Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante
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    80803 research outputs found

    Taxonomic diversity of Mesoamerican lepidopterans from historical sources

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    Las mariposas han sido representadas como parte del simbolismo mesoamericano prehispánico y posthispánico. Algunos investigadores han estudiado esas representaciones desde la clasificación taxonómica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue sistematizar la diversidad taxonómica de lepidópteros mesoamericanos proporcionada por fuentes históricas. Para ello, i) se realizó una revisión sistematizada de las especies de mariposas reportadas en la literatura, ii) se incluyó una revisión de la nomenclatura actual de las especies, iii) se sugirió un cambio/corrección de la identificación de un taxón. En general, se obtuvo un listado taxonómico de doce lepidópteros en estado adulto y nueve lepidópteros en estado larvario con base en las fuentes de información prehispánicas y posthispánicas. Se sugirió un cambio/corrección de Acentrocneme kallari Scudder, 1875 (Aegiale hesperiaris Walker, 1856) a Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal, 1838, basado en conocimientos biológicos, lingüísticos y etnológicos vinculados a la especie propuesta. Este estudio da cuenta del nacimiento de la lepidopterología en la región neotropical.Butterflies have been represented as part of prehispanic and posthispanic Mesoamerican symbolism. Some researchers have studied those representations into a taxonomic classification point of view. The aim of this research was to systematize the taxonomic diversity of Mesoamerican lepidopterans provided by historical sources. For that, i) a systematized review of butterflies’ species reported in literature was performed, ii) a review of current nomenclature of the species was undertaken, and iii) a change/correction of one-taxon identification was suggested. Overall, a taxonomic list of twelve lepidopterans in adult stage and nine lepidopterans in larvae stage was obtained based on prehisphanic and posthispanic sources of information. It was suggested a change/correction from Acentrocneme kallari Scudder, 1875 (Aegiale hesperiaris Walker, 1856) to Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal, 1838 based on biological, linguistic and ethnological knowledge linked to the proposed species. This study accounts of the birth of lepidopterology in the neotropical region

    Sideritis royoi (Lamiaceae): A New Orophilous Species from Northeastern Spain

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    Sideritis royoi is found in the rocky limestone habitats of the Port Massif (southern Catalonia, Spain). The species was first collected by the local botanist Lluís de Torres in the late part of the 20th century, but the specimens have remained unidentified positively in herbaria for over 40 years. Sideritis royoi likely belongs to section Sideritis subsection Hyssopifoliae and shows some morphological affinities with the relatively widespread South European species S. hyssopifolia L., but it differs from this species because it has subspinescent upper leaves, the main surfaces of its leaves are glabrous or glabrescent, the main abaxial surface of its bracts is without eglandular hairs, and due to the fact that it has shorter inflorescences. Weaker similarities have also been observed with some species belonging to S. subsection Fruticulosae Obón & D.Rivera. In this paper, a description for the new orophilous species is provided, along with a detailed illustration, field photographs, and a comparison with closely related species. We include an assessment of its conservation status and a dichotomous key for the identification of all the species of Sideritis subsection Hyssopifoliae

    The Anti-Cholinesterase Potential of Fifteen Different Species of Narcissus L. (Amaryllidaceae) Collected in Spain

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    Narcissus L. is a renowned plant genus with a notable center of diversity and is primarily located in the Mediterranean region. These plants are widely recognized for their ornamental value, owing to the beauty of their flowers; nonetheless, they also hold pharmacological importance. In Europe, pharmaceutical companies usually use the bulbs of Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton to extract galanthamine, which is one of the few medications approved by the FDA for the palliative treatment of mild-to-moderate symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of these plants in Alzheimer’s disease. The alkaloid extract from the leaves of different species of Narcissus was obtained by an acid-base extraction work-up -procedure. The biological potential of the samples was carried out by evaluating their ability to inhibit the enzymes acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase (AChE and BuChE, respectively). The species N. jacetanus exhibited the best inhibition values against AChE, with IC50 values of 0.75 ± 0.03 µg·mL−1, while N. jonquilla was the most active against BuChE, with IC50 values of 11.72 ± 1.15 µg·mL−1.Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo (CYTED, 223RT0140)

    Teresa Morell Moll

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    La nostra memòria en Podcasts: / Nuestra memoria en Podcasts:

    New data and reflections on CILC IV 1159 (Grimaldo, Cáceres): a palimpsest milestone?

