143 research outputs found

    Balanced Allocations: A Simple Proof for the Heavily Loaded Case

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    We provide a relatively simple proof that the expected gap between the maximum load and the average load in the two choice process is bounded by (1+o(1))loglogn(1+o(1))\log \log n, irrespective of the number of balls thrown. The theorem was first proven by Berenbrink et al. Their proof uses heavy machinery from Markov-Chain theory and some of the calculations are done using computers. In this manuscript we provide a significantly simpler proof that is not aided by computers and is self contained. The simplification comes at a cost of weaker bounds on the low order terms and a weaker tail bound for the probability of deviating from the expectation

    Dynamic Traitor Tracing for Arbitrary Alphabets: Divide and Conquer

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    We give a generic divide-and-conquer approach for constructing collusion-resistant probabilistic dynamic traitor tracing schemes with larger alphabets from schemes with smaller alphabets. This construction offers a linear tradeoff between the alphabet size and the codelength. In particular, we show that applying our results to the binary dynamic Tardos scheme of Laarhoven et al. leads to schemes that are shorter by a factor equal to half the alphabet size. Asymptotically, these codelengths correspond, up to a constant factor, to the fingerprinting capacity for static probabilistic schemes. This gives a hierarchy of probabilistic dynamic traitor tracing schemes, and bridges the gap between the low bandwidth, high codelength scheme of Laarhoven et al. and the high bandwidth, low codelength scheme of Fiat and Tassa.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    The Probability to Hit Every Bin with a Linear Number of Balls

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    Assume that 2n2n balls are thrown independently and uniformly at random into nn bins. We consider the unlikely event EE that every bin receives at least one ball, showing that Pr[E]=Θ(bn)\Pr[E] = \Theta(b^n) where b0.836b \approx 0.836. Note that, due to correlations, bb is not simply the probability that any single bin receives at least one ball. More generally, we consider the event that throwing αn\alpha n balls into nn bins results in at least dd balls in each bin

    Decentralized Erasure Codes for Distributed Networked Storage

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    We consider the problem of constructing an erasure code for storage over a network when the data sources are distributed. Specifically, we assume that there are n storage nodes with limited memory and k<n sources generating the data. We want a data collector, who can appear anywhere in the network, to query any k storage nodes and be able to retrieve the data. We introduce Decentralized Erasure Codes, which are linear codes with a specific randomized structure inspired by network coding on random bipartite graphs. We show that decentralized erasure codes are optimally sparse, and lead to reduced communication, storage and computation cost over random linear coding.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue: Networking and Information Theor

    Self-Stabilizing Repeated Balls-into-Bins

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    We study the following synchronous process that we call "repeated balls-into-bins". The process is started by assigning nn balls to nn bins in an arbitrary way. In every subsequent round, from each non-empty bin one ball is chosen according to some fixed strategy (random, FIFO, etc), and re-assigned to one of the nn bins uniformly at random. We define a configuration "legitimate" if its maximum load is O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n). We prove that, starting from any configuration, the process will converge to a legitimate configuration in linear time and then it will only take on legitimate configurations over a period of length bounded by any polynomial in nn, with high probability (w.h.p.). This implies that the process is self-stabilizing and that every ball traverses all bins in O(nlog2n)\mathcal{O}(n \log^2 n) rounds, w.h.p