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    Study of “Hokkucho” in the collection of the National Diet

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    要旨  国立国会図書館には、『大発句帳』の後継と思われる『発句帳』が伝わる。これは、昌琢から玄碩まで、江戸時代の連歌師たちの発句を10 巻にまとめた大部な集である。類似した作品に秋月博物館蔵『後集発句集』があるが、『発句帳』の方が本文の状態が良い。現在まで存在を知られていない作品のため、本稿で紹介することとした。『発句帳』に見える発句は、祐徳稲荷神社に伝わる『発句部類』や『昌琢発句帳』『玄仲発句』『玄的連歌発句集』など個人の句集に載る句と重なるものが多いが、詞書は相違する。『発句帳』の編者は不明だが、近世の連歌師の句をまとまって見られる立場にある者によって編纂されたと推測できる。また、『発句帳』の詞書を調べると、近世連歌師の動向が確認できる。このようなことから『発句帳』は近世連歌史を知る上で重要な資料だと言える。Abstract  The National Diet Library houses a text called the Hokkucho, believed to be the successor to the Dai-hokkucho. It is a large collection of 10 volumes of hokku verses by renga poets from the Edo period, from Shotaku to Genseki. A similar work, the Goshu-hokkushu, is part of the collection of the Akizuki Museum, but the text of the Hokkucho is in better condition. We introduce this heretofore unknown work in this paper. Many of the verses in the Hokkucho are found in other anthologies, such as the Hokkuburui of the Yutoku Inari shrine, or in personal compilations such as Shotaku Hokkucho, Genchu Hokku, and Genteki Renga Hokkushu. However, in this work, they are accompanied by a different set of notes. The identity of the editor of the Hokkucho is unknown, but we can surmise that it was someone with enough status to have a bird’s-eye view of the works of the renga poets of the early modern age. Further, analysis of the notes in the Hokkucho reveals trends associated with early modern renga poets. For this reason, it can be said that the Hokkucho is an important text for understanding the history of early modern renga poetry.departmental bulletin pape

    ‘Reggio Experience’and its Impact on Contemporary ECEC in England : Rethinking ECEC Policy in the Era of Labor Government (I997-2010)

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    要旨  本研究は、イギリスにおける「レッジョ経験」(Reggio Experience)、すなわちイタリアのレッジョ・エミリア市の市営保育施設における実践や理念について直接、間接に見聞きした経験内容を調査し、そこから明らかになったことを報告するものである。具体的には、レッジョ経験が伝わり始める1990 年代後半から今日まで、継続的に活発な発言を続ける人々の証言を紹介し、それぞれのレッジョ経験とそのインパクトを探る。次いでそうしたレッジョ経験の背後にあった労働党政権による保育拡充策を確認する。さらに、これを批判し改革の方向を示した『イギリスにおける幼児期の変革』(2020)を取り上げて概要を伝え、そこに息づくレッジョ経験を明らかにする。最後に2020 年までの30 年を俯瞰して、レッジョ経験の広がりの乏しさとその要因の検討を試みた。Abstract  This study investigates the ‘Reggio Experience’ in England, i.e., the content of direct and indirect experiences of the practices and principles of the ECEC in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and reports on what has emerged from these experiences. The statements of those who have been continuously active from the late 1990s are examined and explored to see their Reggio Experience and its impact. Next, the measures taken by the Labor Party government to expand ECEC are reviewed as a background of their Reggio Experience. The paper will also provide an overview of the“ Transforming Early Childhood in England ” (2020), which criticized the governmentʼs policies and set the direction for reform and highlight the Reggio Experience that lives on in the book. Finally, by overviewing the 30 years up to 2020, an attempt is made to examine the lack of expansion of the Reggio experience and the factors behind it.departmental bulletin pape

    The Actual Situation and Issues of Regional Childcare Support Activities in the COVID-19 pandemic : Based on a survey of regional childcare support centers in M City

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    要旨  2020年初頭からの新型コロナウィルス感染拡大は,子育てやその支援の体制に大きな影響を与えた。地域子育て支援拠点のスタッフも,感染拡大防止への配慮や,活動の制限など,多くの新しい課題を抱えることになった。こうした状況下で地域子育て支援拠点のスタッフは,どのように業務にあたり,どのような課題を抱えているのか。本研究では,地域子育て支援拠点のスタッフを対象とした質問紙およびインタビュー調査を実施し,コロナ禍における子育て支援活動の実態を明らかにするとともに,その課題について検討した。各拠点のスタッフは,業務量の増加や利用者や自身への感染の不安を抱えながら,利用者に安心安全な環境を提供する一方で利用者同士の交流も促すという新しい課題に直面していたが,緊急事態下でも,子育て支援者の専門性,利用者に寄り添う姿勢をみてとることができた。Abstract  The spread of the Covid-19 since early 2020 has had a major impact on child care and its support system. Staff at community childcare support center also faced many new challenges, such as consideration for preventing the spread of infection and limiting activities. Under these circumstances, how do staff members of community child-rearing support centers perform their duties and what challenges do they face? In this study, we conducted a questionnaire and interview survey of the staff of regional childcare support centers to clarify the actual status of childcare support activities in the Corona Disaster and to examine the challenges they face. The staff at each center were faced with the new challenges of providing a safe and secure environment for users and encouraging interaction among users, while facing increased workloads and fears of infection among users and themselves.departmental bulletin pape


