas mediáticas artesanais, bilíngues e bi culturais dos Padilla.Palavras chave: bricolagem, fronteiriço, intermedialidade, preservação, patrimônio___________ Fecha de recepción: 26 de septiembre de 2016 Fecha de aceptación: 12 de noviembre de 201

    On the Performance of Multi-Antenna Techniques for Spatially and Temporally Correlated Wireless Channels

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    As the demand for advanced wireless services continues to grow, system designers must employ innovative signal processing techniques to increase data throughput and maintain reliablity under adverse channel conditions. Multi-antenna techniques, such as space-time coding and beamforming, have shown promise in realizing these goals. As these and other techniques are introduced, understanding their performance in realistic scattering environments is of paramount importance. This thesis contributes to the field of wireless communications by determining the performance of multi-antenna techniques for spatially and temporally correlated wireless channels. First, we propose a general space-time covariance model that is applicable to arbitrary scatterer geometry, arbitrary array geometry at the base station and the mobile, and includes Doppler effects due to mobile motion. We then apply this model, in conjunction with a two-dimensional Gaussian scatterer model based on recent field measurements, to evaluate the exact pairwise error probability for arbitrary space-time block codes and determine an upper bound on the probability of a block error. In addition, we derive exact closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability for orthogonal space-time block coding, maximum ratio transmission, and beamsteering for spatially correlated quasi-static wireless channels. Finally, we present extensive numerical results that illustrate the performance of these techniques for varying degrees of spatial and temporal correlation. We also provide a comparative performance assessment of beamforming and orthogonal space-time block coding and determine the channel conditions for which one technique is favored over the other

    Ein Biobibliograaphicher Beitrag über Dr. Josip Nagy (1884-1981)

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    Josip Dragutin Nagy (Pag, 1884. - Zagreb, 1981) bio je službenik Kr. Državnog arkiva u Zagrebu (1919-1926), profesor Ekonomsko-komercijalne visoke škole u Zagrebu (1926- 1947) i ravnatelj Kr. Državnog arkiva u Zagrebu (1939-1941). Znanstveni interes usmjerio je na povijest, filologiju (slavistiku), arhivistiku, pomoćne povijesne znanosti, povijest književnosti i politologiju. U radu se donosi biografija dr. Nagya i popis njegovih knjiga, rasprava i članaka (1903-1984).Josip Dragutin Nagy (Pag, Insel Pag, 1884-1981) wirkte als Mitarbeiter des Königlichen Staatsarchivs in Zagreb (Kr. Državni arkiv u Zagrebu) 1919-1926, Professor an der Wirtschaftshochschule in Zagreb (Ekonomsko-komercijalna visoka škola u Zagrebu) 1926-1947 und Direktor des Königlichen Staatsarchivs in Zagreb 1939-1941. Seine wissenschaftliches Interesse galt dem Bereich Geschichte, Philologie (Slavistik), Archivistik, historische Hilfsdisziplinen, Literaturgeschichte und Politikwissenschaft. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt eine Biographie des Dr. Josip Nagy sowie eine Liste seiner Bücher, Abhandlungen und Artikel (1903-1984)

    Shannon, Jasper Berry, 1903-1984 (SC 1404)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 1404. Speech entitled The Living Past and the Future, given by Jasper B. Shannon to the Kentucky Cemetery Restoration Association, Lexington, Kentucky, focusing on death as society views it