3,649 research outputs found

    'Grey-Box' and 'Black-Box' supplier-buyer relationship in product innovation under technology and market uncertainty

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    The objective of this research study is to examine the effect of external uncertainty and supplier-buyer relationship conditions on supplier involvement in product innovation processes. A research model is proposed to investigate the connection between technology and market uncertainty, supplier-buyer relationships, supplier integration outcomes, and the role of black-box and grey-box integration. Data from high-tech companies were used to analyze the proposed hypotheses through PLS-SEM. The results reveal technology and market uncertainty are significant to supplier-buyer cooperation. Suppliers and buyers tend to work more intensively when technology and market uncertainty is high. Supplier-buyer relationship impacts supplier involvement outcomes, and this collaboration is more effective when black-box integration form is selected in the product innovation process. This research paper contributes to supplier involvement in product innovation literature by unfolding how firms can integrate suppliers under technology and market uncertainty and black-box and grey-box integration under product innovation projects. © 2018 IEEE

    innovation under technology and market uncertainty

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    The objective of this research study is to examine the effect of external uncertainty and supplier-buyer relationship conditions on supplier involvement in product innovation processes. A research model is proposed to investigate the connection between technology and market uncertainty, supplier-buyer relationships, supplier integration outcomes, and the role of black-box and grey-box integration. Data from high-tech companies were used to analyze the proposed hypotheses through PLS-SEM. The results reveal technology and market uncertainty are significant to supplier-buyer cooperation. Suppliers and buyers tend to work more intensively when technology and market uncertainty is high. Supplier-buyer relationship impacts supplier involvement outcomes, and this collaboration is more effective when black-box integration form is selected in the product innovation process. This research paper contributes to supplier involvement in product innovation literature by unfolding how firms can integrate suppliers under technology and market uncertainty and black-box and grey-box integration under product innovation projects

    innovation under technology and market uncertainty

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    The objective of this research study is to examine the effect of external uncertainty and supplier-buyer relationship conditions on supplier involvement in product innovation processes. A research model is proposed to investigate the connection between technology and market uncertainty, supplier-buyer relationships, supplier integration outcomes, and the role of black-box and grey-box integration. Data from high-tech companies were used to analyze the proposed hypotheses through PLS-SEM. The results reveal technology and market uncertainty are significant to supplier-buyer cooperation. Suppliers and buyers tend to work more intensively when technology and market uncertainty is high. Supplier-buyer relationship impacts supplier involvement outcomes, and this collaboration is more effective when black-box integration form is selected in the product innovation process. This research paper contributes to supplier involvement in product innovation literature by unfolding how firms can integrate suppliers under technology and market uncertainty and black-box and grey-box integration under product innovation projects

    Vertical alliances and innovation : A systematic review of the literature and a future research agenda

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    For this paper, we conducted a systematic review of 116 articles on vertical alliances and innovation published in 35 leading journals between 2000 and 2021, and provide an integrative and in-depth evaluation of the current state of the vertical alliances and innovation literature. Through such review, this article makes three key contributions to the extant literature. First, it provides an integrative overview of vertical alliances and innovation. Second, it maps the depth and scope of the study of vertical alliances and innovation by highlighting the research methods, geographical coverage, industries, and theoretical perspectives deployed by the extant scholarship. Third, it develops a multi-level framework of the vertical alliances and innovation relationship, and discusses the findings based on research linkages between antecedents, mediators, outcomes, and moderators. This framework led us to identify key research gaps and to highlight additional theoretical approaches that may shed light on this important topic, given the growing importance of technological advancement and networks for innovation.© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The influence of inter-firm relationships and routines on service development: a study of Taiwanese convenient stores

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    This thesis examines how inter-firm relationships and routines influence the process and outcomes of new service development (NSD). The research questions addressed are: 1) How do inter-firm relationships and routines influence the speed of NSD? and 2) In what ways do the different types of service development affect inter-firm relationships and organisational routines associated with the speed of NSD? Prior research has emphasized the importance of cooperating with other organizations to exploit external sources of knowledge and capabilities, but relatively little is known about the specific mechanisms to achieve this and how these affect the outcomes of new service development. This research contributes to the literature on new service development and innovation networks. The research design consists of comparative case studies and draws on empirical evidence from the development of two contrasting e-commerce services in the four dominant Taiwanese convenience store chains. In total 52 interviews were conducted with members of staff of convenience store chains and suppliers. The interviews were analyzed using the thematic framework approach, which represents the patterns and relationships in the interview data. Cross-case synthesis was chosen as the analytical technique to summarize the findings from the individual cases. The present study found that trust and interdependence have positive influence on the speed of NSD. Intensity of inter-firm collaboration has a negative effect on the speed of NSD under some circumstances (e.g. task complexity and project newness). Moreover, the relationship between organizational routines for knowledge transfer and the speed of NSD may vary under different degrees of project newness. The thesis demonstrates the interaction of organizational and project level characteristics in new service development, and the multi-dimensional nature of service development compared to that of conventional product development

