6,677,280 research outputs found

    Response of Lowland Rice Plants to Simulated Insect Defoliation in West Africa

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    Field experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of simulated insect-caused defoliation on irrigated rice. Defoliation levels tested were 0% (control), 25% defoliation at 21 days after transplanting (dat), 25% defoliation at 41 dat, 25% defoliation at 21 and 42 dat, 50% defoliation at 21 dat, 50% defoliation at 42 dat, 75% defoliation at 21 dat, 75% defoliation at 42 dat, 75% defoliation at 21 and 42 dat, 100% defoliation at 21 dat, and 100% defoliation at 21 and 42 dat. Tiller height, total number of tillers, percent panicle-bearing tillers, weight of 100 grains, and grain yields were recorded. The rice plant when defoliated just before tillering or in the tillering stage has the ability to compensate for defoliation damage. No yield losses occurred at 25% defoliation. Defoliation of 100% had a significant effect on the total number of tillers and on grain yield. Yield losses at 100% defoliation over the 3 years of the study averaged 40% in the 21 dat treatment and 55% in the 21 and 42 dat treatment. The implications of the development of cultural practices to manage lowland rice defoliating insects are discussed

    The capital market crowding out problem in perspective

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    Capital market

    Electromagnetic Meson Production in the Nucleon Resonance Region

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    Recent experimental and theoretical advances in investigating electromagnetic meson production reactions in the nucleon resonance region are reviewed.Comment: 75 pages, 42 figure

    Profile of public laboratories, industrial partnerships and organisation of R & D: the dynamics of industrial relationships in a large research organisation

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    There is a paucity of papers dealing with the system characteristics of laboratories or, put in another way, the institutional character of research organisations. Neither R & D economics nor the sociology of science, as traditionally conceived, has made much headway in providing insight into sets of R & D laboratories and their evolution. Drawing upon an empirical study in the plant breeding and biochemical industry, this paper presents a typology of public research laboratories which is based on three dimensions: scientific production and visibility, type of funding (public or private) and homogeneity of research themes. Three types of public laboratory emerge: the first, called “research centres for the profession”, is composed essentially of laboratories with close ties with small and medium firms (SMEs) and industry associations. The second, called “designers of generic tools and methods”, is oriented towards basic research and themes of general interest to the industry as a whole. The third type, called “basic and specialised laboratories”, strives to develop its scientific visibility. Contracts between this type of laboratory and industry are mainly bilateral and demonstrate the complementarity between public and private research. Each type of laboratory develops specific types of relationship with private partners. The authors have identified three logics underlying these relationships: proximity, market and club. The main objective of contracts based on a proximity logic is to test a hypothesis, while the knowledge produced is mostly tacit and specific. By contrast, knowledge is entirely coded and specific in the market logic, where the aim of the contract is to implement expertise in order to relieve a scientific bottleneck. In a club logic, the aim of contracts is to produce a technical referent. In each kind of contract, the learning trajectories, modes of co-ordination, role of trust and degree to which contracts are complete or not, are different.

    Does Long-Term Macrophyte Management in Lakes Affect Biotic Richness and Diversity?

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    We hypothesize that the richness and diversity of the biota in Lake Moraine (42°50’47”N, 75°31’39”W) in New York have been negatively impacted by 60 years of macrophyte and algae management to control Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and associated noxious plants. To test this hypothesis we compare water quality characteristics, richness and selected indicators of plant diversity, zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in Lake Moraine with those in nearby Hatch Lake (42°50’06”N, 75°40’67”W). The latter is of similar size and would be expected to have similar biota, but has not been subjected to management. Measurements of temperature, pH, oxygen, conductivity, Secchi transparency, calcium, total phosphorus and nitrites + nitrates are comparable. Taxa richness and the diversity indices applied to the aquatic macrophytes are similar in both lakes. (PDF has 8 pages.

    DDO Photometry of M71: Carbon and Nitrogen Patterns Among Evolving Giants

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    We present V, B-V, and DDO C(41-42) and C(42-45) photometry for a sample of 75 red giants down to M_V = +2 in the relatively metal-rich Galactic globular cluster M71. The C(41-42) colors reveal a bimodal distribution of CN band strengths generally anticorrelated with CH band strength as measured by the C(42-45) color. Both DDO colors agree well with those found in 47 Tucanae -- a nearby globular cluster of similar metallicity -- and suggest nearly identical C and N abundance patterns among the giants of both clusters. A comparison with synthetic DDO colors demonstrates that little change in surface C or N abundance is required to match the colors of the M71 giants over the entire luminosity range observed. Apparently like 47 Tuc (a cluster of much greater mass and central concentration), M71 exhibits an abundance pattern which cannot be solely the result of internal mixing.Comment: To appear in the Astronomical Journal, November 2001. 17 Pages, 5 Figure

    Urban Informality and COVID-19 Responses in Masvingo City, Zimbabwe: Questioning City Inclusivity

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    In many cities, urban informality is sidelined in the provision of services and development of the city. The outbreak of COVID-19 has called for myriad interventions to stop the spread in many cities. The big question in the city of Masvingo is how urban informality has been included in these interventions. COVID-19 has been on the increase since it was ever recorded in the city of Masvingo. As at end of August 2020, over 200 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded and pointers also show that cases are on the increase. Many people have been deprived of their livelihoods in the city due to the outbreak of COVID-19, thereby exposing people to vulnerability due to lack of livelihoods. The outbreak of COVID-19 has also resulted in closure of countless economic activities in the city, thereby depriving people from their sources of livelihoods. The most affected by the closure of economic activities are the informal traders. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has called for copious interventions to try and stop the spread of the disease. The study examined the inclusivity of COVID-19 interventions in the city of Masvingo to see how they include other disadvantaged groups such as the urban informality. The informal sector in the city of Masvingo is not included in the city’s COVID-19 response strategies. The city is mainly focusing on the formal sector in their response strategies, thereby leaving the informal sector out and exposing them to elevated risk of contracting the COVID-19 disease. This research examined the inclusivity of the COVID-19 interventions in the city of Masvingo, with special reference to the people in the informal sector. The informal sector, even though they live in cities, they are usually regarded as people living in the urban periphery because they are not included in the city’s development agenda and service delivery system. The research applied a qualitative methodology where in-depth interviews and field observations were used to collect data. Interviews were done with city authorities and people in the informal sector. The research showed that the interventions taken to fight the outbreak of the COVID-19 have not benefited the people in the informal sector but only the formal sector. The informal sector has been sidelined, showing a clear exclusionary urban policy. Their livelihoods were destroyed in the guise of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, such destructions were not done in the formal sector which again apparently shows exclusive urban policy. The research therefore calls for a more holistic approach in the fight against COVID-19 disease for the inclusive of the city and the betterment of life for all people in the city

    Можливості застосування соноеластографії при лейоміомі й аденоміозі

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    Background. Uterine leiomyoma and endometriosis are common gynecological diseases of women in childbearing potential. This fact necessitates developing an optimal protocol for examination of patients in order to implement an individual approach to treatment. Diagnosis of mixed forms of pathological myometrium conditions causes some difficulties. Elastography technique makes it possible to assess the density of the myometrium, which may be essential for differentiating the diagnosis of leiomyoma and adenomyosis in mixed forms. Рurpose – to ascertain the potential of transvaginal ultrasound along with compression sonoelastography to determine the deformation coefficient in differential diagnosis of various pathological myometrium conditions. Materials and methods. The paper presents the analysis of elastographic findings of the uterus in 155 women obtained via compression sonoelastography performed by means of HITACHI AVIUS device. Patients were divided into 4 groups: control, women with uterine leiomyoma, uterine adenomyosis, with combined leiomyoma and adenomyosis. The transabdominal/ transvaginal ultrasound findings were confirmed by histopathological examination. The standard point scale was used to determine the deformation coefficient. Results. Elastographic characteristics were assessed in accordance with sonoelastography findings, i. e. deformation coefficients common in leiomyoma and adenomyosis. The maximum values of the deformation coefficient were obtained in leiomyoma (in an amount of 2 to 6.0 units). In case of diffuse or focal adenomyosis, the deformation coefficient was in an amount of 0.5 to 1.5 units indicating high myometrial elasticity vs the unchanged myometrium. For its part, in Group I (control), the deformation coefficient ranged from 1 to 1.7 units. High myometrial elasticity in adenomyosis vs the unchanged myometrium as well low elasticity or high density of the myometrium in leiomyoma were observed. Conclusions. The deformation coefficients in patients with leiomyoma and adenomyosis and unchanged myometrium were obtained via ultrasound with compression sonoelastography and they made it possible to determine the degree of elasticity of the myometrium and its changes in the relevant pathology. Elastography is capable of identifying clear distinctive features of leiomyoma and adenomyosis. The coincidence of the diagnosis of adenomyosis based on elastography and histology is significant, but not optimal. The unchanged myometrium has a certain elasticity, which can be equated to a numerical value, i. e. the deformation coefficient, and this param changes in case of leiomyoma or adenomyosis, which makes it possible to differentiate these pathological conditions of the myometrium.Актуальність. Лейоміома матки й ендометріоз є поширеними гінекологічними захворюваннями жінок репродуктивного віку. Це створює потребу розроблення оптимального протоколу обстеження хворих для реалізації індивідуального підходу в лікуванні. Діагностика змішаних форм патологічних станів міометрія викликає певні труднощі. Методика еластографії дає змогу оцінити щільність міометрія, що може мати значення для диференціації діагнозу лейоміоми й аденоміозу при змішаних формах. Мета роботи – виявити можливості трансвагінального ультразвукового дослідження із застосуванням компресійної соноеластографії з визначенням коефіцієнта деформації в диференційній діагностиці різних патологічних станів міометрія. Матеріали та методи. Проведено аналіз еластографічних даних матки 155 жінок, отриманих із застосуванням компресійної соноеластографії апаратом HITACHI AVIUS. Хворих розподілили на 4 групи: порівняння, жінки з лейоміомою матки, з аденоміозом матки, з поєднаними лейоміомою й аденоміозом. Результати трансабдомінального / трансвагінального УЗД підтверджувалися патогістологічним дослідженням. За стандартною бальною шкалою жорсткості визначали коефіцієнт деформації. Результати та їх обговорення. За соноеластограмами визначені еластографічні характеристики — коефіцієнти деформації, характерні для лейоміоми й аденоміозу. Максимальні значення коефіцієнта деформації отримані при лейоміомі (у межах від 2,0 до 6,0 од. виміру). При наявності дифузного або вогнищевого аденоміозу коефіцієнт деформації був у межах від 0,5 до 1,5 од. вимірювання, що свідчить про високу еластичність міометрія проти незміненого міометрія. У I групі (порівняння) коефіцієнт деформації коливався в межах від 1,0 до 1,7 од. вимірювання. Відзначається висока еластичність міометрія при аденоміозі проти незміненого міометрія; низька еластичність або висока щільність міометрія при лейоміомі. Висновки. При проведенні УЗД із застосуванням компресійної соноеластографії у пацієнток із лейоміомою й аденоміозом і незміненим міометрієм отримані коефіцієнти деформації, які дають змогу визначити ступінь еластичності міометрія та його зміни при відповідній патології. Еластографія дає змогу ідентифікувати чіткі відмітні ознаки лейоміоми й аденоміозу. Збіг між діагностикою аденоміозу на основі еластографії та гістології є істотним, але не оптимальним. Незмінений міометрій має певну еластичність, яку можна прирівняти до числового значення, а саме коефіцієнта деформації, і цей показник змінюється в разі наявності лейоміоми або аденоміозу, що створює можливість диференціювати ці патологічні стани міометрія

