12 research outputs found

    Analisis Bahaya Titik Kendali Kritis Proses Pengolahan Bola-Bola Daging di Instalasi Gizi Rumah Sakit

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    In the knot environment there are some medias that could transmit disease, one of them is food. Meatballs with beef as main ingredient is one of food that is made in The Installation Nutrition RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Meats are the main source of bacteria that cause infections and intoxications, such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli. Meatballs are so vulnerable to get contaminated by physical, biological, or chemical hazards. The purpose of this research is hazard analysis and critical control point at meatballs making. This research is descriptive qualitative research.Sources of information consists of six informants. Methods of research con-ducted is in-depth interview and observation. The instrument used is the test equipment NER Escherichia coli and Salmonella, in-depth interview guide-lines, checklists, and camera. The results showed that the critical controlpoints in meatballs making is acceptance of minced beef, wet food storage, kneading and forming the dough, boiling, draining, and presentation. Although based on the observation and interviews indicated that physicallymeatballs were good and E. coli and Salmonella in meatballs were nega-tive, the stress point is the potential dangers of biological pathogens and chemicals nitrite nitrate

    Spatial Analysis of Bacteriological and Chemical Quality of Refill Drinking Water in Palembang

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    Research by Trisnaini (2013) in Ogan Ilir Regency found that there were 13 depot refill drinking water which water samples were positive for Coliform. Data by the Environmental Health Engineering Center of Palembang on 136 depot found that not all depot were not suitable with the requirements of Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number492/2010. The impact is low drinking water quality that potentially cause diseases. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of depot refill drinking water in the city of Palembang based on the parameters of Coliform, Escherecia Coli, and pH. This research used a quantitative design, with a survey method. The research was conducted in the city of Palembang. The research population was 136 depot refill drinking water in the city of Palembang. Sampling was using proportionate stratified random sampling. Based on the results of laboratory tests, it was found that from 36 depot refill drinking water there were 2 (5.8%) which showed positive results of water samples containing Coliform, 2 (5.8%) which were positive for Escherecia Coli, and most of (91%) water samples examined did not suitable the health requirements on the parameter of pH. It is concluded that most of the water samples from the depot refill drinking water studied had met the health requirements based on the parameters of Coliform and Escherecia Coli, but most did not suitable the health requirements for the pH parameter based on the Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010.The need for increased supervision of refill drinking water depot

    Correlation of Environmental Factors Associated with the Incidence of Diarrhea in Under-five in Indonesia : a Community Based Total Sanitation Approach Toward Achievement Millennium Development Goals

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    Background: Diarrhea is a worldwide health problem, especially in the developing countries. Based on WHO (2010) that 58% of under-five deaths were caused by infectious diseases, one on it was diarrhea. Based on Ministry of Health Indonesia (2011), 8.8 million child deaths in the world was 1,3 million caused by diarrhea in 2008, and more than 98% of it occur in 68 the developing countries. In Indonesia 5% of under-five deaths were caused by diarrhea (WHO, 2010). The purpose of this research is to analyze the association between environmental factors with the incidence of diarrhea in under-five.Method: The method used in documentation was by collecting the data from the results of research studies as well as supporting the secondary data sources. The data analysis was descriptive analysis technique.Result: The research results of Eralita (2001), showed that variables had significant correlation with diarrhea were clean water facilities OR=6.610, having latrine OR=2.896, waste water sewage facilities OR=5.967, and solid waste container facilities OR=3.746. The research by Sinthamurniwaty (2006), the risk factor that influence diarrhea in under-five was who do not use clean water source (OR = 2,208). Also, the research results of Rosyidi (2011) at District Lebong, Bengkulu Province showed the variable that associated was location of septic tank OR=4.934. It strengthened by the research of Santoso (2003) in the Sukarta City, that was discovered coliform content in water sources clean. This suggests the existence of contamination by feces as a source of diarrhea disease.Conclusion: There is association between a family privy with incidence of diarrhea, this indicates that environment pollution caused by faces as the source of diarrhea

    Relationship Between Physical Housing Condition and Behavioral with Pneumonia Incidence in Under Five Year Old Children in the Working Area of Public Health Center Yosomulyo Metro City

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    Background: Pneumonia is a health problem that is a major cause of death of children under five years. The cause of pneumonia can be caused by environmental factors in the home that includes a physical home environment and behavioral factors. Based on data from the Health Center Metro Yosomulyo increased cases of pneumonia for three consecutive years. Yosomulyo Health Center is a health center that ranks first pneumonia cases highest in Metro City. Method: This study used a case control study design. The sample in this study were 108 samples with a ratio of 1: 3, which consisted of 27 cases of pneumonia and 81 control cases in the immediate neighborhood. Data analysis was performed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Result: The results of the bivariate analysis is known that there are eight independent variables associated with the incidence of pneumonia in children under five is ventilation, humidity, lighting, temperature, mother\u27s education, presence of family members who smoke, habit of opening window and house cleaning habits. Chi square all <0,05 and multiple logistic regression test custom variable opening the window is the most dominant variable incidence of pneumonia in children under five. Conclusion: Opening the window is a variable habit most dominant related events pneumonia with the toddler in the working area of public health center Yosomulyo Metro City 2016

    Environmental Health Risk Analysis of Copper Exposure to Catfish Commonly Consumed By People in Ulak Jermun Village, Ogan Komering Ilir

