
We collect and resolve spectrally and temporally the photoluminescence of single CdSe nanoplatelets. The emission intensity of single nanoplatelets at room temperature shows ON and OFF periods with a usual blinking statistics, while at 20 K, their emission intensity can be extremely stable in time. At room temperature, the emission spectra of single nanoplatelets are similar to ensemble measurements with a full width at half-maximum of 40 meV. At 20 K, we obtain a resolution-limited spectral line width (<0.4 meV). The fluorescence lifetime of single nanoplatelets decreases when the temperature decreases to reach 200 ps at 20 K. This lifetime shortening is concomitant with an increase of the nanoplatelets’ emission intensity

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Last time updated on 16/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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