3 research outputs found

    Survey of Distributed Decision

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    We survey the recent distributed computing literature on checking whether a given distributed system configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate, i.e., whether the configuration is legal or illegal w.r.t. that predicate. We consider classical distributed computing environments, including mostly synchronous fault-free network computing (LOCAL and CONGEST models), but also asynchronous crash-prone shared-memory computing (WAIT-FREE model), and mobile computing (FSYNC model)

    Distributed Approximation Algorithms for Weighted Shortest Paths

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    A distributed network is modeled by a graph having nn nodes (processors) and diameter DD. We study the time complexity of approximating {\em weighted} (undirected) shortest paths on distributed networks with a O(logn)O(\log n) {\em bandwidth restriction} on edges (the standard synchronous \congest model). The question whether approximation algorithms help speed up the shortest paths (more precisely distance computation) was raised since at least 2004 by Elkin (SIGACT News 2004). The unweighted case of this problem is well-understood while its weighted counterpart is fundamental problem in the area of distributed approximation algorithms and remains widely open. We present new algorithms for computing both single-source shortest paths (\sssp) and all-pairs shortest paths (\apsp) in the weighted case. Our main result is an algorithm for \sssp. Previous results are the classic O(n)O(n)-time Bellman-Ford algorithm and an O~(n1/2+1/2k+D)\tilde O(n^{1/2+1/2k}+D)-time (8klog(k+1)1)(8k\lceil \log (k+1) \rceil -1)-approximation algorithm, for any integer k1k\geq 1, which follows from the result of Lenzen and Patt-Shamir (STOC 2013). (Note that Lenzen and Patt-Shamir in fact solve a harder problem, and we use O~()\tilde O(\cdot) to hide the O(\poly\log n) term.) We present an O~(n1/2D1/4+D)\tilde O(n^{1/2}D^{1/4}+D)-time (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-approximation algorithm for \sssp. This algorithm is {\em sublinear-time} as long as DD is sublinear, thus yielding a sublinear-time algorithm with almost optimal solution. When DD is small, our running time matches the lower bound of Ω~(n1/2+D)\tilde \Omega(n^{1/2}+D) by Das Sarma et al. (SICOMP 2012), which holds even when D=Θ(logn)D=\Theta(\log n), up to a \poly\log n factor.Comment: Full version of STOC 201

    Distributed Computation of Large-scale Graph Problems

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    Motivated by the increasing need for fast distributed processing of large-scale graphs such as the Web graph and various social networks, we study a message-passing distributed computing model for graph processing and present lower bounds and algorithms for several graph problems. This work is inspired by recent large-scale graph processing systems (e.g., Pregel and Giraph) which are designed based on the message-passing model of distributed computing. Our model consists of a point-to-point communication network of kk machines interconnected by bandwidth-restricted links. Communicating data between the machines is the costly operation (as opposed to local computation). The network is used to process an arbitrary nn-node input graph (typically nk>1n \gg k > 1) that is randomly partitioned among the kk machines (a common implementation in many real world systems). Our goal is to study fundamental complexity bounds for solving graph problems in this model. We present techniques for obtaining lower bounds on the distributed time complexity. Our lower bounds develop and use new bounds in random-partition communication complexity. We first show a lower bound of Ω(n/k)\Omega(n/k) rounds for computing a spanning tree (ST) of the input graph. This result also implies the same bound for other fundamental problems such as computing a minimum spanning tree (MST). We also show an Ω(n/k2)\Omega(n/k^2) lower bound for connectivity, ST verification and other related problems. We give algorithms for various fundamental graph problems in our model. We show that problems such as PageRank, MST, connectivity, and graph covering can be solved in O~(n/k)\tilde{O}(n/k) time, whereas for shortest paths, we present algorithms that run in O~(n/k)\tilde{O}(n/\sqrt{k}) time (for (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-factor approx.) and in O~(n/k)\tilde{O}(n/k) time (for O(logn)O(\log n)-factor approx.) respectively.Comment: In Proceedings of SODA 201