15,454 research outputs found

    Sub-national income differentials, 1986-1996

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    This paper deals with regional personal and family incomes, and particularly interregional income inequality. It is primarily a descriptive work. The explanatory framework of why incomes of regions are unequal and changing in the ways observed is not the focus. Regional economic development will be briefly referred to as an explanatory setting, but a discussion of the connections between income patterns and trends, and economic development, is a topic which requires research and data somewhat beyond the scope of this initial, exploratory paper

    Marked improvement in survival among adult Croatian AIDS patients after the introduction of highly active antiretroviral treatment

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    We compared the survival of patients following the first AIDS event in Croatia from the period 1986-1996 to the period 1997-2000. A total of 72 (81.8%) out of 88 patients from 1986-1996 and 18 (32.1%) out of 56 from 1997-2000 died. Survival following the first AIDS-defining illness markedly improved in the period 1997-2000 compared to the period 1986-1996 (adjusted Hazard Ratio (HR) for patients surviving more than 6 months: 0.11, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.04-0.29). A CD4+ cell count of < 100 x 10(6)/L was an independent risk factor for patients surviving up to 2 years (adjusted HR = 1.96, 95% CI = 1.1-3.43, p = 0.02). Patients with tuberculosis or fungal infections had a longer survival when compared to other diagnosis (adjusted HR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.32-0.90, p = 0.01). However, despite dramatic survival benefit of combination antiretroviral therapy, mortality at six months following the first AIDS event was similar in the two study periods and the one-year probability of death was still substantial (27.2%) in the period 1997-2000

    Demographic change and employment in the Central North Island, 1986-1996

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    This paper examines some dimensions of demographic and economic change in a region which is generally considered to be one of the most productive and affluent parts of New Zealand’s “heartland”. The paper highlights considerable demographic and economic diversity within the Central North Island. This is a complex region in terms of its population composition, its mix of rural and urban places and industries, and its linkages to other parts of New Zealand’s society and economy. The consistently poorer performance found in a wide range of indices of social and economic change in this part of New Zealand is very sobering

    Are commuting and residential mobility decisions simultaneous?: the case of catalonia

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    In this paper we study the commuting and moving decisions of workers in Catalonia (Spain) and its evolution in the 1986-1996 period. Using a microdata sample from the 1991 Spanish Population Census, we estimate a simultaneous, discrete choice model of commuting and moves, thus indirectly addressing the home and job location decisions. The econometrical framework is a simultaneous, binary probit model with a commute equation and a move equation.residential location choice, commuting, suburbanization

    The impact of education and mismatch on wages: the USA, 1986-1996

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    In analysing the impact of education on wage differentials and wage growth, we use next topersonal characteristics (e.g. education and experience) also job characteristics (e.g. skillsrequired) to explain wages. We estimate wage equations on individual data for the USA, 1986 –1996. When discussing observed and previously unobserved heterogeneity it turns out thatpersonal characteristics like education and experience explain about half of the variation inwages. At least 20 per cent is explained by variation in job characteristics. When comparing theresults with similar research for the Netherlands, the returns to experience are the same in bothcountries, while the premiums on education and in particular required skills are much higher inthe US.labour economics ;

    Shifts in Social Development and Fertility Decline in Iran: A Cluster Analysis of Provinces, 1986-1996

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    Iran is experiencing the third phase of demographic transition (low levels of birth and death), following a sharp fertility decline experienced during 1986-1996 period and is still underway. Using the analytic framework of Davis and Black, we examined the impact of social development and contraceptive prevalence, respectively as the structural and proximate determinants, on rapid fertility decline in Iran. We found that the social development level of provinces had a great impact on fertility decline through contraceptive prevalence indirectly. The cluster analysis of social development indices in 1986 and 1996 revealed that 15 out of 24 provinces of Iran moved from a lower developed status in 1986 to a moderate or a higher developed status in 1996 (twelve provinces moved from a “less developed” state in 1986 to a “moderate developed” state in 1996, and three provinces moved from a “moderate developed” state in 1986 to a “developed” state in 1996). In addition, regarding to the social development levels and fertility rates, the gap between provinces decreased during 1986-1996. That is, a shift from heterogeneous to more homogeneous patterns of social development and fertility occurred across Iran’s provinces during 1986-1996

    Общие итоги кольцевания чернозобика на юге Украины

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    В 1986-1996 гг., в рамках Программы изучения миграций куликов, выполняемой Азово-Черноморской рнитологической станцией (Мелитополь, Украина), выполнены отловы, кольцевание, анализ динамики численности, биометрии и линьки. Создан компьютерный банк данных по возвратам и повторным отловам куликов Европейской части бывшего СССР. В данной работе охарактеризован объем материала, собранного за этот период по чернозобику (Calidris alpina L.) и некоторые закономерности миграции вида на территории юга Украины.В 1986-1996 рр. в межах Програми вивчення міграцій куликів, що виконується Азово-Чорноморської орнітологічної станцією (Мелітополь, Україна), проведено вилови, кільцювання, аналіз динаміки чисельності, біометрії і линьки. Створено комп'ютерний банк даних про повернення і повторні вилови куликів Європейської частини колишнього СРСР. У роботі охарактеризовано обсяг матеріалу з чорногрудого побережника, що було зібрано за цей період (Calidris alpina L.), а також деякі закономірності міграції виду на території півдня України.According to the programme of studying migration of waders which has been implemented by the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station (Melitopol, Ukraine) mist net trapping and ringing of waders, analysis of number dynamics, age-distribution, biometrics and moult scores were performed for in 1986- 1996. A computer data base containing information on the ringing recoveries from the former USSR area was created. In this paper we describe all available data for this period and analyse some aspects of Dunlin migration through the Southern Ukraine