55,871 research outputs found

    Varying the texture: a study of art, learning and multimedia

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    Art Explorer is an innovative multimedia system being designed and developed within the Institute of Educational Technology, at The Open University. Based on an analogy to dreams, Art Explorer is structured into several episodes. Each episode is designed to help beginning students of Art History foster personal constructs about paintings and develop a richer understanding of how their perceptions of paintings work. This discussion focuses on the pedagogic rationale motivating Art Explorer's development and is structured around two strands of a design story. First, it highlights the research behind the design. The reported research is about learners' problems - most specifically about the varying conceptual, perceptual and affective challenges learners face as they begin to study Art History. But, more broadly, it is about the problems faced by learners as they begin academic study and seek to engage with the knowledge and methods of discipline experts. Secondly, and it is argued, as a second pedagogic priority, the spotlight shifts to multimedia. The discussion tracks design decisions that aim both to exploit the potential of the medium and to match pre-identified learner needs. The ingredients of Art Explorer are described to illustrate some of the rich potential of the medium for negotiating understanding between teacher and learner

    Searching with Tags: Do Tags Help Users Find Things?

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    This study examines the question of whether tags can be useful in the process of information retrieval. Participants searched a social bookmarking tool specialising in academic articles (CiteULike) and an online journal database (Pubmed). Participant actions were captured using screen capture software and they were asked to describe their search process. Users did make use of tags in their search process, as a guide to searching and as hyperlinks to potentially useful articles. However, users also made use of controlled vocabularies in the journal database to locate useful search terms and of links to related articles supplied by the database

    The Cord (October 5, 2011)

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    Teacher Experiences with Multiple One-to-One Technology Integration Models: A Phenomenography

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine the beliefs and perceptions of teachers who have experience with both the BYOT and school-issued 1:1 technology integration models. The eight informants in this study all had middle and/or high school experience teaching with both models. The data came from semi-structured interviews with each informant and five documents related to 1:1 technology integration from four districts. Analysis results showed a preference for the 1:1 school-issued model due to concerns with technical support, equity, student behavior, technology monitoring, and pedagogical change. COVID reinforced teacher preference. Neither model was conclusively preferred in the areas of student engagement and professional development. Recommendations for future research included a comparative study of the impact of each model on student outcomes and comparative study of the models’ applications in specific content areas

    Information Outlook, May 2004

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    Volume 8, Issue 5https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_2004/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Student-Centered Learning Spaces During a Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the experience second year, live on students study habits in outside academic spaces during a pandemic from 2020-2021 academic year. Through gathered testimonies of residents it was found students value their communities, appreciate localized spaces for collaboration, and acknowledged various influences that can enhance or inhibit their ability to study. Additionally, they shared the impact COVID-19 had on their personal lives, academics, and how they interacted with others. It was found that holistic measures are needed for students to be successful in outside academic spaces. This study brought attention to these measures by identifying the need for multiple designs that offered privacy, public view, or solidarity. These spaces should provide safety, large surface areas, and offer a sense of peace. Additionally, students shared resources should be readily available, whether that be basic needs such as water, food, or restrooms, technology, even human connection, such as friends, staff, or strangers

    The implementation of a one-to-one iPAD program in an urban high school

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to apply the lessons learned from the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow studies, the SAMR model, and Diffusion of Innovations theory to explore stakeholder perceptions of iPad integration at an urban high school in Massachusetts. The implementation was viewed through the lenses of the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) studies (Baker, Gearhart, & Herman, 1990; Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Haymore Sandholtz, 1990a; Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Haymore Sandholtz, 1990b), Rogers’ (2003) Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Model, and Puentedura’s (2012) Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) Model. The researcher used qualitative analysis to code the data. Through data analysis, five themes emerged: communication, control, division, distraction, and workflow. The iPads changed how and when students and teachers communicated. Teachers sought more control over the iPads in the classroom. Control over learning shifted toward the students with the introduction of the iPads. Divisions became apparent with iPad use: new teachers versus veteran teachers and upperclassman versus underclassman. Distractions were rampant. The iPads influenced the workflow of how teachers taught and how students accessed the curriculum

    An Examination of Perceptions and Intentions of Preservice Educators in Title I Settings

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    With the shifting demographics of our nation and increased vacancies in schools, teacher preparation programs must equip teachers to work with today\u27s culturally, academically, racially, and economically (CARE) diverse student population effectively. University-based teacher preparation programs are called to examine the steps taken and experiences provided to develop effective teachers to work with CARE students and fill vacancies, specifically in Title I schools. Preservice teachers, 15 total, participated in this qualitative study examining the perceptions and intentions of PSTs who were exposed to course content and field experiences that focused on Title I and CARE students. The PSTs were placed into two focus groups based on the number of times they were exposed to both throughout their undergraduate career. Participants who had one to two episodes of previous exposure comprised the first group. Participants who had three opportunities for exposure (course content, field experience, and/or first internship) comprised the second focus group. All PSTs were completing their final internship with placements in Title I schools. Findings gleaned from the transcripts indicated that stereotypes and previous perceptions of Title I schools and CARE students were positively impacted through their experiences. Throughout their internship semester, all participants used words that denoted respect and understanding for their diverse students and for their beginning challenges to implement instruction. PSTs noted a need for additional preparation in undergraduate courses related to best practice and classroom management within their Title I school settings. Despite challenges, six participants opted to seek employment in Title I schools. Of the remaining participants, five indicated intentions to teach in non-Title I, while four remained neutral. Future related research will focus on creating and providing meaningful experiences for PSTs that lead to positive intentions for teaching in Title I schools