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    How to reconcile ideal and actual self in middle age by managing challenging goals

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    要旨  本研究の目的は,40 代と50 代の中年期の男女を対象にして,理想自己と現実自己の差異と困難な目標への対処との関連を量的と質的の両方のアプローチから検討することであった。まず,研究1 で1200 名を対象としたWeb 調査を実施した。その結果,困難な目標への対処は「粘り強さ」「諦めの早さ」「肯定的解釈」の3 因子構造であることが示された。その中の「肯定的解釈」は現実の自己評価と関連しており,「肯定的解釈」が高いほど,理想自己と現実自己との差異が小さくなることが示された。研究2では,調査協力者の内,理想自己と現実自己の差異が大きいあるいは小さい者10 名を対象に半構造化面接を実施した。その結果,差異の小さい者からの語りから,研究1と一致する結果が見出され,「たとえ失敗してもそれをポジティブに捉える」等の語りのように,困難な目標に対して肯定的解釈をすることの重要さが示唆された。Abstract  The present study used quantitative and qualitative approaches and examined correlations in discrepancies between the ideal and actual selves and methods of managing challenging goals. Participants were middle-aged men and women in their 40s and 50s. Study 1 conducted an Internet survey of 1200 participants. The results indicated that coping strategies for challenging goals had a three-factor structure; “persistence,” “giving up speed,” and “positive interpretations.” Moreover, positive interpretations were correlated with actual self-assessment. The discrepancies between the ideal and the actual self decreased with increased positive interpretations. Study 2 conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 participants having large and small discrepancies between their ideal and actual selves. Narratives of participants with a small difference showed consistent results with Study 1, suggesting the significance of making positive interpretations of challenging goals, including not dwelling on things that do not go well.departmental bulletin pape

    Study of Support to be Provided by Yogo Teachers to Children with Funnel Chests : Based on Their Narratives on Their Physical Self-concepts

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    要旨  目的:漏斗胸の子供が抱く身体的自己概念から、養護教諭が漏斗胸の子供に行う心身を考慮した支援のあり方を検討する。方法:漏斗胸の手術を受けた子供に半構造化面接調査を行い、質的データ分析をした。  結果及び考察:【他者からの指摘による気づき】【自身の身体観察による気づき】では、対象者把握のための丁寧なスクリーニングが望ましい。【自己の外見に対して恬然】【自己の外見に対する懸念】【陥凹のある胸郭に否定的】【他者からの視線に対し否定的】では、把握した子供への関わりを、関係教職員で情報を共有し、継続的に行う。子供の細かな変化や言動に気を配ることで、介入する機会を得られることが示唆された。【内科的症状の発現】【学校生活での嫌悪感】【心理・行動面において消極的】では、いじめ、心肺機能への影響、消極的な性格等の二次的な課題を予防するために、早期支援を促す重要性が示唆された。Abstract  Purpose: This study is to clarify the physical self-concepts of children with funnel chests and to further proactive support to be provided by Yogo teachers considering the bodies and minds of the children. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with children who have undergone funnel chest surgery, and the data was analyzed qualitatively.  Result and Consideration: In [Awareness by indications by others] and [Awareness by observing one’s own body], it was found that careful screening is desirable to understand the target children. The study indicated that based on [Being unconcerned about one’s appearance], [Concerns about one’s appearance], [Being negative about their concave thorax], and [Being negative about others’ gazing], there is a necessity to establish an environment in which it is possible for all of the school faculty to actively and continuously be involved with the identified children, pay close attention to small changes and behaviors of the children, and share that information. Based on [Manifestation of medical symptoms], [Aversion in school life], and [Passive mind and behavior], the importance of early-stage support by related persons prior to the generation of secondary issues, such as bullying, cardiopulmonary effects, a passive personality, etc. was also identified.departmental bulletin pape

    Triggers of changes in childcare workers’ understanding of children : Focusing on difference between the newly appointed and the mid-career period

