Prevalence of hypoalbuminemia in outpatients with HIV/AIDS


<div><p>Abstract INTRODUCTION: Hypoalbuminemia may predict progression of disease and mortality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This study was conducted to investigate the risk factors associated with hypoalbuminemia in outpatients with HIV/AIDS. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in 196 outpatients with HIV/AIDS. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypoalbuminemia was 11.7%. The only risk factor associated with hypoalbuminemia was current antiretroviral therapy (no exposure: odds ratio=3.46, 95% confidence interval=1.20-10.02). CONCLUSIONS: The monitoring of plasma albumin is key to determine when antiretroviral therapy should be initiated in individuals not exposed to antiretroviral medicines.</p></div

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Last time updated on 13/08/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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