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    Catfish cultivated in rivers can be contaminated by heavy metals such as copper (Cu) which come from activities around the river. Copper exposure through the consumption of catfish will be harmful to health. This research aim to   analyze the public health risks due to catfish consumption in Ulak Jermun Village, Ogan Komering Ilir. The design of study was cross sectional using the Environmental Health Risk Analysis method. The research respondents were 113 people with 5 samples of catfish taken from the river where the fish were cultivated. The analysis of heavy metal copper using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method. The results showed copper contamination in catfish with an average concentration of 1.67 mg/kg. There were no respondents with RQ value > 1 for realtime non-carcinogenic health risks, but 11 people (9.7%) of respondents with RQ value > 1 for non-carcinogenic health risks in a lifetime. Meanwhile, for realtime carcinogenic exposure 34.5% had ECR values > 10-4 and 100% of respondents had ECR values > 10-4 for carcinogenic effects in lifetime. The conclusion was the people of Ulak Jermun are at risk of experiencing carcinogenic diseases due to copper exposure with the largest percentage of people aged> 32 years, female, and weighing ≤ 57 kg


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    One of the diseases caused by poor implementation of PHBS is diarrheal disease. The World Health Organization notes that 100,000 Indonesian children die yearly from diarrhoea. Children at school age are a golden age to instill the values of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) so that they have the potential as agents of change to promote PHBS both in the school environment and their family and community. This community service activity aims to increase children’s knowledge and awareness of littering behavior. This community service activity uses the demonstration method in a hand puppet theatre with five characters. The results of the intervention measured using pre-test and post-test questionnaires showed a difference in this case, namely the increase in knowledge (p-value = 0.001) and attitudes (p-value = 0.004) of students who became respondents related to the behavior of stopping littering. The impact of this community service activity is an increase in the knowledge of elementary school children about the importance of stopping littering.  --- Salah satu penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh penerapan PHBS yang buruk ialah penyakit diare. World Health Organization mencatat bahwa setiap tahunnya tahun 100.000 anak Indonesia meninggal akibat diare. Anak-anak pada usia sekolah merupakan masa keemasan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) sehingga berpotensi sebagai agen perubahan untuk mempromosikan PHBS, baik di lingkungan sekolah, keluarga dan masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ialah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan membangun kesadaran anak-anak dalam perilaku Stop Membuang Sampah Sembarangan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode peragaan dalam teater boneka tangan dengan 5 tokoh di dalamnya. Hasil dari intervensi yang diukur menggunakan kuesioner pre test dan post test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan dalam hal ini ialah peningkatan pengetahuan (p value=0,001) dan sikap (p value=0,004) siswa yang menjadi responden berkaitan dengan perilaku stop buang sampah sembarangan. Dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ialah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan anak-anak sekolah dasar mengenai pentingnya perilaku Stop Buang Sampah Sembarangan. 

    Determinant of Health Services Utilization by Persons with Disabilities in Palembang City

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    The issue of PWDs (Person with Disabilities) is a human right issue. Stigma and discrimination from the community as well as health workers often become obstacles for PWDs in utilization of health services. The study aimed to determine the determinants of health services by PWDs in the city of Palembang. This study used cross sectional study design. The samples of this study were 103 samples of PWDs selected by cluster random sampling. The analysis methods of this study were bivariate using chi-square as well as multivariate test using multiple logistic regression tests. The study found that PWDs who utilize health care services are female, high income, easy access to health services, low health care cost and a positive attitude towards services health. The most influential variables on the utilization of health services is a positive attitude towards health services. The utilization of health services by PWDs in Palembang city has not optimal. It is hoped the goverrment will review the existing in health services so that a friendlier situation and region of PWDs can be created


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    Background: Pneumonia is a health problem that is a major cause of death of children under five years. The cause of pneumonia can be caused by environmental factors in the home that includes a physical home environment and behavioral factors. Based on data from the Health Center Metro Yosomulyo increased cases of pneumonia for three consecutive years. Yosomulyo Health Center is a health center that ranks first pneumonia cases highest in Metro City.The aim of study is analyze relationship between physical housing condition and behavioral with pneumonia incidence Method: This study used a case control study design. The sample in this study were 108 samples with a ratio of 1: 3, which consisted of 27 cases of pneumonia and 81 control cases in the immediate neighborhood. Data analysis was performed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Result: The results of the bivariate analysis is known that there are eight independent variables associated with the incidence of pneumonia in children under five is ventilation, humidity, lighting, temperature, mother’s education, presence of family members who smoke, habit of opening window and house cleaning habits. Chi square all <0,05 and multiple logistic regression test custom variable opening the window is the most dominant variable incidence of pneumonia in children under five. Conclusion: Opening the window is a variable habit most dominant related events pneumonia with the toddler in the working area of public health center Yosomulyo Metro City

    Determinant of Health Services Utilization by Persons with Disabilities in Palembang City

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    The issue of PWDs (Person with Disabilities) is a human right issue. Stigma and discrimination from the community as well as health workers often become obstacles for PWDs in utilization of health services. The study aimed to determine the determinants of health services by PWDs in the city of Palembang. This study used cross sectional study design. The samples of this study were 103 samples of PWDs selected by cluster random sampling. The analysis methods of this study were bivariate using chi-square as well as multivariate test using multiple logistic regression tests. The study found that PWDs who utilize health care services are female, high income, easy access to health services, low health care cost and a positive attitude towards services health. The most influential variables on the utilization of health services is a positive attitude towards health services. The utilization of health services by PWDs in Palembang city has not optimal. It is hoped the goverrment will review the existing in health services so that a friendlier situation and region of PWDs can be created