5 research outputs found

    HCI as a means to prosociality in the economy

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    HCI research often involves intervening in the economic lives of people, but researchers only rarely give explicit consideration to what actually constitutes prosociality in the economy. Much has been said previously regarding sustainability but this has largely focused on environmental rather than interpersonal relations. This paper provides an analysis of how prosocial HCI has been discussed and continues to be defined as a research field. Based on a corpus of published works, we describe a variety of genres of work relating to prosocial HCI. Key intellectual differences are explored, including the epistemological and ethical positions involved in designing for prosocial outcomes as well as how HCI researchers posit economic decision-making. Finally, emerging issues and opportunities for further debate and collaboration are discussed in turn


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    Designing prenatal m-Health interventions through transmigrants reflection on their pregnancy ecology

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    This dissertation presents the findings from three participatory focus group and co-design sessions with Caribbean transmigrant women in the United States. Informed by their focus group discussions regarding their pregnancy experiences in the United States, the participants produced design ideas that reflected on physical, emotional, informational and social gap themes. The purpose of this study was to understand the challenges affecting the women’s prenatal wellbeing practices, and to conceive a set of recommendations and opportunities for mHealth technology design to assist with prenatal preventative care and management. The study uses the theoretical concept of pregnancy ecology to identify gaps in prenatal health management, and understand participants’ reflection on these gaps through design. Then, the study identifies opportunities for mHealth and HCI research to consider designing tailored interventions to the realities of the expecting immigrant mother, including the role of transnational social support, and embracing the role of entertainment in mental health during pregnancy

    Calm Displays and Their Applications : Making Emissive Displays Mimic Reflective Surfaces Using Visual Psychophysics, Light Sensing and Colour Science

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    Ph. D. Thesis.Our environment is increasingly full of obtrusive display panels, which become illuminating surfaces when on, and void black rectangles when off. Some researchers argue that emissive displays are incompatible with Weiser and Seely Brown's vision of "calm technology", due to their inability to seamlessly blend into the background. Indeed, Mankoff has shown that for any ambient technology, the ability to move into the periphery is the most relevant factor in their usability. In this thesis, a background mode for displays is proposed based on the idea that displays can look like an ordinary piece of reflective paper showing the same content. The thesis consists of three main parts. In the first part (Chapter 4), human colour matching performance between an emissive display and reflective paper under chromatic lighting conditions is measured in a psychophysical experiment. We find that threshold discrimination ellipses vary with condition (16.0×6.0 ΔEab on average), with lower sensitivity to chroma than hue changes. Match distributions are bimodal for some conditions. In the second part (Chapter 5), an algorithm enabling emissive displays to look like reflective paper is described and evaluated, giving an average error of ΔEab = 10.2 between display and paper. A field study showed that paper-like displays are more acceptable in bedrooms and that people are more likely to keep them always on than normal displays. Finally, the third part (Chapter 6) concerns the development and four-week trial of a paper-like display application. Using the autobiographical design method, a system for sharing bedtime with a remote partner was developed. We see that once unobtrusive, display systems are desired for use even in spaces like bedrooms. Paper-like displays enable both emerging and existing devices to move into the periphery and become “invisible”, and therefore provide a new building block of calm technology that is not achievable using simple emissive displays