he Comparative Study of Student’s Ability in Speaking Based on Their Educational Background of The First Semester Students in English Department IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin Academic Year 2007/2008


Hastuti Rahmah. 2008. The Comparative Study of Student’s Ability in Speaking Based on Their Educational Background of The First Semester Students in English Department IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin Academic Year 2007/2008. Thesis, English Department. Islamic Education Faculty. Advisors: (1) Drs. H. Husnul Yaqin, M.Ed (2) Dra. Dina Hermina, M.Pd.\ud \ud English plays a very important role in this world; it is needed for communication, access to information, education, and development of science technology. And it has become one of the subjects in Indonesian schools. English speaking is one of important aspects in language learning, because it is used practically in oral communication. To reach speaking skill especially conversation, teacher’s competency in presenting material plays an important role in teaching and learning process, including techniques of English teachers.\ud The problems of this research are The Comparative Study of student’s ability In speaking based on their educational background of the first semester students in English Department IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin Academic Year 2007/2008 and some aspects that compared in speaking ability between the graduated students of Boarding School and Islamic Senior High School.\ud Based on the problem, this research is intended to know the comparative study in speaking ability of students from Islamic Senior High School and Boarding School and the aspects that caused this problem.\ud The subject of this research are 57 students of the first semester at English Department Tarbiyah Faculty in IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin academic year 2007/2008, while the object of this research is the English speaking ability in the first semester of English department IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin academic year 2007/2008, and the aspect that influence their English speaking ability.\ud To collect the data the writer uses some techniques, those are, oral test observation, interview, and documentary. Data processing in this research is divided into five phases: editing, coding, frequency of computing/scoring, tabulation, and interpretation, then the writer analyzes the data by using quantitative analysis method and makes conclusion by inductive method.\ud The result of this research indicates that The comparative study of students ability in speaking based on their educational background of the first semester students in English department Iain Antasari Banjarmasin academic year 2007/2008 are not find a significant comparative in their result.\ud This study also found that the aspects that compared in speaking ability between the graduated students of boarding school and Islamic Senior High School are environment of school, school facilities and school method

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