124 research outputs found

    I piani settoriali a scala urbana

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    Il contributo propone un focus su alcuni strumenti di settore che affrontano specifiche tematiche alla scala urbana, con particolare riferimento agli strumenti per la tutela della qualità ambientale e per il governo della mobilità. Si evidenziano, in entrambi i casi, le significative interrelazioni tra problematiche ambientali e scelte relative all’evoluzione/trasformazione dei contesti urbani e al governo della mobilità e la conseguente necessità di una più stretta integrazione tra strumenti generali e settoriali, difficilmente conseguibile attraverso il solo coordinamento a posteriori tra strumenti elaborati separatamente e sulla base di approcci settoriali

    Smart mobility: opportunity or threat to innovate places and cities

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    The concept of the “smart mobility” has become something of a buzz phrase in the planning and transport fields in the last decade. After a fervent first phase in which information technology and digital data were considered the answer for making mobility more efficient, more attractive and for increasing the quality of travel, some disappointing has grown around this concept: the distance between the visionarypotentialthatsmartness is providingis too far from the reality of urban mobility in cities. We argue in particular that two main aspects of smart mobility should be eluded: the first refers to the merely application to technology on mobility system, what we called the techo-centric aspect; the second feature is the consumer-centric aspect of smart mobility, that consider transport users only as potential consumers of a service. Starting from this, the study critics the smart mobility approach and applications and argues on a“smarter mobility” approach, in which technologies are only oneaspects of a more complex system. With a view on the urgency of looking beyond technology and beyond consumer-oriented solutions, the study arguments the need for a cross-disciplinary and a more collaborative approach that could supports transition towards a“smarter mobility” for enhancing the quality of life and the development ofvibrant cities. The article does not intend to produce a radical critique of the smart mobility concept,denying a priori its utility. Our perspectiveisthat the smart mobility is sometimes used as an evocativeslogan lacking some fundamental connection with other central aspect of mobility planning and governance. Main research questions are: what is missing in the technology-oriented or in the consumers-oriented smart mobility approach? What are the main risks behind these approaches? To answer this questions the paper provides in Section 2 the rationale behind the paper;Section 3 provides a literature review that explores the evolution on smart mobility paradigm in the last decades analysing in details the “techno-centric”and the “consumer-centric” aspects. Section 4proposes an integrated innovative approach for smart mobility, providing examples and some innovative best practices in Belgium. Some conclusions are finally drawnin Section 5, based on the role of smart mobility to create not only virtual platforms but high quality urban places

    Accessibility impacts of tod experiences in European metropolitan areas

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    The study investigates how Transit Oriented Development - TOD structure affect accessibility in cities with the aim of establishing whether TOD patterns of urban expansion, in terms of network connectivity and inhabitants and job density, could be associated with measures of rail accessibility. In particular the paper addresses the following overarching questions: is TOD informed structure related to high accessibility by rail public transport? Which features of TOD structure affect accessibility? The paper provides a cross- comparative empirical analysis of six metropolitan areas in Europe, where the TOD degree is measured as the amount of urban development clustering along rail corridors and stations; this feature is then related to cumulative opportunity measures of accessibility to jobs and inhabitants. The research demonstrate that accessibility increases in cities that are developed around the rail network and with higher value of network connectivity, but no correlation is found between accessibility and mean density values. The research furthermore provide an application of the node-place model demonstrating its useful potential in accessibility planning processes

    Urban transformations and rail stations system - the study case of Naples

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    The paper proposes an interpretation of the physical and functional transformations, as consequences of a new metro system construction in a metropolitan area. In particolar the research, which is part of the PhD thesis work, is focused on the analysis, finalized to the transformations management, of the activities and the spaces autorganizzazione phenomena in the new metro station areas. The paper describes the approach, the research methodology utilized and the application testing in the Naples Council where a new railway network has been developed. The first results provide a methodology for the interpretation of the impacts of the new station on the urban system and a GIS decision support tools for the managment of the urban system transformation process

    Il Temporal GIS di Bagnoli: uno strumento innovativo per la gestione delle aree dismesse

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    Il lavoro presentato nel seguito si inserisce nel dibattito internazionale sul ruolo del GIS Temporale (TGIS) come strumento di supporto al governo delle trasformazioni urbane. Il TGIS, integrando dati spaziali con dati temporali permette l’archiviazione, l’interrogazione e la rappresentazione di informazioni “dinamiche”. Per questo motivo può svolgere il ruolo di strumento di supporto al governo dei processi di trasformazione dei sistemi urbani. In particolare questo lavoro si pone l’obiettivo della definizione del TGIS per la gestione della trasformazione delle aree dismesse e della programmazione temporale degli interventi necessari alla riqualificazione delle grandi aree ex-industriali urbane. Il lavoro fornisce quindi una procedura per la messa a punto di un TGIS come strumento di ottimizzazione delle risorse, di monitoraggio e regolazione delle attività di trasformazione delle aree dismesse. Il paper descrive la struttura del TGIS, le caratteristiche del database e la procedura di aggiornamento dei dati. Infine è proposta una applicazione della procedura messa a punto al caso studio dell’area dismessa di Bagnoli della città di Napoli, definendo uno strumento TGIS- Piano di Intervento che mette a sistema i due diversi processi per la trasformazione dell’area: la bonifica dei suoli e la trasformazione urbanistica. In questo senso offre un modello flessibile per la gestione e il controllo in temporeale del processo di trasformazione
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