Tailoring exercise interventions to comorbidities and treatment-induced adverse effects in patients with early stage breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a framework to support clinical decisions


<p><b>Purpose:</b> Delivery of exercise interventions to patients with early-stage breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy requires complex clinical decisions. The purpose of this study was to develop a framework to support clinical decisions for tailoring exercise interventions to common comorbidities and cancer treatment-induced adverse effects.</p> <p><b>Method:</b> Tailored exercise prescriptions were developed in four steps, following the i3-S strategy. All steps were based on current best available evidence, complemented with expert opinions. First, common comorbidities and treatment-induced adverse effects were identified. In the subsequent steps, contra-indications and restrictions for exercise were described, along with possible exercise adaptations. In the final step, the obtained information was synthesized into a framework.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> Prevalent comorbidities were hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, (osteo)arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and obesity. Adverse effects included conditions induced by pretreatment (e.g., lymphedema as a result of surgery) or by chemotherapy (e.g., reduced blood cell counts). Adaptations to the recommended exercise program were related to exercise tolerance, safety, and hygiene. A framework was proposed to guide clinical decisions during the exercise intervention.</p> <p><b>Conclusion:</b> Comorbidities and adverse effects of breast cancer treatment require exercise adaptations. The proposed framework provides guidance on tailored exercise prescriptions in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.Implications for Rehabilitation</p><p>Exercise is recommended for patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy, but requires complex clinical decisions of the health professional.</p><p>We identified the most important comorbidities and adverse effects of breast cancer treatment, and the resultant contra-indications and restrictions to exercise.</p><p>We incorporated these findings into a clinical decision framework that provides suggestions for exercise adaptations in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.</p><p></p> <p>Exercise is recommended for patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy, but requires complex clinical decisions of the health professional.</p> <p>We identified the most important comorbidities and adverse effects of breast cancer treatment, and the resultant contra-indications and restrictions to exercise.</p> <p>We incorporated these findings into a clinical decision framework that provides suggestions for exercise adaptations in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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