Study of “Hokkucho” in the collection of the National Diet


要旨  国立国会図書館には、『大発句帳』の後継と思われる『発句帳』が伝わる。これは、昌琢から玄碩まで、江戸時代の連歌師たちの発句を10 巻にまとめた大部な集である。類似した作品に秋月博物館蔵『後集発句集』があるが、『発句帳』の方が本文の状態が良い。現在まで存在を知られていない作品のため、本稿で紹介することとした。『発句帳』に見える発句は、祐徳稲荷神社に伝わる『発句部類』や『昌琢発句帳』『玄仲発句』『玄的連歌発句集』など個人の句集に載る句と重なるものが多いが、詞書は相違する。『発句帳』の編者は不明だが、近世の連歌師の句をまとまって見られる立場にある者によって編纂されたと推測できる。また、『発句帳』の詞書を調べると、近世連歌師の動向が確認できる。このようなことから『発句帳』は近世連歌史を知る上で重要な資料だと言える。Abstract  The National Diet Library houses a text called the Hokkucho, believed to be the successor to the Dai-hokkucho. It is a large collection of 10 volumes of hokku verses by renga poets from the Edo period, from Shotaku to Genseki. A similar work, the Goshu-hokkushu, is part of the collection of the Akizuki Museum, but the text of the Hokkucho is in better condition. We introduce this heretofore unknown work in this paper. Many of the verses in the Hokkucho are found in other anthologies, such as the Hokkuburui of the Yutoku Inari shrine, or in personal compilations such as Shotaku Hokkucho, Genchu Hokku, and Genteki Renga Hokkushu. However, in this work, they are accompanied by a different set of notes. The identity of the editor of the Hokkucho is unknown, but we can surmise that it was someone with enough status to have a bird’s-eye view of the works of the renga poets of the early modern age. Further, analysis of the notes in the Hokkucho reveals trends associated with early modern renga poets. For this reason, it can be said that the Hokkucho is an important text for understanding the history of early modern renga poetry.departmental bulletin pape

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Last time updated on 30/03/2023

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