
Izvršba na dolžnikova denarna sredstva pri organizacijah za plačilni promet se v praksi pojavlja kot eno izmed najpogosteje uporabljenih izvršilnih sredstev. K temu zagotovo napeljuje dejstvo, da je postopek izvršbe s tem izvršilnim sredstvom nekoliko enostavnejši in hitrejši, kar pritegne upnike, ki si želijo čimprejšnjega poplačila terjatve, hkrati upniku nastanejo tudi manjši začetni stroški, ki jih je sprva dolžan sam založiti. Po fazi dovolitve izvršbe, ostane manj izvršilnih dejanj, ki so potrebna za izvršitev terjatve, izvršba se opravi z rubežem in prenosom terjatve v izterjavo, kar sodišče naloži organizaciji za plačilni promet le z enim sklepom. Poplačilo upnika je celo možno še pred pravnomočnostjo sklepa o izvršbi, seveda ob izpolnitvi določenih pogojev. V kolikor ima dolžnik na svojem računu rubljiva sredstva, je lahko upnik še najhitreje poplačan. Po drugi strani se postavlja vprašanje učinkovitosti tovrstne izvršbe, saj je le malo primerov, da bi se poplačilo upnika izvedlo takoj, bolj pogosto se pojavljajo primeri, da je dolžnik prezadolžen, da na račun ne prejema rubljivih sredstev, da organizacije za plačilni promet zapirajo račune. V diplomskem delu tako predstavljam prednosti in slabosti oziroma pomanjkljivosti tovrstne izvršbe, probleme, s katerimi se upniki soočajo in hkrati nekatere morebitne rešitve. Posebej predstavljam rubež pri organizacijah za plačilni promet, predvsem z vidika pravic, ki se z njim upniku zagotavljajo. Poudarek je tudi na vlogi organizacije za plačilni promet ter njeni odgovornosti. Nadalje predstavljam pojem zavarovanja upnikove terjatve pred njeno prisilno izterjavo ter možnosti zavarovanja upnika s predhodno in začasno odredbo. Za zaključek diplomskega dela predstavljam nekatere možnosti varstva upnika, ki mu jih poleg nacionalne zakonodaje zagotavlja zakonodaja EU, in sicer Uredba UEIN in Uredba UEPN.Attachment on the debtor’s short-term money at the organizations for payment transactions emerges in practice as one of the most often used execution measures. It is certain that the procedure of the attachment with this execution measure is a bit simpler and quicker, which attracts the creditors who wish to have a claim met, at the same time the creditor is faced also with smaller initial costs, which must be advanced by her. After the phase of allowing the attachment, there are less execution acts which are necessary for the enforcement of the claim. The enforcement is performed by distraint and transfer of the claim into the enforcement, which is imposed to the organization for payment transactions by the court by one decision. Repayment of the creditor is possible even before the finality of the decision on enforcement if certain conditions are met, of course. If the debtor has distrainable financial resources on her account, the creditor can be repaid in the fastest manner. On the other hand, there is a question of efficiency of such enforcement, for there are only a few cases, where the repayment of the creditor could be executed immediately. More often there are cases when the debtor is deeply in debt, when she does not receive distrainable financial resources on her account, and when organizations for payment transactions are closing the accounts. I the diploma thesis I thus present the advantages and disadvantages and insufficiencies of such enforcement, problems, by which the creditors are confronted, and, at the same time, some possible solutions. I especially present the distraint at the organizations for payment transactions, mostly from the perspective of rights which are ensured by that to the creditor. The emphasis is also on the role of the organization for payment transactions and its responsibility as well. Further, I present the conception of insuring the debtor’s claim before its debt enforcement as well as the opportunity of the insurance of the creditor by the attachment in aid of execution and by the interim order. As a conclusion of the diploma thesis I present some possibilities of the protection of the debtors, which are ensured to her by means of the EU legislation (regulation on European instrument permitting enforcement and regulation on European payment order), in addition to national legislation

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