    Urban Informality and COVID-19 Responses in Masvingo City, Zimbabwe: Questioning City Inclusivity

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    In many cities, urban informality is sidelined in the provision of services and development of the city. The outbreak of COVID-19 has called for myriad interventions to stop the spread in many cities. The big question in the city of Masvingo is how urban informality has been included in these interventions. COVID-19 has been on the increase since it was ever recorded in the city of Masvingo. As at end of August 2020, over 200 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded and pointers also show that cases are on the increase. Many people have been deprived of their livelihoods in the city due to the outbreak of COVID-19, thereby exposing people to vulnerability due to lack of livelihoods. The outbreak of COVID-19 has also resulted in closure of countless economic activities in the city, thereby depriving people from their sources of livelihoods. The most affected by the closure of economic activities are the informal traders. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has called for copious interventions to try and stop the spread of the disease. The study examined the inclusivity of COVID-19 interventions in the city of Masvingo to see how they include other disadvantaged groups such as the urban informality. The informal sector in the city of Masvingo is not included in the city’s COVID-19 response strategies. The city is mainly focusing on the formal sector in their response strategies, thereby leaving the informal sector out and exposing them to elevated risk of contracting the COVID-19 disease. This research examined the inclusivity of the COVID-19 interventions in the city of Masvingo, with special reference to the people in the informal sector. The informal sector, even though they live in cities, they are usually regarded as people living in the urban periphery because they are not included in the city’s development agenda and service delivery system. The research applied a qualitative methodology where in-depth interviews and field observations were used to collect data. Interviews were done with city authorities and people in the informal sector. The research showed that the interventions taken to fight the outbreak of the COVID-19 have not benefited the people in the informal sector but only the formal sector. The informal sector has been sidelined, showing a clear exclusionary urban policy. Their livelihoods were destroyed in the guise of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, such destructions were not done in the formal sector which again apparently shows exclusive urban policy. The research therefore calls for a more holistic approach in the fight against COVID-19 disease for the inclusive of the city and the betterment of life for all people in the city

    Convergence of the cascade algorithm at irregular scaling functions

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    The spectral properties of the Ruelle transfer operator which arises from a given polynomial wavelet filter are related to the convergence question for the cascade algorithm for approximation of the corresponding wavelet scaling function.Comment: AMS-LaTeX; 38 pages, 10 figures comprising 42 EPS diagrams; some diagrams are bitmapped at 75 dots per inch; for full-resolution bitmaps see ftp://ftp.math.uiowa.edu/pub/jorgen/convcasc