Testing the effectiveness of work in the Balint group in developing empathy and preventing the burnout syndrome of doctors


Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su bili ispitavanje da li je učestvovanje u Balint grupama povezano sa većim stepenom empatije i smanjenjem sindroma sagorevanja lekara, kao i ispitivanje psihometrijskih karakteristika upitnika za empatiju, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), uključujući lingvističku validaciju i kulturološku adaptaciju srpske verzije upitnika. Metod: Ovo istraživanje je obuhvatilo 210 lekara iz primarne zdravstvene zaštite. Od 210 lekara, 70 je završilo Balint edukaciju u trajanju od minimum godinu dana, dok 140 lekara nije pohađalo pomenutu edukaciju. Za svakog doktora sa završenom Balint edukacijom metodom slučajnog izbora izabrana su po dva lekara koja nisu završila ovu edukaciju, a koja rade u istom domu zdravlja i imaju istu poziciju (lekar opšte medicine ili specijalista). Kriterijumi za isključivanje iz studije za obe grupe lekara su bili sledeći: lekari koji su bili na bolovanju ili odmoru najmanje mesec dana pre prikupljanja podataka, koji su imali prekid u radu duže od jedne godine (usavršavanje u inostranstvu, dugotrajna bolest ili česte promene posla u poslednjih pet godina) i koji su bili izloženi većoj fizičkoj ili psihičkoj traumi van posla (bolest ili smrt u porodici, razvod, itd.). Za potrebe ovog istraživanja, konstruisan je opšti upitnik za ispitanike i korišćena su još dva dodatna upitnika, za ispitivanje empatije-Davisov „indeks interpersonalne reaktivnosti“ (IRI) i Maslach upitnik za procenu sindroma sagorevaja na poslu (MBI). U statističkoj obradi podataka su korišćene metode deskriptivne statistike, Studentov t-test, Pearson-ov hi-kvadrat test, Spearman-ov koeficijent korelacije, metode logističke i ordinalne regresije, Cronbach-ov koeficijent alfa, intraklasni koeficijent korelacije, kao i faktorska analiza. Rezultati: Preko tri četvrtine (82,9%) lekara u našem uzorku je bilo ženskog pola, dok je 17,1% ispitanika pripadao muškom polu. Srednja vrednost godina starosti ispitanika je iznosila 48,3±9,6 i kretala se od 30 do 65 godina. Lekari koji su završili Balint edukaciju su imali značajno veće skorove na subskalama Zauzimanje tuđeg stanovišta, Fantazija i Empatijska brižnost u odnosu na lekare koji je nisu završili, p<0,001. Što se tiče subskale Lična nelagodnost, nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između lekara ove dve grupe, p=0,530...The aim of our study was to examine whether the participation in Balint group is associated with a higher degree of empathy and reduced burnout syndrome amongst primary health care doctors, as well as testing the psychometric characteristics of empathy questionnaire, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), including the linguistic validation and cultural adaptation of the Serbian version of the questionnaire. Methods: This investigation was conducted on a population of 210 doctors employed in primary health centers in Belgrade. Of 210 doctors, 70 have completed Balint training for a period of at least one year, whereas 140 doctors have never attended this training (Non-Balint group). Each doctor who completed Balint education, was grouped with two other randomly chosen Non-Balint doctors, who worked at the same health center and had the same level of education (general practitioner or specialist). Exclusion criteria for both groups related to doctors on sick leave or holiday absence at least 1 month prior to the data collection period, who have not worked for more than 1 year (prolonged studies abroad, prolonged illness, or various and frequent changes in the workplace over the past 5 years), and with exposure to increased mental or physical trauma outside of work (death or disease in the family, divorce, etc.). For the purposes of this research, a general questionnaire was drafted and two additional questionnaires used, one to test the empathy-Davis' IRI and the other to measure the burnout-Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The statistical analysis used descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, Pearson's hi-square test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, logistic and ordinal regression methods, Cronbach alpha, intraclass correlation coefficient, and factor analysis. Results: Over three quarters (82.9%) of doctors in our sample were females, while 17.1% thereof were male doctors. The mean age of the respondents was 48.3 ± 9.6 and ranged from 30 to 65 years. Doctors who completed Balint education had significantly higher scores on subscales Perspective Taking, Fantasy and Empathic Concern compared to doctors who did not complete it, p<0.001..

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This paper was published in Nardus.

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