Witkiewiczs vision of the revolution in the novel Farewell to Autumn


Diplomski rad „Witkiewiczeva vizija revolucije u romanu Rastanak s jeseni“ obraĊuje temu revolucije kroz motive i elemente koji zrcale iskustva Stanisława Ignacyja Witkiewicza u ruskoj Veljaĉkoj revoluciji. Knjiņevni motivi analizirani su u kontekstu dihotomije pojedinac-masa i Witkiewiczeve katastrofistiĉke filozofije. Rad nudi prikaz autorovih ratnih iskustva koje zatim povezuje s elementima romana s ciljem naglańavanja univerzalnosti i zajedniĉke sudbine ĉovjeĉanstva bez individua, te knjiņevnih metoda korińtenih da bi se postigla antiutopijska vizija civilizacije nakon revolucije.The master's thesis titled „Witkiewicz's vision of the revolution in the novel Farewell to Autumn“ deals with the subject of the revolution through exploring the motives and elements that show a connection to Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's experiences during the Russian February revolution. The literary motives are analyzed in the context of the dichotomy between the individual and the masses as well as Witkiewicz's catastrophic philosophy. The thesis offers an insight into the authors war experiences which it then connects with the literary elements in the novel with the goal of emphasizing the universality and shared fate of a mankind without individuals, as well as the literary methods used to achieve the vision of antiutopia that comes after the revolution

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