Impact of climate changes at crops insurance requirement


Poljoprivreda se često smatra jednim od najranjivijih sektora u gospodarstvu, a to je zbog niza faktora koji čine poljoprivredu posebno osjetljivu na različite rizike i nepredviđene događaje. U svijetu populacija neprestano raste, a s njom raste i potreba za dovoljnom količinom hrane kako bi se prehranila sva ta populacija. To postavlja izazove pred poljoprivredu i prehrambenu industriju, jer je potrebno proizvesti više hrane, često uz ograničene resurse kao što su zemljište, voda i energija. Trend povećanja broja osiguranika u poljoprivredi bilježi se zadnjih godina najviše zbog potpora Europske Unije za osiguranje usjeva, gdje se mjerama poticaja subvencionira 70% premije. Klimatske promjene su donijele mnoge negativne posljedice na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i ovo ljeto koje je bilo pogođeno poplavama, tučom i olujnim vjetrovima. Osiguranje od različitih rizika u poljoprivredi, kao što su tuča, požar, udar groma, oluja i proljetnog mraza, glavno je za zaštitu poljoprivrednih prihoda i najčešće je poljoprivredno osiguranje u Hrvatskoj. Osiguranjem usjeva u Hrvatskoj bave se četiri osiguravajuće kuće i to Adriatic osiguranje, Croatia osiguranje, Triglav osiguranje i njemačka osiguravajuća kuća Vereinigte-hagel sa podružnicama diljem zemlje.Agriculture is often considered one of the most vulnerable sectors in the economy, and this is due to a number of factors that make agriculture particularly sensitive to various risks and unforeseen events. In the world, the population is constantly growing, and with it the need for a sufficient amount of food to feed all this population. This poses challenges for agriculture and the food industry, as more food needs to be produced, often with limited resources such as land, water and energy. The trend of increasing the number of insured persons in agriculture has been recorded in recent years mostly due to the support of the European Union for crop insurance, where 70% of the premium is subsidized through incentive measures. Climate change has brought many negative consequences to agricultural production this summer as well, which was affected by floods, hail and stormy winds. Insurance against various risks in agriculture, such as hail, fire, lightning, storm and spring frost, is the main factor for protecting agricultural income and is the most common agricultural insurance in Croatia. Crop insurance in Croatia is handled by four insurance companies, namely Adriatic osiguranje, Croatia osiguranje, Triglav osiguranje and the German insurance company Vereinigte-hagel with branches all over the country

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Repository of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek

Last time updated on 22/10/2023

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