A comparative study of placemaking methods for regenerating abandoned schools between Taiwan and Japan


北九州市立大学博士(学術)With the rapid development of globalization, industrialization, urbanization, and informatization, numerous economic activities are aggregated in cities, resulting in uneven resource distribution between urban and rural areas. While the falling fertility rate has caused many schools to be non-operational, the school delivers neither the fundamental architectural space value nor contributes any interaction with their neighbors. This research conducts 15 school architecture analyses on their regenerative programs to evaluate the relationship between space order, territory differentiation, user behavior reaction, and user perception of the built environment. Thus, the research analyzes the results of 15 schools’ regenerative progress to clarify the relationship between space use and user perception of reusing the school through placemaking design methods between Taiwan and Japan. Also, the research output is to establish an evaluation process to assist the participant in accomplishing a regeneration space design value and improve civic engagement in a local community.doctoral thesi

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北九州市立大学 学術リポジトリ(ルクソール)

Last time updated on 01/06/2024

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