Zoonoses in game


U ovom radu s interdiscipliniranog aspekta pristupa se deskripciji zoonoza, njihovog učinka na životinjski i ljudski organizam, s osobitim osvrtom na specifičnosti divljih životinja kao rezervoara, ali i kao domaćina zoonoza. U tom smislu u ovome se radu daje koncizan prikaz etiologije zoonoza te se rad osvrće na specifičnost normativnog uređenja u Republici Hrvatskoj u smislu prepoznavanja zoonoza i poduzimanja konkretnih profilaktičkih mjera. Nadalje, s obzirom na analizirane statističke pokazatelje pojavnosti pojedinih zoonotskih bolesti ovaj rad bavi se s ukupno pet, slobodnom procjenom, izabranih zoonoza isključivo kod divljih životinja te pojašnjava njihov prijenos na ljudski organizam uz opis kliničke slike kod pojedine zoonotske bolesti uz navođenje konkretnih profilaktičkih mjera potrebnih za smanjenje ili istrebljenje konkretnih zoonoza kao i preventivne mjere zaštite od moguće zaraze.From interdisciplinary aspect this paper contribute a description of zoonoses and theirs performances to organisms of animals and humans. This paper specifically focuses on the wild animals as a reservoirs and host of zoonoses. In this meaning this paper give a concise review of zoonoses etiology and also this paper look back to specificity of normative arrangement in the Republic of Croatia, last in particular about recognition zoonoses and taking specific prophylactic measures. Further more, the results of the statistic analysis point to the causes of indicators of some zoonoses, consequently this paper go in for five zoonoses at wild animals, which are the author freely chooses. This paper calrified transmission of zoonotic diseases from wild animals to human, besides that is given a description of clinical features. About this clinical features paper gives a specific prophylactic and preventive measures which are required for reduction and destruction of zoonoses and for preventing any infection

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 17/10/2019

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