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    El miliario CILC IV 1159 es uno de los más problemáticos de la comúnmente conocida como Vía de la Plata. Procedente de la localidad cacereña de Grimaldo y actualmente depositado en la Catedral de Plasencia, desde su descubrimiento y edición original este miliario lleva décadas planteando serios problemas en cuanto a su lectura y a su comprensión. Dado el deterioro de la pieza y lo irregular de su inscripción, han sido muy distintas las propuestas de restitución textual que se han dado a este hito por parte de diferentes investigadores, si bien lo cierto es que ninguna de ellas ha permitido una correcta comprensión de la inscripción en él grabada. No obstante, a través de un detallado estudio de la pieza, que ha conllevado por primera vez la elaboración de un calco del texto y la confección de distintos modelos fotogramétricos de la pieza por medio del software Agisoft Metashape, ofrecemos en estas páginas una nueva propuesta interpretativa, según la cual creemos estar en disposición de plantear que nos hallamos en realidad ante un miliario palimpsesto, es decir, un miliario cuya inscripción original fue parcialmente borrada para dar cabida a un segundo texto posterior. Esto permitiría explicar, en nuestra opinión, ciertas anomalías textuales que tantos problemas han planteado en la bibliografía previa acerca de este hito. Los escasos caracteres todavía apreciables de la primera inscripción y, sobre todo, la identidad del emperador nombrado en el segundo texto nos llevan a presentar la hipótesis de atribución de sendas inscripciones respectivamente al usurpador Magnencio y a Constancio II, pudiendo ofrecer, por tanto, un marco cronológico entre los años 350-353 (texto A) y 353-361 d. C. (texto B) para este problemático miliario.The milestone CILC IV 1159 is one of the most problematic of the commonly known as Vía de la Plata. Coming from the town of Grimaldo in Cáceres and currently deposited in the Cathedral of Plasencia, since its discovery and original edition this milestone has been raising serious problems in terms of reading and understanding. Considering the deteriorated state of conservation of the piece and the paleographic irregularity of its inscription, the proposals for textual restitution given to this milestone by various researchers have been very different. But none of them has allowed an correct understanding of the engraved inscription. However, we offer in these pages a new proposal interpretive through a detailed study of the piece which has entailed for the first time the elaboration of a squeeze and the composition of different photogrammetric models of it with the Agisoft Metashape software. Based on our analysis, we believe that we are actually dealing with a palimpsest milestone, that is, a milestone whose original inscription was partially erased to create space for a second later text. In our opinion, this would allow us to explain certain textual anomalies that have raised so many problems in the previous bibliography on this milestone. The few characters still appreciable in the first inscription and, above all, the identity of the emperor represented in the second text lead us to attribute hypothetically respective inscriptions to the usurper Magnentius and to Constantius II, thus being able to offer a chronological framework between 350 -353 A.D. (text A) and 353-361 A.D. (text B) for this problematic milestone.Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a un Contrato postdoctoral ‘Margarita Salas’ para la Formación de Jóvenes Doctores, Ministerio de Universidades - Unión Europea - fondos NextGenerationEU; y en el marco del Grupo de Investigación Reconocido Hesperia: Grupo de Investigación sobre la Península Ibérica en la Antigüedad de la Universidad de Salamanca

    Generador de código y UML para Laravel

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    El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar una herramienta que permita generar código y diagramas UML de forma bidireccional para proyectos de Laravel. La herramienta permitirá documentar código existente generando diagramas UML en el formato de PlantUML, y de forma inversa permitirá generar una base de código a partir de una descripción del sistema mediante diagramas en el mismo formato

    Sustainable intellectual capital as a roadmap to sustainability: a systematic literature review

