108,511 research outputs found

    ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? 1990-2000

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    Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 1990-2000 Full Report

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    Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 1990-2000 Executive Summary

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    Employment and Regional Tourism in Europe, 1990-2000

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    Este articulo analiza varios indicadores de actividad turistica en 100 regiones de 12 paises de la Union Europea durante el periodo 1990-2000. Analizamos las posiciones que las distintas regiones ocupan en el ranking de indicadores de turismo hotelero y extra-hotelero. Consideramos que ambos tipos de turismo son importantes pues tienen una influencia positiva sobre el desarrollo del Valor Añadido y el Empleo en varios sectores, especialmente en los servicios comerciales y en la construccion. Presentamos un modelo econometrico que tiene en cuenta el impacto positivo de ambos tipos de turismo sobre el empleo no agrario de las regiones europeas. This article analyses some indicators of tourist activity on a regional level in 100 European Union regions belonging to 12 countries during the period 1990-2000. We analyse ranking positions in hotel tourism indicators and extra-hotel tourism indicators. Both types of tourism have a positive influence in the development of Value-Added and Employment in several sectors, particularly in commercial services and building activities. We present an econometric model that has into account the positive impact of both types of tourism in non-agrarian employment of European regions.

    State and Local Population Trends - A Look Ahead

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    This presentation features: State and Local Population Trends; CPAR Reports; Estimates from the Census Bureau; State population (1990-2000); State Population (2000-2007); County population (1990-2000); County Population (2000-2007); Natural change (1990-2000); Natural Change (2000-2007); Net migration (1990-2000); Net Migration (2000-2007); Cities/Towns (2000-2007); Population Change by Size of City/Town: 2000 to 2007; Race and Hispanic Origin; Projections 2000-2030; and Bureau of Economic Analysis

    Leapfrogging into hydrogen technology: China's 1990-2000 energy balance

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    As a country beginning its motorization process, China must confront the problems attached to an oil-based car society. In adopting conventional automobile technology, the country would aggravate an already unstable oil balance while pushing up carbon dioxide levels. Not only would domestic problems emerge, but international concerns regarding oil shortage, global pollution, and the energy security balance would also result from erecting a traditional automotive infrastructure. One viable alternative the country can consider is a leapfrog towards hydrogen technology. By using hydrogen as the fuel source and investing in a hydrogen-based car society, China could overstep the problems created by an oil-based infrastructure. When examining China's potential for undertaking this technology leapfrog, China's energy past and future must be considered. China's energy balance and energy resources play a crucial role in determining the country's leapfrogging possibility. This paper analyzes one facet in China's energy balance by scrutinizing energy expenditures between 1990-2000. By looking at data compiled from major international and academic sources, an overview of China's past energy consumption and production activities is presented. Patterns and discrepancies in Chinese coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear production are unveiled and the trends considered in relation to the country's energy balance. Each energy sector is analyzed separately for consumption and production trends. Because implementation of hydrogen technology is governed by energy resource availability and energy use patterns, such an energy analysis provides an appropriate background from which China's leapfrogging potential can be evaluated. -- Der in China beginnende Motorisierungsprozess führt zwangsläufig zu einer Konfrontation mit den Umwelt- und Ressourcenkonflikten, die mit der erdölbasierten Automobiltech-nologie des vergangenen Jahrhunderts Hand in Hand gehen. Dadurch würde sich zum einen die gegenwärtig problematische Erdölenergiebilanz des Landes durch erhöhten CO2 Ausstoß verschärfen. Zum Anderen würde der Aufbau einer chinesischen automobilen Infrastruktur auf Erdölbasis, die Ressourcenknappheit in diesem Sektor, die globalen Umweltprobleme und die Sicherung der weltweiten Energiebilanz negativ beeinflussen. Eine realistische Alternative für China ist ein Quantensprung auf dem Gebiet der Auto-mobiltechnologie zu vollziehen und in Wasserstoffmotoren zu investieren. China kann mit einer Automobilwirtschaft auf der Basis einer Wasserstofftechnologie die durch Erdöl-verbrennung geschaffenen Umweltprobleme umgehen. Dieser Artikel untersucht das Potential Chinas zu einem solchen Quantensprung in der Automobiltechnologie. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt ist die Prüfung der Energiebilanz Chinas in den Jahren 1990-2000, die es ermöglicht den Energieverbrauch und die Produktion auf Quellenbasis internationaler Organisationen und wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, zueinander in ein Verhältnis zu setzen. Die Energiebilanz der einzelnen Sektoren Atomkraft, Kohle, Erdöl und Erdgas wird analysiert und vergleichend werden die zukünftigen Trends prognostiziert. Für die Implementation von Wasserstofftech-nologie ist die Verfügbarkeit und Nutzung von Energieressourcen von zentraler Bedeutung. Eine Analyse der Energiebilanz ist daher die Grundlage für eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Einschätzung des Potentials Chinas zu einem solchen technologischen Quantensprung.

    Labor supply of married women in Mexico: 1990-2000

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    In the last couple of decades, and in particular during the last couple of administrations, the Mexican government has implemented various social programs targeted specifically to women, such as PROGRESA/Oportunidades, a child care program, and a gender equality program (PROIGUALDAD). The impact that those programs may have on the work behavior of women largely depends on the form that the female labor supply takes, and in particular, on the labor supply elasticities with respect to own wages, and the husband’s wages. Despite this fact, the literature on female labor supply in Mexico is very scarce. To our knowledge, there is no estimate of the female labor supply elasticities at the national level. This paper fills in this gap in the literature. Using data from the 1990 and 2000 Mexican Census of Population, we estimate a structural model of labor supply through an application of Wooldridge’s (2002) threestep procedure. We …nd that the female labor supply elasticities had a rather sharp decrease between 1990 and 2000, which suggests that women are getting increasingly attached to the labor market. We also find evidence of heterogenous effects for women with young children and women of different cohorts. Even though female are now less responsive to changes in wages, the elasticities that we …nd are still large enough so that social programs aimed at modifying females´ work behavior through incentives might still be very successful.wage inequality, Mexico, labor supply, employment, married women

    Knowledge Dynamics During Planning Practices

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    Ce papier analyse la dynamique des connaissances organisationnelles au cours de pratiques de planification. Il mobilise la notion d'habitus (Bourdieu 1990, 2000) et propose une phase empirique qualitative.Apprentissage organisationnel ; Connaissances ; Contrôle ; Planification ; Pratique

    The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in the MENA Countries: a Probit Analysis

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    This paper analysis the choice of exchange regimes of 17 economies in the MENA region for the period 1990-2000. For this purpose we use both de jure and de facto regime classifications and estimate a series of binomial and multinomial probit models. Regressions results highlight the important influence of economic development and international reserve levels on exchange regime selection.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64398/1/wp899.pd