66,113 research outputs found

    On the tau-functions of the Degasperis-Procesi equation

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    The DP equation is investigated from the point of view of determinant-pfaffian identities. The reciprocal link between the Degasperis-Procesi (DP) equation and the pseudo 3-reduction of the C∞C_{\infty} two-dimensional Toda system is used to construct the N-soliton solution of the DP equation. The N-soliton solution of the DP equation is presented in the form of pfaffian through a hodograph (reciprocal) transformation. The bilinear equations, the identities between determinants and pfaffians, and the τ\tau-functions of the DP equation are obtained from the pseudo 3-reduction of the C∞C_{\infty} two-dimensional Toda system.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, to be publishe

    Mastering the Master Space

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    Supersymmetric gauge theories have an important but perhaps under-appreciated notion of a master space, which controls the full moduli space. For world-volume theories of D-branes probing a Calabi-Yau singularity X the situation is particularly illustrative. In the case of one physical brane, the master space F is the space of F-terms and a particular quotient thereof is X itself. We study various properties of F which encode such physical quantities as Higgsing, BPS spectra, hidden global symmetries, etc. Using the plethystic program we also discuss what happens at higher number N of branes. This letter is a summary and some extensions of the key points of a longer companion paper arXiv:0801.1585.Comment: 10 pages, 1 Figur

    The Toric Phases of the Y^{p,q} Quivers

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    We construct all connected toric phases of the recently discovered Yp,qY^{p,q} quivers and show their IR equivalence using Seiberg duality. We also compute the R and global U(1) charges for a generic toric phase of Yp,qY^{p,q}.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Solar stereoscopy - where are we and what developments do we require to progress?

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    Observations from the two STEREO-spacecraft give us for the first time the possibility to use stereoscopic methods to reconstruct the 3D solar corona. Classical stereoscopy works best for solid objects with clear edges. Consequently an application of classical stereoscopic methods to the faint structures visible in the optically thin coronal plasma is by no means straight forward and several problems have to be treated adequately: 1.)First there is the problem of identifying one dimensional structures -e.g. active region coronal loops or polar plumes- from the two individual EUV-images observed with STEREO/EUVI. 2.) As a next step one has the association problem to find corresponding structures in both images. 3.) Within the reconstruction problem stereoscopic methods are used to compute the 3D-geometry of the identified structures. Without any prior assumptions, e.g., regarding the footpoints of coronal loops, the reconstruction problem has not one unique solution. 4.) One has to estimate the reconstruction error or accuracy of the reconstructed 3D-structure, which depends on the accuracy of the identified structures in 2D, the separation angle between the spacecraft, but also on the location, e.g., for east-west directed coronal loops the reconstruction error is highest close to the loop top. 5.) Eventually we are not only interested in the 3D-geometry of loops or plumes, but also in physical parameters like density, temperature, plasma flow, magnetic field strength etc. Helpful for treating some of these problems are coronal magnetic field models extrapolated from photospheric measurements, because observed EUV-loops outline the magnetic field. This feature has been used for a new method dubbed 'magnetic stereoscopy'. As examples we show recent application to active region loops.Comment: 12 Pages, 9 Figures, a Review articl

    Z-D Brane Box Models and Non-Chiral Dihedral Quivers

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    Generalising ideas of an earlier work \cite{Bo-Han}, we address the problem of constructing Brane Box Models of what we call the Z-D Type from a new point of view, so as to establish the complete correspondence between these brane setups and orbifold singularities of the non-Abelian G generated by Z_k and D_d under certain group-theoretic constraints to which we refer as the BBM conditions. Moreover, we present a new class of N=1{\cal N}=1 quiver theories of the ordinary dihedral group d_k as well as the ordinary exceptionals E_{6,7,8} which have non-chiral matter content and discuss issues related to brane setups thereof

    The Splitting of Branes on Orientifold Planes

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    Continuing the study in hep-th/0004092 and hep-th/0004092, we investigate a non-trivial string dynamical process related to orientifold planes, i.e., the splitting of physical NS-branes and D(p+2)-branes on orientifold Op-planes. Creation or annihilation of physical Dp-branes usually accompanies the splitting process. In the particular case p=4, we use Seiberg-Witten curves as an independent method to check the results.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Asymmetry of the electron spectrum in hole-doped and electron-doped cuprates

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    Within the t-t'-J model, the asymmetry of the electron spectrum and quasiparticle dispersion in hole-doped and electron-doped cuprates is discussed. It is shown that the quasiparticle dispersions of both hole-doped and electron-doped cuprates exhibit the flat band around the (\pi,0) point below the Fermi energy. The lowest energy states are located at the (\pi/2,\pi/2) point for the hole doping, while they appear at the (\pi,0) point in the electron-doped case due to the electron-hole asymmetry. Our results also show that the unusual behavior of the electron spectrum and quasiparticle dispersion is intriguingly related to the strong coupling between the electron quasiparticles and collective magnetic excitations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, typo corrected, added detailed calculations and updated figure 3 and references, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.
