Development of an ultrasensitive PCR assay for polycyclic musk determination in fish


<p>Polycyclic musks (PCMs) in the aquatic environment and organisms have become an emerging environmental issue because of their potential risk. The most used method for polycyclic musk determination is gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with different sample extractions, which are somewhat expensive to operate, complex and laborious. In this study, a novel and ultrasensitive real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay with multiple signal amplification of carboxylic-DNA by gold nanoparticle-polyamidoamine conjugation (Au-PAMAM) was developed for determining polycyclic musks in fish. Hapten and immunogen were specially prepared. Polyclonal antibodies were produced based on the optimal immunisation, and the antibodies were characterised. Due to PAMAM’s unique nanostructure of numerous functional amino groups, polyclonal antibody and carboxylic-DNA were immobilised by Au-PAMAM conjugation to develop the antibody-Au-PAMAM-DNA probes, which were used as a signal DNA amplifier in the PCR system. Compared with real-time immuno-PCR, this biological probe-amplified immuno-PCR (BPAI-PCR) assay had higher sensitivity due to the probes’ higher ratio of signal DNA. Finally, the BPAI-PCR assay was applied to analyse AHTN (7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene,Tonalide) concentrations in fish samples in the range from 1 pg/L to 10 ng/L, giving an of LOD 0.61 pg/L. In general, due to the specificity of the antibody and novel nanoprobe design, this BPAI-PCR assay provided a potential way for trace analysis of AHTN in the aquatic organisms. The high concentrations of AHTN found in cultivated fish should encourage further toxicological studies.</p

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Last time updated on 14/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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