Reworking of intra-oceanic rocks in a deep sea basin: example from the Bou-Maiza complex (Edough massif, eastern Algeria)


<p>Metagabbros and amphibolites exposed in the Bou-Maïza area of the Edough massif (northeast Algeria) are described in detail. Field and petro-structural observations point to the syn-sedimentary emplacement of gabbros as clasts, blocks and lenses of polymictic gabbroic breccias. Associated amphibolites display fine-scale parallel sedimentary bedding and represent mafic epiclastites, litharenites and mafic greywackes. The mafic beds and lenses are intercalated with aluminous pelitic schists of continental origin, quartzite and marble. It is concluded that all mafic rocks from this locality derive from the erosion of an oceanic plutono-volcanic complex of MORB affinity that was reworked in a block matrix mélange and emplaced as turbidites and debris flows during the Mesozoic. We propose a convergent plate margin setting for these formations connected with the subducted Calabrian branch of the Tethyan slab.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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