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    The research aims to analyse the evolution of scientific production on sustainable intellectual capital (SIC) and to identify the fundamental characteristics of this type of studies. To this end, a systematic review has been carried out, analysing a total of 32 articles from 2008 to 2021. The study shows a notable increase in the number of publications dealing with SIC in the last three years, with 71.87% of the research published in that period. In terms of the methodologies used, it is worth noting the existence of a greater number of studies that apply quantitative methodologies as opposed to qualitative ones. Regarding the sector, the selected studies have focused on the analysis of companies in the secondary sector, more specifically manufacturing companies. Moreover, these studies have been prominent in developing countries such as Taiwan, Thailand and China, with the case of Taiwan being particularly significant

    Parcial Cantidad de Movimiento - marzo 2024

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    Parcial Cantidad de Movimiento - marz

    Self-Esteem and Coping Strategies in Adolescent Cancer Patients during the Period of Illness and Follow-Up

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    The importance of self-esteem during the course of oncological illness has been well-documented by some previous studies. However, data assessing its association with various coping strategies, especially considering the period of illness, are still scarce. The objective of this study is to analyze the differences in coping strategies among oncological adolescents, taking into account their self-esteem, illness period, age, and sex. A total of 201 oncological patients between the ages of 12 and 17 from three different Spanish cities were included in this study. All of them were asked to answer a tailored questionnaire, encompassing information about age, sex, and illness period. Additionally, the coping strategies were measured using the ACS scale, while self-esteem was evaluated using the SENA questionnaire. The results demonstrated that male adolescents and older individuals exhibited higher levels of self-esteem. The main coping strategies associated with higher self-esteem were “ignore the problem”, “focus on positive”, “physical recreation”, and “wishful thinking” both during the treatment and the follow-up phases. We conclude that higher self-esteem is associated with some of the coping strategies such as “focus on positive”, “ignore the problem”, and “wishful thinking”. Sociodemographic variables influence the relationship between self-esteem and coping strategies, but no differences were found regarding the period of illness

    ¿Existe un modelo dialógico docente en las aulas de Educación Primaria? Un estudio cualitativo en el practicum

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    This study inquires into how students in primary education teaching degrees professionally view teaching–learning situations during their practicum period at schools. In particular, it examines how they professionally view aspects of the teaching models they observe in the classroom. Using a qualitative approach, we analyse the narratives written by the teachers-in-training in which they had to identify and describe teaching–learning situations related to the mathematics competence and the linguistic communication competence. To focus the gaze of the teachers-in-training on the teaching models, they were given several guiding questions. The results show that in their narratives, the students highlight relevant aspects of the teaching models in the situations they observed. However, the changes they proposed show that they focus on the mathematics or language content without taking changes in the aspects of the teaching models observed into account. Therefore, they do not observe changes aimed at including new strategies or resources which resemble the characteristics of a more collaborative model common to learning communities. The main conclusions suggest taking decisions in pre-service teacher training towards a more collaborative model based on participative, dialogic and active collaboration in the educational process.En este estudio se indaga sobre cómo los estudiantes a maestro/a de educación primaria miran profesionalmente las situaciones de enseñanza-aprendizaje durante su período de prácticas en los centros escolares. En particular, cómo miran profesionalmente aspectos de los modelos docentes que observan en las aulas. Desde un enfoque cualitativo se analizan las narrativas escritas por los estudiantes a maestro en las que tenían que identificar y describir situaciones de enseñanza-aprendizaje relativas a la competencia matemática y la competencia en comunicación lingüística. Para centrar la mirada de los estudiantes a maestro/a en aspectos de los modelos docentes se les proporciona unas preguntas guía. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes, a través de sus narrativas, destacan aspectos relevantes de los modelos docentes en las situaciones observadas. Sin embargo, las modificaciones propuestas por estos muestran que se centran en el contenido de matemáticas o de lengua sin tener en cuenta cambios en los aspectos de los modelos docentes observados. Por tanto, no se observan cambios hacia integrar nuevas estrategias o recursos que se aproximen a las características de un modelo más colaborativo, propio de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Las principales conclusiones propenden a tomar decisiones en la formación inicial docente hacia un modelo más colaborativo basado en la colaboración participativa, dialógica y activa en el proceso educativo


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