Plasmonic Nanopipette Biosensor
- Publication date
- 2014
- Publisher
Integrating a SERS immunoassay on
a plasmonic “patch clamp”
nanopipette enabled nanobiosensing for the detection of IgG. A SERS
response was obtained using a sandwich assay benefiting from plasmon
coupling between a capture Au nanoparticle (AuNP) on a nanotip and
a second AuNP modified with a Raman active reporter and an antibody
selective for IgG. The impact of nanoparticle shape and surface coverage
was investigated alongside the choice of Raman active reporter, deposition
pH, and plasmonic coupling, in an attempt to fully understand the
plasmonic properties of nanopipettes and to optimize the nanobiosensor
for the detection of IgG. These probes will find applications in various
fields due to their nanoscale size leading to the possibility of spatially
and temporally addressing their location near cells to monitor secretion
of biomolecules