Therapeutic riding and children with disabilities


Tema ovog rada je „Terapijsko jahanje i djeca s teškoćama u razvoju“. Nakon uvoda, u kojem su naznačeni osobni motivi odabira ove teme, u radu se objašnjava tko su djeca s teškoćama u razvoju te koje su vrste teškoća u razvoju. Djeca s teškoćama u razvoju su djeca s trajnim posebnim potrebama, a odnose se na urođena i stečena oštećenja različite vrste i stupnja. To može biti: oštećenje sluha, oštećenje vida, različita oštećenja mozga, mišića i živaca, invaliditet itd. Osim toga, u radu se pobliže objašnjava terapijsko jahanje, teškoće kod kojih se koristi terapijsko jahanje kao i pozitivni aspekti terapijskog jahanja. Terapijsko jahanje koristi se već dugi niz godina kao dokazana metoda rehabilitacije osoba s posebnim potrebama, fizičkim ili mentalnim poteškoćama u razvijanju i poboljšavanju njihovih vještina te općeg fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja. Terapijsko jahanje je najbolje definirati kao rehabilitacija pomoću konja i aktivnosti koje uključuju rad s konjima. Ovim tipom rehabilitacije postiže se širok spektar bihevioralnih, društvenih, emocionalnih, fizičkih, kognitivnih, mentalnih te obrazovnih napredaka u liječenju hendikepiranih osoba, posebno djece. Korist od terapijskog jahanja mogu imati osobe svih dobnih skupina, s različitim oblicima fizičkih, mentalnih i/ili emocionalnih oštećenja. Terapijskim jahanjem postiže se znatan napredak kod velikog broja poremećaja, stanja i bolesti (Down sindroma, autizma, hiperaktivnosti (ADHD-a) te mnogih drugih).The topic of this paper is "Therapeutic riding and children with developmental difficulties". After the introduction, in which the personal motives of selecting this topic are indicated, the paper explains who the children with developmental difficulties are and what kinds of developmental difficulties there is. Children with disabilities are children with persistent special needs, and are related to innate and acquired damage of different types and degrees. This may be: hearing impairment, visual impairment, various brain, muscular and nervous disorders, disability, etc. In addition, the paper explains in detail the therapeutic riding, in which cases of developmental difficulties we use therapeutic riding and the positive aspects of therapeutic riding. Therapeutic riding has been used for many years as a proven method of rehabilitation for people with special needs, physical or mental disabilities in developing and improving their skills and general physical and mental health. Therapeutic riding is best defined as horse rehabilitation using horses and activities involving horses. This type of rehabilitation achieves a wide range of behavioural, social, emotional, physical, cognitive, mental and educational advances in the treatment of handicapped persons, especially children. People of all ages can benefit from therapeutic riding, with different forms of physical, mental and / or emotional impairment. Therapeutic riding achieves significant progress in a large number of disorders, conditions and illnesses (Down syndrome, autism, hyperactivity (ADHD) and many others)

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 17/10/2019

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