Analisa Tata Pencahayaan pada Interior Kafe Cocorico di Bandung


Cocorico cafe is a famous cafe in the Bandung city. The existence of this cafe as a means of relaxation for the citizens in Bandung or outside, make this cafe should be the maximum in terms of building interior atmosphere. Cafe is a product that really requires engineering interior lighting. The atmosphere in the cafe is very important besides of culinary presented. For reaching the atmosphere, lighting engineering needed.Lighting is an important aspect in interior design of cafe. Not only as a basic condition for viewing, the light can also be engineered into an aesthetically valuable thing. Through analytic descriptif theres a lot of things that applied to utilize light as a principal element in the interior, ranging from the use of natural light to artificial light. In the course of natural lighting powered from the location of the cafe stands, while the artificial lighting can be seen on how the designer's ability to create artificial light, so, it is not only the aesthetic value that can be highlighted but the functional activities that are going on in the cafe

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Last time updated on 07/01/2018

This paper was published in Neliti.

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