681 research outputs found

    'On the fly' dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral image acquisition

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) devices produce 3-D hyper-cubes of a spatial scene in hundreds of different spectral bands, generating large data sets which allow accurate data processing to be implemented. However, the large dimen-sionality of hypercubes leads to subsequent implementation of dimensionality reduction techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA), where the covariance matrix is constructed in order to perform such analysis. In this paper, we describe how the covariance matrix of an HSI hyper-cube can be computed in real time ‘on the fly’ during the data acquisition process. This offers great potential for HSI embedded devices to provide not only conventional HSI data but also preprocessed information

    Nondestructive Detection of Codling Moth Infestation in Apples Using Pixel-Based NIR Hyperspectral Imaging with Machine Learning and Feature Selection

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    Codling moth (CM) (Cydia pomonella L.), a devastating pest, creates a serious issue for apple production and marketing in apple-producing countries. Therefore, effective nondestructive early detection of external and internal defects in CM-infested apples could remarkably prevent postharvest losses and improve the quality of the final product. In this study, near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral reflectance imaging in the wavelength range of 900–1700 nm was applied to detect CM infestation at the pixel level for three organic apple cultivars, namely Gala, Fuji and Granny Smith. An effective region of interest (ROI) acquisition procedure along with different machine learning and data processing methods were used to build robust and high accuracy classification models. Optimal wavelength selection was implemented using sequential stepwise selection methods to build multispectral imaging models for fast and effective classification purposes. The results showed that the infested and healthy samples were classified at pixel level with up to 97.4% total accuracy for validation dataset using a gradient tree boosting (GTB) ensemble classifier, among others. The feature selection algorithm obtained a maximum accuracy of 91.6% with only 22 selected wavelengths. These findings indicate the high potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in detecting and classifying latent CM infestation in apples of different cultivars

    Nondestructive Multivariate Classification of Codling Moth Infested Apples Using Machine Learning and Sensor Fusion

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    Apple is the number one on the list of the most consumed fruits in the United States. The increasing market demand for high quality apples and the need for fast, and effective quality evaluation techniques have prompted research into the development of nondestructive evaluation methods. Codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is the most devastating pest of apples. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on the development of nondestructive methods for the detection and classification of CM-infested apples. The objective one in this study was aimed to identify and characterize the source of detectable vibro-acoustic signals coming from CM-infested apples. A novel approach was developed to correlate the larval activities to low-frequency vibro-acoustic signals, by capturing the larval activities using a digital camera while simultaneously registering the signal patterns observed in the contact piezoelectric sensors on apple surface. While the larva crawling was characterized by the low amplitude and higher frequency (around 4 Hz) signals, the chewing signals had greater amplitude and lower frequency (around 1 Hz). In objective two and three, vibro-acoustic and acoustic impulse methods were developed to classify CM-infested and healthy apples. In the first approach, the identified vibro-acoustic patterns from the infested apples were used for the classification of the CM-infested and healthy signal data. The classification accuracy was as high as 95.94% for 5 s signaling time. For the acoustic impulse method, a knocking test was performed to measure the vibration/acoustic response of the infested apple fruit to a pre-defined impulse in comparison to that of a healthy sample. The classification rate obtained was 99% for a short signaling time of 60-80 ms. In objective four, shortwave near infrared hyperspectral imaging (SWNIR HSI) in the wavelength range of 900-1700 nm was applied to detect CM infestation at the pixel level for the three apple cultivars reaching an accuracy of up to 97.4%. In objective five, the physicochemical characteristics of apples were predicted using HSI method. The results showed the correlation coefficients of prediction (Rp) up to 0.90, 0.93, 0.97, and 0.91 for SSC, firmness, pH and moisture content, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of long-term storage (20 weeks) at three different storage conditions (0 °C, 4 °C, and 10 °C) on CM infestation and the detectability of the infested apples was studied. At a constant storage temperature the detectability of infested samples remained the same for the first three months then improved in the fourth month followed by a decrease until the end of the storage. Finally, a sensor data fusion method was developed which showed an improvement in the classification performance compared to the individual methods. These findings indicated there is a high potential of acoustic and NIR HSI methods for detecting and classifying CM infestation in different apple cultivars

    Programmable Spectrometry -- Per-pixel Classification of Materials using Learned Spectral Filters

