399 research outputs found

    Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs

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    The stochastic Kronecker graph model introduced by Leskovec et al. is a random graph with vertex set Z2n\mathbb Z_2^n, where two vertices uu and vv are connected with probability αu⋅vγ(1−u)⋅(1−v)βn−u⋅v−(1−u)⋅(1−v)\alpha^{{u}\cdot{v}}\gamma^{(1-{u})\cdot(1-{v})}\beta^{n-{u}\cdot{v}-(1-{u})\cdot(1-{v})} independently of the presence or absence of any other edge, for fixed parameters 0<α,β,γ<10<\alpha,\beta,\gamma<1. They have shown empirically that the degree sequence resembles a power law degree distribution. In this paper we show that the stochastic Kronecker graph a.a.s. does not feature a power law degree distribution for any parameters 0<α,β,γ<10<\alpha,\beta,\gamma<1. In addition, we analyze the number of subgraphs present in the stochastic Kronecker graph and study the typical neighborhood of any given vertex.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    The average cut-rank of graphs

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    The cut-rank of a set XX of vertices in a graph GG is defined as the rank of the X×(V(G)∖X) X \times (V(G)\setminus X) matrix over the binary field whose (i,j)(i,j)-entry is 11 if the vertex ii in XX is adjacent to the vertex jj in V(G)∖XV(G)\setminus X and 00 otherwise. We introduce the graph parameter called the average cut-rank of a graph, defined as the expected value of the cut-rank of a random set of vertices. We show that this parameter does not increase when taking vertex-minors of graphs and a class of graphs has bounded average cut-rank if and only if it has bounded neighborhood diversity. This allows us to deduce that for each real α\alpha, the list of induced-subgraph-minimal graphs having average cut-rank larger than (or at least) α\alpha is finite. We further refine this by providing an upper bound on the size of obstruction and a lower bound on the number of obstructions for average cut-rank at most (or smaller than) α\alpha for each real α≥0\alpha\ge0. Finally, we describe explicitly all graphs of average cut-rank at most 3/23/2 and determine up to 3/23/2 all possible values that can be realized as the average cut-rank of some graph.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. The bound xnx_n is corrected. Accepted to European J. Combinatoric
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