4 research outputs found

    Design of a motorcycle mount with integrated roll-and-pitch-torque measurement on a motorcycle simulator

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    On the new motorcycle simulator developed by the Institute of Automotive Engineering (FZD) of the Technische Universität Darmstadt, a measuring system should be incorporated with the aim of deter-mining the forces generated by the motion of therider. The objective of this thesis is to design a mount for the future simulator capable of measuringthe two main outputsof rider motion: the roll and pitch rider-induced torques. The current simulator of the department located at WIVW measures only the torque around the rolling axis and the used concept does not provide the desired performance nor precision; the solution designed in this thesis should present an improvement in regards to those features as well.In order to come up with the most suitable design, the standard product development proceeding has been followed. First, by defining the demands of the mount on a request list. Next, following an organized creative process, several concepts have been proposed. All the alternatives have been eval-uated in regards to relevant criteria and the most appropriate solution has been chosen. An exhaustive multibody model has been developed using MatLAB/Simulink with Simscape extension in order to analyze the dynamic behavior of the chosen solution under any possible scenario.Finally, a basic CAD of the system has been carried out in order to materialize the constructive solutions that will bring the concept into reality. Other constructive insights have been also treated, like the bearing selection, among others. The selected approach consists on a three-legged surface that is attached to the motion platform of the simulator and serves as a base for the mock-up attachment.The orientation of the legs define the height of two coincident rotating axes(rolling and pitching), creating a mechanism able to rotateits surfacearound a desired center of rotation.When the rotation around those axes is fixed trough meas-uring elements, the rider-induced torques measuring system is enabled. By positioning said CoR at the height of the system’s CoG, most of the measuring imprecisions that presents the current simulator are eliminated, since the greatest part of inertial forces generated by the platform motion have no longer an effect on the measuring dat

    'MotorcycleSim': An evaluation of rider interaction with an innovative motorcycle simulator

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    This paper describes a user-centred design process that has been used to develop an innovative simulator for research into motorcycle ergonomics and rider human factors. Building on initial user requirements and user experience elicitation exercises, an evaluation was conducted to investigate specific issues associated with simulator fidelity. An experimental approach was employed to examine the physical and functional fidelity of the simulator. Using different steering and visual feedback configurations, a battery of objective and subjective dependent variables were analysed including: user perceptions and preferences, rider performance data, rider workload, rider comfort issues and the first evaluation of simulator sickness for a motorcycle simulator. The results indicated that across a number of measures, aspects of functional fidelity were considered more important than the physical fidelity of the simulator. This evaluation takes the development of the simulator a stage further and the paper provides recommendations for future improvements.</p

    Etude des liens entre immersion et présence pour la mise au point d'un simulateur de conduite de deux-roues motorisé.

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    Les environnements virtuels, et en particulier les simulateurs de conduite à plate-forme dynamique, posent la délicate question de la restitution multisensorielle en vue de générer la bonne "illusion" pour leurs utilisateurs. Si la réalité virtuelle est reconnue pour la limitation des coûts, le gain temporel et la contrôlabilité et reproductibilité des situations étudiées, la problématique de la validité de ces outils de recherche (ou de formation) est cruciale pour la transférabilité des connaissances produites.Constituant une première étape dans le processus de validation du simulateur IFSTTAR, ce travail s appuie sur une démarche originale reposant sur une double évaluation, par élément et globale. Il s agit (i) de configurer de manière optimale les caractéristiques immersives et interactives du simulateur liées au mouvement de roulis afin de produire une illusion d inclinaison crédible et acceptée, et (ii) d évaluer, de manière globale, différentes configurations du simulateur (modèles dynamiques de véhicule) au moyen de mesures objectives (temps de familiarisation) et subjectives (présence, mal du simulateur).Prises dans leur ensemble, les sept études menées durant cette thèse ont permis de valider une plage de restitution du mouvement de roulis pertinente pour produire une sensation d inclinaison sans entraîner de déséquilibre critique ou de sensation de chute. Un angle d inclinaison du simulateur au-delà de 11,4 degrés est ainsi déconseillé pour éviter toute sensation de chute, néanmoins cette valeur est susceptible d être influencée par divers facteurs (e.g., présence d informations visuelles, positionnement de l axe de roulis). Ces études ont également permis d identifier, en conduite passive, les paramètres nécessaires ainsi que les contributions relatives des informations visuelle et inertielle pour la production d une sensation d inclinaison crédible. En conduite active, l évaluation du degré de contrôle des participants en fonction du modèle dynamique de véhicule (virtuel) a permis de pointer les faiblesses actuelles du simulateur IFSTTAR afin de proposer plusieurs pistes de développement.Virtual environments, and specifically motion-based driving simulators, raise the delicate question of multisensory cueing in order to produce the good "illusion" to the users. If virtual reality is well acknowledged for cost limitation, validity issue of these research (or training) tools is critical for knowledge transfer of new results.As a first step in the validation process of the IFSTTAR motorcycle simulator, this work relies upon an original design based on a double approach : by element and global. It consists in (i) optimal balancing of simulator s immersive and interactive characteristics linked to roll motion so as to yield a believable and embraced leaning illusion, and (ii) evaluating more generally different simulator configurations (vehicle dynamic models) through objective (training length) and subjective measures (presence, simulator sickness).Taken as a whole, the seven studies conducted during this thesis enable the validation of the relevant range of roll motion cueing to produce a leaning sensation without leading to a critical unbalance or fall sensation. A leaning angle of the simulator beyond 11.4 degrees is not recommended to avoid any fall sensation, however this figure can be influenced by various factors (e.g., visual informations, roll axis location). These studies also allow to identify, in passive driving situations, the necessary parameters as well as the relative contribution of visual and inertial informations for the production of a believable leaning sensation. In an active driving situation, the evaluation of the degree of users control through different (virtual) vehicles dynamic models has permitted to highlight the weaknesses of IFSTTAR simulator in order to set several guidelines for further development.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF