Razvoj karijere kao sastavnica društvene odgovornosti poduzeća Podravka d.d.


U radu je opisan pojam menadžmenta kroz koji je razrađeno i upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima. Prikazan je način na koji se upravlja ljudskim potencijalima u poduzeću, teoretski je pozicioniran pojam karijere te pojam profesionalnog razvoja. Kroz planiranje karijere bit će prikazane faze životnog ciklusa karijere i na koji način se upravlja karijerom u okviru menadžmenta ljudskih potencijala. U radu će biti prikazan odnos pojedinca i organizacije u razvoju karijere. Na samu karijeru nadovezat će se društvena odgovornost, koji ona ima utjecaj u poslovanju na zaposlenike. Na samom kraju bit će prikazan primjer kompanije Podravka d.d., kroz koju će se prikazati povijesni razvitak poduzeća, sam sustav karijere i razvoj zaposlenika i njihovi edukacijski programi. U sustavu karijere bit će prikazana društvena odgovornost te odnos društvene odgovornosti i karijere u poduzeću Podravka d.d.The paper describes the concept of management as well it elaborates the field of human resources management. It presents the way of human resources management in a company and defines in theory the terms career and professional development. Through the topic of career planning there will be presented the phases regarding the lifecycle of the career and how Human Resources Management handles this topic. The paper will show the relation between the individual and the company within terms of career development. There will be linked the career itself and corporate social responsibility and the impact of CSR to the employees of the company. At the very end there will be given an example of the company Podravka d.d. The example will show the historical development of the company, the system of career development and the employees development as well as the companies education programs. In terms of the career system there will be defined social responsibility and the relationship between social responsibility and career in the company Podravka d.d

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