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    Many materials have distinct spectral profiles. This facilitates estimation of the material composition of a scene at each pixel by first acquiring its hyperspectral image, and subsequently filtering it using a bank of spectral profiles. This process is inherently wasteful since only a set of linear projections of the acquired measurements contribute to the classification task. We propose a novel programmable camera that is capable of producing images of a scene with an arbitrary spectral filter. We use this camera to optically implement the spectral filtering of the scene's hyperspectral image with the bank of spectral profiles needed to perform per-pixel material classification. This provides gains both in terms of acquisition speed --- since only the relevant measurements are acquired --- and in signal-to-noise ratio --- since we invariably avoid narrowband filters that are light inefficient. Given training data, we use a range of classical and modern techniques including SVMs and neural networks to identify the bank of spectral profiles that facilitate material classification. We verify the method in simulations on standard datasets as well as real data using a lab prototype of the camera

    Service robotics and machine learning for close-range remote sensing

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    A novel spectral-spatial singular spectrum analysis technique for near real-time in-situ feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging.

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    As a cutting-edge technique for denoising and feature extraction, singular spectrum analysis (SSA) has been applied successfully for feature mining in hyperspectral images (HSI). However, when applying SSA for in situ feature extraction in HSI, conventional pixel-based 1-D SSA fails to produce satisfactory results, while the band-image-based 2D-SSA is also infeasible especially for the popularly used line-scan mode. To tackle these challenges, in this article, a novel 1.5D-SSA approach is proposed for in situ spectral-spatial feature extraction in HSI, where pixels from a small window are used as spatial information. For each sequentially acquired pixel, similar pixels are located from a window centered at the pixel to form an extended trajectory matrix for feature extraction. Classification results on two well-known benchmark HSI datasets and an actual urban scene dataset have demonstrated that the proposed 1.5D-SSA achieves the superior performance compared with several state-of-the-art spectral and spatial methods. In addition, the near real-time implementation in aligning to the HSI acquisition process can meet the requirement of online image analysis for more efficient feature extraction than the conventional offline workflow

    A Principal Components Analysis-Based Method for the Detection of Cannabis Plants Using Representation Data by Remote Sensing

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    Integrating the representation of the territory, through airborne remote sensing activities with hyperspectral and visible sensors, and managing complex data through dimensionality reduction for the identification of cannabis plantations, in Albania, is the focus of the research proposed by the multidisciplinary group of the Benecon University Consortium. In this study, principal components analysis (PCA) was used to remove redundant spectral information from multiband datasets. This makes it easier to identify the most prevalent spectral characteristics in most bands and those that are specific to only a few bands. The survey and airborne monitoring by hyperspectral sensors is carried out with an Itres CASI 1500 sensor owned by Benecon, characterized by a spectral range of 380–1050 nm and 288 configurable channels. The spectral configuration adopted for the research was developed specifically to maximize the spectral separability of cannabis. The ground resolution of the georeferenced cartographic data varies according to the flight planning, inserted in the aerial platform of an Italian Guardia di Finanza's aircraft, in relation to the orography of the sites under investigation. The geodatabase, wherein the processing of hyperspectral and visible images converge, contains ancillary data such as digital aeronautical maps, digital terrain models, color orthophoto, topographic data and in any case a significant amount of data so that they can be processed synergistically. The goal is to create maps and predictive scenarios, through the application of the spectral angle mapper algorithm, of the cannabis plantations scattered throughout the area. The protocol consists of comparing the spectral data acquired with the CASI1500 airborne sensor and the spectral signature of the cannabis leaves that have been acquired in the laboratory with ASD Fieldspec PRO FR spectrometers. These scientific studies have demonstrated how it is possible to achieve ex ante control of the evolution of the phenomenon itself for monitoring the cultivation of cannabis plantations

    Integrated micro X-ray fluorescence and chemometric analysis for printed circuit boards recycling