    Supply chain innovation: an integrating framework and aerospace cases from China

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    The relationship between supply chain management and innovation has been fragmentedly explored in the literature. Relevant arguments have been generally formulated around issues of resources, coordination and learning in supply chain management. Important arguments include engaging suppliers in buyers’ research and development processes, especially in the early stage of new product development, which helps to leverage suppliers’ expertise but may also lead to inevitable risks. Another fragmentation is that there is no unifying framework explaining how the activities along the supply chain can systematically impact on the buyers’ innovation performance. In this context, this research develops an integrating framework of supply chain innovation (SCI) to reveal how the supply chain capabilities influence a firm’s innovation performance. This research adopts a multiple case study approach to collect empirical data for two main reasons. Firstly, the process of identifying the relationship between supply chain capabilities and innovation performance is a theory-building process (Eisenhardt, 1989). Therefore, case study provides description and exploration to serve the aim of theory-building. Secondly, implementing case study approach is more suitable to serve the research objective to collect qualitative data that focuses on exploring in depth rather than breadth (Denscombe, 1998 and Eisenhardt, 1989). Because case study “focuses on instances of a particular phenomenon with a view to providing an in-depth account of events, relationships, experiences or processes that are occurring in that particular instance” (Denscombe, 1998). We have conducted 37 intensive interviews and secondary data from 8 aerospace manufacturers in China. The case companies were selected via theoretical sampling method, and there are five case selection criteria: firstly, the case companies must be involved in manufacturing in the aerospace industry; secondly, the company must be engaged in at least one type of innovation performance; thirdly, the researched companies must come from either the manufacturer and supplier side of the supply chain; last but not least, the company must be at the higher tier of the complex aerospace manufacturing supply chain (at least tier 1-2). The data were analysed by following Yin’s (2018) guidelines and thematic analysis methods (Braun and Clarke, 2006) to explore the relationship between supply chain capabilities and innovation performance. The main contribution of this research is that it extends the existing literatures to provide an integrating framework of SCI that incorporates discussions from different aspects of operations theories. It provides case studies from eight companies from China, including two leading enterprises in the aerospace manufacturing industry in the domestic market. The research looks from both the manufacturers’ side and suppliers’ side, aiming to provide a more comprehensive framework and explains how innovation performance can be enhanced through SCI

    Investigating the effects of customer relationship management and supplier relationship management on new product development

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    Na većinu poduzeća danas sve više utječu konkurencija i globalna tržišta zbog usavršavanja informatičke tehnologije i ekonomske globalizacije. Razvoj informatičke tehnologije i sve veća stručnost dovode do kraćeg vijeka trajanja proizvoda, bržeg zastarijevanja proizvoda, povećanja broja visokokvalitetnih proizvoda i stavljanja novih proizvoda na tržište. Ove su činjenice potaknule proizvodne organizacije da slijede ciljeve razvoja novih proizvoda (NPD) kao što su smanjenje vremena razvoja proizvoda, niža cijena proizvodnje uz bolju kvalitetu, skraćivanje vremena plasmana proizvoda na tržište, bolji uvjeti isporuke u svrhu profitabilnosti i opstanka na tržištu. Uključivanje kupaca i dobavljača u proces NPD postalo je vrlo popularna tema u literaturi. SRM i NPD mogu unaprijediti postupak razvoja novog proizvoda (NPD) i olakšati ulogu kupaca i dobavljača u NPD u cilju razvoja visoko produktivne organizacije; stoga organizacije trebaju dobro razumjeti uloge CRM i SRM u postupku razvoja novog proizvoda i stečeno znanje iskoristiti za unapređenje novih proizvoda. Zbog prednosti primjene CRM i SRM u proizvodnim organizacijama, u radu se istražuju različite uloge CRM i SRM u postupku razvoja novog proizvoda.Most organizations today are increasingly influenced by competition and global markets due to advancements in information technology and economic globalization. Developments in information technology and increasing competitiveness are led to shorter product life cycles, increase rate of product obsolescence, growth of high-quality products and introduction of new products into the market. These factors have stimulated organizations to follow NPD goals such as reducing product development time, lower product cost with higher quality, shorter time-to-market, and improving delivery performance to achieve profitability and keep their market position. Customer and supplier involvement during the NPD processes has attracted widespread attention in the literature. SRM and CRM can improve the performance of New Product Development (NPD) as well as facilitate the role of customers and suppliers in NPD in the path towards a high-performance organization; therefore, it is necessary for organizations to gain a correct understanding of the roles of CRM and SRM in NPD processes and to draw on such a knowledge to enhance the performance of the new product. Given the advantages of applying CRM and SRM within organizations, this paper tries to explore the different roles of CRM and SRM which play in NPD process

    Managing and designing dyadic R&D collaboration

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