
Suvremena poduzeća često se susreću s mnogima promjenama i faktorima koji utječu na poslovanje poduzeća. Stoga je važno da poduzeće bude opskrbljeno kvalitetnim zaposlenicima. Tu je uloga menadžera jako važna jer upravo on usmjerava i motivira zaposlenike k ostvarenju cilja. Svako poduzeće je jedinstveno stoga razlikujemo mnoge vrste organizacijske strukture. Ona ovisi o veličini poduzeća, broju zaposlenika, vrsti posla i slično. Organizacija u poduzeću ima bitnu ulogu te ona predstavlja ključ poslovnog uspjeha. Poduzeća se međusobno razlikuju po principu organiziranja poslova u poduzeću, međutim svima je isti cilj, a to je efikasnost i efektivnost. U ovom radu je prikazana i objašnjena organizacijska struktura poduzeća Medika d.d. Zagreb. Objasnit će se način na koji je organiziran rad, odnosno koji principi se koriste kako bi poslovanje bilo uspješno. Poduzeće Medika d.d. ima kvalitetno koncipiran rad u poduzeću, to jest organizacijsku strukturu i upravo zbog toga služi kao primjer i uzor mnogim drugim poduzećima u Hrvatskoj.Modern firms often come across a lot of changes and factors that affect management of those firms. Therefore it is essential that the firm is full of quality and compatible workers. The role of manager comes to light in that area because he/she is the one to guide and motivate workers toward achieving the goals. Every firm is unique, so it is necessary to differentiate all sorts of organizational structures. It depends on the size of a firms, number of employees, type of a job etc. Organization has a crucial part in the firm and it represents the key to business success. Firms differ one from another from the principle of organizing business in it, but they all have the same goal, and those are efficiency and effectiveness. The organizational structure of ''Medika'' d.d. Zagreb is shown and explained in this paper. We will explain the way in which the work is organized and which methods are used to make day to day business more successful. Medika has quality work environment it the firm, good organizational structure and because of that it serves as an example to many other firms in Croatia

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This paper was published in University of Split Repository.

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