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    要旨  本研究は,中堅期保育士のこれまでの実践経験の振り返りの語りから,新任期と中堅期の「子ども理解」がどのような契機で変化するのか,その内容を明らかにすることを目的とする。具体的には,中堅期の公立保育士3名を対象に,新任期と中堅期に分け,段階的にこれまでの実践経験で「子ども理解」に変化が生じた印象的な出来事についてインタビュー調査を実施した。そこで得られた言語データを質的分析手法であるSCAT( Steps for Coding and Theorization)を用いて分析し「理論記述」を導き出し,新任期と中堅期の特徴を検討した。その結果,新任期から中堅期に継続して見出された契機は,「(1)同僚や熟練保育士等他者の存在」と「(3)養成校・学生時代の経験」であり,新任期のみの契機は,「(2)対象となる子どもの姿」,中堅期のみの契機は,「(4)実践以外の研修や勉強の機会」であり,実践経験の時期により「子ども理解」に変化をもたらす契機に共通点と独自点があることが示された。Abstract  This study investigated triggers producing changes in childcare workers’ understanding of children between the newly appointed and the mid-career period, based on mid-career childcare workers’ narratives of reviewing their practical experience. We interviewed three mid-career childcare workers enrolled in a public nursery school about the significant events causing changes in their understanding of children during the newly appointed and midcareer periods. The results indicated that triggers observed in both periods included (1) others such as colleagues or experienced childcare workers and (3) experiences in the training school and school days. Also, the trigger in the newly-appointed period included (2) the children’s condition. Moreover, the triggers in the mid-career period included (4) opportunities for training, study, and practice. These results indicate common and different triggers for changes in childcare workers’ understanding of children between the two periods.departmental bulletin pape

    Learning English Autonomously and Cooperatively Online through Peer Interaction : How Students Interacted in Pairwork in Private Channels on the Microsoft Teams

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    要旨  コロナ感染症蔓延により多くの大学ではオンライン授業が行われるようになった。オンライン上では、学生は主に個人単位で自律的に学習を進めていくことが求められる。しかし、コミュニケーション力を培うことを学習目標の中心に位置づける外国語教科においては、オンラインにおいてもコミュニケーションを促す学習環境を整備することが喫緊の課題である。この論文では、Microsoft Teams のチャンネル機能を使ったペアワークを取り入れた英語授業で、学生がどのように関わり合い、どのような学びを促す対話が行われていたのかについて、振り返りシートとオンライン上の学生同士の対話内容をもとに考察する。毎授業でのペアワークにおいて、学生はおおむね自律的かつ協同的に学習内容に取り組み、対話を通して互いに新しい気づきを促し合う事例も確認できたが、同時にチャット形式でのコミュニケーションでは対話の質に問題点もあったことが分かった。Abstract  Many universities have adopted online teaching amid the Covid pandemic. Due to this sudden shift in the learning environment, students may face various kinds of learning problems, moreover, there can be more difficulties in asking the teacher for assistance or consulting classmates about problems they are having when employing online platforms. In a language classroom where the main purpose of learning should be on enhancing students’ communication skills, educators need to create an environment in which students are encouraged to relate to each other while learning online. With the proper instructional framework and teacher assistance, students can not only learn to become better communicators but also would feel less stress in their day-today remote learning experiences. In this paper, the author will discuss how students related in the on-demand pairwork using an online communication platform, Microsoft Teams. The data show that students often worked cooperatively and autonomously in their weekly pairwork. There were some instances in which students facilitated each other’s learning through dialogue. However, the data also revealed that the chat texting format caused some difficulties in their online communication.departmental bulletin pape

    Prevention of COVID-19 as well as control measures taken by Registered Dietitians’ and their views on the countermeasures during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    要旨  目的:管理栄養士・栄養士(以下,RD 等)の職場は,対人・フードサービスが含まれ,COVID-19 発生リスクが高い環境下である可能性が高い。本研究では,コロナ禍におけるRD 等の職場の現状を明らかにすることを目的とした調査研究結果を報告する。方法:2021 年10 ~ 12 月に典型的な職場で働くRD 等が選択され,コロナ対策に関する質問を含む自記式質問票に回答した。結果:72 人の回答者のうち,70% 以上が「不安」,65% が「情報不足」,51% が「人員不足」を感じていた。給食施設4 分野間では,特に高齢者施設では人員不足を感じている者が多く,有意差がみられた。コロナ対応情報は,医療90%,高齢者施設80%の参加者から得られ,コロナ禍における食事観察・コミュニケーションの機会の減少が報告された。さらに,回答者の約40%は,COVID-19 患者がいる職場での具体例を知りたいことがわかった。結論:緊急時に,少数人員で働くRD 等のプレッシャーを軽減できるサポートシステムを構築することが望ましい。Abstract  Objectives: Registered Dietitians’(RD) and Dietitiansʼ workplace involve interpersonal and food services for a wide range of people. Such workplaces can be high-risk environments for COVID-19 outbreaks. Herein, we report the results of a case study conducted to clarify the current state of the RD/Dietitians’ workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Participants working at typical workplaces between October and December 2021 were selected. They responded to a self-administered questionnaire, which included questions on workplace measures adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: More than 70% of the 72 respondents felt some anxiety about COVID-19 infection in their workplace, 65% felt a lack of information, and 51% felt a lack of personnel. Especially in the field of welfare for the elderly, many RD feel that there is a shortage of personnel, and there is a significant difference among the four fields that have food service facilities. The information on the extent of measures during the COVID-19 pandemic was obtained from participants in the medical (90%) and the welfare fields (80%). We found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunities for meal observation in patients and communication, decreased. In addition, approximately 40% of the respondents answered that they would like further details on the specific measures adopted at the workplace with COVID-19 patients. Conclusion: It is desirable to build a support system that can reduce the pressure on RD/Dietitians working in a place with few employees or one person in case of an emergency.departmental bulletin pape


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