7 research outputs found

    "Talent, Skill and Support." : A Method for Automatic Creation of Slogans

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    Slogans are an effective way to convey a marketing message. In this paper, we present a method for automatically creating slogans, aimed to facilitate a human slogan designer in her creative process. By taking a target concept (e.g. a computer) and an adjectival property (e.g. creative) as input, the proposed method produces a list of diverse expressions optimizing multiple objectives such as semantic relatedness, language correctness, and usage of rhetorical devices. A key component in the process is a novel method for generating nominal metaphors based on a metaphor interpretation model. Using the generated metaphors, the method builds semantic spaces related to the objectives. It extracts skeletons from existing slogans, and finally fills them in, traversing the semantic spaces, using the genetic algorithm to reach interesting solutions (e.g. “Talent, Skill and Support.”). We evaluate both the metaphor generation method and the overall slogan creation method by running two crowdsourced questionnaires.Peer reviewe

    A Master-Apprentice Approach to Automatic Creation of Culturally Satirical Movie Titles

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    Generating Modern Poetry Automatically in Finnish

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    Luovat järjestelmät, toimijat sekä yhteisöt : Teoreettisia analyysimenetelmiä ja empiirisiä yhteistyötutkimuksia

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    Creativity is a multi-faceted phenomenon that can be observed in diverse individuals and contexts, both natural and artificial. This thesis studies computational creativity, i.e. creativity in machines, which can be broadly categorised as a subfield of artificial intelligence. In particular, the thesis deals with three important perspectives on computational creativity: (1) identifying properties of creative individuals, (2) studying processes that lead to creative outcomes, and (3) observing and analysing social aspects of creativity, e.g. collaboration which may allow the individuals to create something together which they could not do alone. One of the key interests in computational creativity is how computational entities may exhibit creativity in their own right, implying that the creative entities and their compositions, roles, processes and interactions are potentially different from those encountered in nature. This calls for theoretical analysis methods specifically tailored for artificial creative entities, and carefully controlled empirical experiments and simulations with them. We study both of these aspects. The analysis methods allow us to scrutinise exactly how creativity occurs in artificial entities by providing appropriate conceptual elements and vocabulary, while experiments enable us to test and confirm the effectiveness of different design decisions considering individual artificial creative entities and their interaction with each other. We propose three novel, domain-general analysis tools for artificial creative entities, i.e. creative systems and creative agents, and collections of them, called creative societies. First, we distinguish several conceptual components relevant for metacreative systems, i.e. systems that can reflect and control their creative behaviour, and discuss how these components are interlinked and affect the system's creativity. Second, we merge elements from sequential decision making in intelligent agents, i.e. Markov Decision Processes, into formal creativity as search model called the Creative Systems Framework, providing a detailed account of various elements which compose the decision-making process of a creative agent. Third, we map elements from an eminent social creativity theory, the Systems View of Creativity, a.k.a. Domain-Individual-Field-Interaction model, into the elements of the Creative Systems Framework and show how creative societies may be analysed formally with it. Each of the proposed analysis tools provides new ways to analyse creativity in artificial entities. The analysis of metacreative systems assumes an architectural point of view to creativity, which has not been previously addressed in detail. Deconstructing the decision-making process of a creative agent gives us additional means to discuss and understand why or how a creative agent selects certain actions. Lastly, the contributions to the creative societies are the first formal framework for their analysis. We also investigate in two consecutive case studies collaborator selection in creative societies. In the first study, we focus on what kind of cues, e.g. selfish or altruistic, assist in choosing beneficial collaboration partners when all the agents can observe from their peers are the individually created end products. The second study allows the agents to adjust their aesthetic preferences during the simulations and inspects what emerges from society as a whole. We conclude that selfish cues seem to be more effective in choosing the collaboration partners in our settings and that the society exhibits distinct emergence depending on how much the agents are willing to change their aesthetic preferences.Luovuus on monitahoinen ilmiö, jonka osatekijöitä voidaan tunnistaa monissa eri asiayhteyksissä. Tässä väitöskirjassa käsitellään laskennallista luovuutta, eli luovuutta koneissa, mikä voidaan karkeasti luokitella tekoälyn yhdeksi osa-alueeksi. Yksi laskennallisen luovuuden tärkeimmistä kiinnostuksen kohteista tutkii miten koneet voivat olla luovia omasta ansiostaan. Tämä tarkoittaa että luovat järjestelmät ja toimijat, menetelmät, yhteisöt sekä niiden vuorovaikutus voivat erota ihmisten vastaavista. On siis tärkeää kyetä keskustelemaan luovien järjestelmien, toimijoiden ja yhteisöjen ominaisuuksista riippumatta niiden toteutuksien yksityiskohdista sekä suunnittelemaan simulaatioita ja kokeita joissa voidaan todentaa suunnitteluratkaisujen vaikutukset järjestelmän luovuudelle. Väitöskirja esittelee kolme uutta luovuuden analyysimenetelmää, jotka on kehitetty analysoimaan (1) luovia järjestelmiä, (2) luovia toimijoita sekä (3) luovia agenttiyhteisöjä. Lisäksi kahdessa osajulkaisussa tutkitaan yhteistyöprosesseja simuloiduissa yhteisöissä, joissa itsenäiset luovat toimijat tuottavat abstraktia taidetta evolutiivisia menetelmiä käyttäen. Ehdotetut analyysimenetelmät mahdollistavat luovuuden monialaisen tarkastelun sekä tarjoavat yhden mahdollisen suunnan kohti laskennallisen luovuuden yhtenäistä analyysimenetelmää. Havainnot empiirisistä simulaatioista antavat uutta tietoa laskennallisista yhteistyöprosesseista ja ovat askel kohti monimutkaisempia kokeita luovan yhteistyön saralla