
Namen dela diplomskega seminarja je bil določiti najprimernejši način oglaševanja na izbrani fakulteti s pomočjo računalniškega programa Web-HIPRE. To je program za odločanje po več kriterijih hkrati, ki je brezplačno dostopen na spletu. Delo diplomskega seminarja je razdeljeno na teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojem oglaševanja, začetke in cilje oglaševanja ter podrobneje predstavili tradicionalne in netradicionalne medije. Teoretično smo opisali reševanje problema po korakih in predstavili računalniški program za večkriterijsko odločanje Web-HIPRE. Opisali smo načine za določanje uteži kriterijem in sicer metode SMART, SWING, SMARTER in AHP. V praktičnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo presojali izbiro načinov oglaševanja z računalniških programom Web-HIPRE, s katerim smo problem reševali po korakih: od definiranja problema, izločanja nesprejemljivih alternativ, strukturiranja problema, določitve uteži kriterijem in vse do analize občutljivosti. S pomočjo programa smo ugotovili, da je spletno oglaševanje najprimernejši način oglaševanja za izbrano fakulteto.The aim of the present diploma thesis is to identify the most appropriate form of advertising at a faculty selected for this study, using computer software Web-HIPRE. This freely accessible decision support tool facilitates multi-criteria decision analysis. The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part the term advertising is first defined. In light of traditional and contemporary media, the beginnings and objectives of advertising are presented in detail. Then, the problem solving process is highlighted from the theoretical viewpoint in a step-by-step manner and the multi-criteria analysis modelling and evaluation software Web-HIPRE is presented. Using weighting methods such as SMART, SWING, SMARTER and AHP different decision making techniques are described. The practical part of the thesis includes weighing between different types of advertising using the aforementioned computer software Web-HIPRE. This is achieved in a step-by-step manner: defining the problem, eliminating unacceptable alternatives, structuring the problem, assigning weights (relative importance value) to criteria, and carrying out sensitivity analysis. The findings have shown that online advertising is the best alternative for the chosen faculty

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This paper was published in Digital library of University of Maribor.

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