namebrandcorporation [venture based information/technology and new media startup incubator infrastructure]


Attempts during the late twentieth century to create an office/work space containing an appropriate amount of flexibility, combined with generic specificity (to make speculative developments economically viable) have failed. High-rise workplaces no longer work [there's no room for fun and just being there is a drag]. The nature of work is changing [the nature of work is change]. As early as 1993, 21% of Fortune 500 companies had telecommuting programs in place. By 2000,80% of all jobs in America will involve knowledge work. Today, 15% of active people work 50% of their time at home [or outside of what would be considered (traditional) office space]. Lines between formal and social programs within the workplace are beginning to blur. The product of these changes in the economic climate, coupled with the continued advancement/development of mobile and information technologies necessitate evolution of the workplace

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DSpace at Rice University

Last time updated on 11/06/2012

This paper was published in DSpace at Rice University.

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