710 research outputs found

    Simulator verification techniques study. Integrated simulator self test system concepts

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    Software and hardware requirements for implementing hardware self tests are presented in support of the development of training and procedures development simulators for the space shuttle program. Self test techniques for simulation hardware and the validation of simulation performance are stipulated. The requirements of an integrated simulator self system are analyzed. Readiness tests, fault isolation tests, and incipient fault detection tests are covered

    NASA propulsion controls research

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    Multivariable control theory is applied to the design of multiple input and output engine controls. Highly-accurate, real-time engine simulations are utilized for control development and checkout. Electro-optical control components are developed for use in electronic control systems having fiber optic data links. Integrated controls are developed for VSTOL and Rotorcraft propulsion systems. Post-stall models of engine systems are developed to aid in understanding and control of post-stall engine behavior

    The Rolf of Test Chips in Coordinating Logic and Circuit Design and Layout Aids for VLSI

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    This paper emphasizes the need for multipurpose test chips and comprehensive procedures for use in supplying accurate input data to both logic and circuit simulators and chip layout aids. It is shown that the location of test structures within test chips is critical in obtaining representative data, because geometrical distortions introduced during the photomasking process can lead to significant intrachip parameter variations. In order to transfer test chip designs quickly, accurately, and economically, a commonly accepted portable chip layout notation and commonly accepted parametric tester language are needed. In order to measure test chips more accurately and more rapidly, parametric testers with improved architecture need to be developed in conjunction with innovative test structures with on-chip signal conditioning

    Hybrid computer simulation and on-line digital computer control of D.C. link

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    Imperial Users onl

    Advanced detection, isolation, and accommodation of sensor failures in turbofan engines: Real-time microcomputer implementation

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    The objective of the Advanced Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation Program is to improve the overall demonstrated reliability of digital electronic control systems for turbine engines. For this purpose, an algorithm was developed which detects, isolates, and accommodates sensor failures by using analytical redundancy. The performance of this algorithm was evaluated on a real time engine simulation and was demonstrated on a full scale F100 turbofan engine. The real time implementation of the algorithm is described. The implementation used state-of-the-art microprocessor hardware and software, including parallel processing and high order language programming

    Simulation verification techniques study

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    Results are summarized of the simulation verification techniques study which consisted of two tasks: to develop techniques for simulator hardware checkout and to develop techniques for simulation performance verification (validation). The hardware verification task involved definition of simulation hardware (hardware units and integrated simulator configurations), survey of current hardware self-test techniques, and definition of hardware and software techniques for checkout of simulator subsystems. The performance verification task included definition of simulation performance parameters (and critical performance parameters), definition of methods for establishing standards of performance (sources of reference data or validation), and definition of methods for validating performance. Both major tasks included definition of verification software and assessment of verification data base impact. An annotated bibliography of all documents generated during this study is provided

    High-power transmitter automation

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    The current status of the transmitter automation development applicable to all transmitters in the deep space network is described. Interface and software designs are described that improve reliability and reduce the time required for subsystem turn-on and klystron saturation to less than 10 minutes

    MIUS Integration and Subsystem Test (MIST) data system

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    A data system for use in testing integrated subsystems of a modular integrated utility system (MIUS) is presented. The MIUS integration and subsystem test (MIST) data system is reviewed from its conception through its checkout and operation as the controlling portion of the MIST facility. The MIST data system provides a real time monitoring and control function that allows for complete evaluation of the performance of the mechanical and electrical subsystems, as well as controls the operation of the various components of the system. In addition to the aforementioned capabilities, the MIST data system provides computerized control of test operations such that minimum manpower is necessary to set up, operate, and shut down subsystems during test periods

    Advanced electrochemical depolarized concentrator cell development

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    An advanced electrochemical depolarized carbon dioxide concentrator subsystem, to collect and concentrate metabolically produced CO2 for subsequent O2 recovery in spacecraft, is discussed