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    A novel approach, based on micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF), was developed to define an efficient and fast automatic recognition procedure finalized to detect and topologically assess the presence of the different elements in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). More specifically, selected end-of-life (EOL) iPhone printed circuit boards (PCB) were investigated, whose technological improvement during time, can dramatically influence the recycling strategies (i.e. presence of different electronic components, in terms of size, shape, disposition and related elemental content). The implemented μXRF-based techniques allow to preliminary set up simple and fast quality control strategies based on the full recognition and characterization of precious and rare earth elements as detected inside the electronic boards. Furthermore, the proposed approach allows to identify the presence and the physical-chemical attributes of the other materials (i.e. mainly polymers), influencing the further physical-mechanical processing steps addressed to realize a pre-concentration of the valuable elements inside the PCB milled fractions, before the final chemical recovery

    Inference in supervised spectral classifiers for on-board hyperspectral imaging: An overview

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    Machine learning techniques are widely used for pixel-wise classification of hyperspectral images. These methods can achieve high accuracy, but most of them are computationally intensive models. This poses a problem for their implementation in low-power and embedded systems intended for on-board processing, in which energy consumption and model size are as important as accuracy. With a focus on embedded anci on-board systems (in which only the inference step is performed after an off-line training process), in this paper we provide a comprehensive overview of the inference properties of the most relevant techniques for hyperspectral image classification. For this purpose, we compare the size of the trained models and the operations required during the inference step (which are directly related to the hardware and energy requirements). Our goal is to search for appropriate trade-offs between on-board implementation (such as model size anci energy consumption) anci classification accuracy

    Comparison of Multispectral and Hyperspectral UAV Imagery for Late Blight (Phytophtora infestans) detection in a potato (Solanum tuberosum) field

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de AgronomiaLate Blight (LB) is of high concern in the potato crop production. The disease, caused by the oomycete Phytophtora infestans, is responsible for causing huge impacts on the global production. A prompt and specific control, besides being most likely to succeed, enables strategies of small-scale site-specific management which, when combined with a correct detection and good decision model, are expected to reduce the pesticide use. The detection of diseased plants with multispectral and hyperspectral UAV imagery has a great potential in improving LB management and control. In this context, the Portuguese company HPDRONES, within the PG-PSA project, wants to investigate the use of hyperspectral solutions for LB early detection. A drone embedded with a hyperspectral camera has been flighted across an experimental plot in the Ribatejo region. The present work provide an exemplification of a model for the detection of LB using UAV imagery in an open field of potato, involving the use of drones for the image collection and of machine learning algorithms to implement the data analysis. A supervised classification method is proposed. The result is a hyperspectral classifier able to perform an accurate LB detection. On the basis of the limitation of the hyperspectral technologies, a sensitivity approach is proposed, in which spatial and spectral degraded data are used to evaluate the classification’s success under different conditions. The results suggest that the use of drones with multispectral sensors or using different operational parameters (i.e. flight altitude) do not affect the efficiency of the LB detection.O míldio é uma das principais doenças que afeta a produção de batata. A doença, causada pelo oomiceta Phytophtora infestans, é responsável por ter grandes impactos na produção mundial desta cultura. Um controle rápido e específico, para além de ter maior probabilidade de sucesso, permite estratégias de controle smallscale e site-specific que, quando combinadas com uma detecção correta e um modelo de decisão adequado, conseguem reduzir sensivelmente o uso de pesticidas. A detecção de plantas doentes através de imagens multiespectrais e hiperespectrais de drone tem um grande potencial para o controle de míldio. Neste contexto, a empresa portuguesa HPDRONES, no âmbito do projeto PG-PSA, pretende investigar a utilização de soluções hiperespectrais para a deteção precoce de míldio. Para o efeito, foi usado um drone com uma câmara hiperespectral para a captura das imagens aéreas de uma parcela experimental localizada na região do Ribatejo. O presente trabalho oferece uma exemplificação de um modelo de detecção de míldio usando imagens coletadas em um campo aberto de batata, envolvendo o uso de drones para a coleta de imagens e de algoritmos de aprendizagem para implementar a análise de dados. Propõe-se um método de classificação supervisionado. O resultado é um classificador hiperespectral capaz de detectar a presença de míldio em campo. Com base nas limitações das tecnologias hiperespectrais, propõe-se uma análise de sensibilidade, através da qual os dados espaciais e espectrais degradados são usados para avaliar o sucesso da classificação sob diferentes condições. Os resultados sugerem que o uso de drones com sensores multiespectrais ou usar diferentes parâmetros operacionais (ou seja, altitude de voo) não afeta a eficiência da detecção de míldio.N/
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