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    358 research outputs found

    Literárněkulturalní ročenka „Tahy” v současné české literární kultuře

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    The text provides a short survey of the original concept, the current structure and the contents of the literarycultural magazine “Tahy”, all in the context of the Czech literary science tendencies of the recent decade. It also contains a selection of the authors and regular contributors to the magazine, published by the team of the Department of Literary Culture and Slavistics at the Faculty of Arts of Pardubice University, together with Pavel Mervart Publishing House. One of he leading objectives of the magazine “Tahy” is to cover new trends in thecontemporary Czech literary culture, both in scientific and artistic way, including some interesting student activities in the above-mentioned fields

    Wielkopolskie Słowniki Regionalne okolic Gniezna w kontekście potrzeb badawczych tej części regionu

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    The article presents the state of dialectological documentation for the area of today’s Gniezno County. The author statistically summarized Adam Tomaszewski’s pre-war materials, providing the number of index cards, and listed the research points and hours of recordings for the Atlas of the language and folk culture of Wielkopolska. Then the author cited statistics for contemporary materials, interpreted as field explorations after 2000, deposited in the audio library of the Dialectology Laboratory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Explorations related to the development of dictionaries as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Dictionary series have been distinguished, which extend the source database many times in relation to its existing content. This situation proves the need to conduct field research, e.g. using the educational project method.The article presents the state of dialectological documentation for the area of today’s Gniezno County. The author statistically summarized Adam Tomaszewski’s pre-war materials, providing the number of index cards, and listed the research points and hours of recordings for the Atlas of the language and folk culture of Wielkopolska. Then the author cited statistics for contemporary materials, interpreted as field explorations after 2000, deposited in the audio library of the Dialectology Laboratory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Explorations related to the development of dictionaries as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Dictionary series have been distinguished, which extend the source database many times in relation to its existing content. This situation proves the need to conduct field research, e.g. using the educational project method

    A. B. Strawińska, A. Walicki i A. Łętowski, O stanie polszczyzny północnokresowej. Ortografia – Fonetyka – Zagadnienia gramatyczne. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku / A. B. Strawińska, Leksyka północnokresowa jako element deskrypcji zagadnień ortoepicznych w poradnikach Aleksandra Walickiego i Aleksandra Łętowskiego, Białystok 2022

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    Recenzje: Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz, Aneta Bogusława Strawińska, Aleksander Walicki i Aleksander Łętowski o stanie polszczyzny północnokresowej. Ortografia – Fonetyka – Zagadnienia gramatyczne. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2018, ss. 175; Aneta Bogusława Strawińska, Leksyka północnokresowa jako element deskrypcji zagadnień ortoepicznych w poradnikach Aleksandra Walickiego i Aleksandra Łętowskiego. Wydawnictwo PRYMAT, Białystok 2022, ss. 198

    Prof. dr hab. Bogdan Walczak (17 II 1942 – 1 II 2022)

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    Leksyka związana z przygotowaniem piwa w poznańskich inwentarzach mieszczańskich z lat 1528-1601

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    The article aims to show Poznań bourgeois inventories as a source for studying lexis related to beer production. The excerpted vocabulary has been classified into lexical-semantic fields by means of textual and lexical meanings derived from the Dictionary of Polish Language of the 16th century. The possibility of supplementing the dictionary resources by lexical material obtained from the inventories has also been indicated – these are new meanings and numerous new attestations, especially relevant for lexemes recorded in the dictionary several times. The analysis was supplemented by a commentary on the origin of the lexica.The article aims to show Poznań bourgeois inventories as a source for studying lexis related to beer production. The excerpted vocabulary has been classified into lexical-semantic fields by means of textual and lexical meanings derived from the Dictionary of Polish Language of the 16th century. The possibility of supplementing the dictionary resources by lexical material obtained from the inventories has also been indicated – these are new meanings and numerous new attestations, especially relevant for lexemes recorded in the dictionary several times. The analysis was supplemented by a commentary on the origin of the lexica

    Czy istnieje norma językowa? Między snobizmem i modą a potrzebami języka

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    In this article, I engage in a discussion of the approaches of the normativists postulating the absence of a linguistic norm and assuming the identification of the norm with usus. I have made an attempt to prove the existence of the norm as a level of internal organisation of language, based on linguistic and mathematical-computational considerations. I accept the need for separate models of language: linguistic and mathematical, which serve different purposes and have different properties. I ponder the dual nature of language manifested by its finite infinity, assuming that only the usus is infinite. I postulate the adoption of a theory (formulated by K. Kłosińska) assuming the existence of an invariant norm together with ‘allonorms’. I also propose the introduction of the probabilistic Gaussian model into the codification procedures of the linguistic norm as a method objectifying the procedure and removing the (qualitative and quantitative) arbitrariness of codifiers.In this article, I engage in a discussion of the approaches of the normativists postulating the absence of a linguistic norm and assuming the identification of the norm with usus. I have made an attempt to prove the existence of the norm as a level of internal organisation of language, based on linguistic and mathematical-computational considerations. I accept the need for separate models of language: linguistic and mathematical, which serve different purposes and have different properties. I ponder the dual nature of language manifested by its finite infinity, assuming that only the usus is infinite. I postulate the adoption of a theory (formulated by K. Kłosińska) assuming the existence of an invariant norm together with ‘allonorms’. I also propose the introduction of the probabilistic Gaussian model into the codification procedures of the linguistic norm as a method objectifying the procedure and removing the (qualitative and quantitative) arbitrariness of codifiers

    Literatura jako ilustracja zagadnień gramatycznych i leksykalnych – casus górnołużycki

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    This article raises the issue of using fiction to present grammatical and lexical phenomena. The subject of the study is the most important Upper Sorbian grammars (Hinc Šewc Gramatika hornjoserbskeje rěče, 1968 and 1976; Helmut Faßke, Siegfried Michalk Grammatik der obersorbischen Schriftsprache der Gegenwart. Morphologie, 1981) and a phraseological dictionary (Anatolij Ivčenko, Sonja Wölke Hornjoserbski frazeologiski słownik, 2004). The aim of the study is to assess the usefulness of linguistic material taken from fiction for illustrating grammatical and lexical issues. The material contained in the mentioned grammars and dictionaries also says a lot about the language of the most frequently cited authors.This article raises the issue of using fiction to present grammatical and lexical phenomena. The subject of the study is the most important Upper Sorbian grammars (Hinc Šewc Gramatika hornjoserbskeje rěče, 1968 and 1976; Helmut Faßke, Siegfried Michalk Grammatik der obersorbischen Schriftsprache der Gegenwart. Morphologie, 1981) and a phraseological dictionary (Anatolij Ivčenko, Sonja Wölke Hornjoserbski frazeologiski słownik, 2004). The aim of the study is to assess the usefulness of linguistic material taken from fiction for illustrating grammatical and lexical issues. The material contained in the mentioned grammars and dictionaries also says a lot about the language of the most frequently cited authors

    Wspominam niedawno zmarłego mojego przyjaciela – profesora doktora Jana Basarę

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    Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa Języki prawa – prawa języka, Poznań, 21-22 października 2022 roku

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    W dniach 21-22 października 2022 roku odbyła się w Poznaniu Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Człowiek – Język – Prawo, kontynuująca cykliczne spotkanie po-święcone językowi i komunikacji w sferze administracyjno-prawnej

    Problem zaniku niemieckich leksemów na obszarze kaszubszczyzny środkowej

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    The material basis of the article consists of words of German origin derived from Standard German: 126 nouns and 15 words representing other parts of speech. In addition, the author includes 13 words of Lower German origin. Today, these words are no longer a part of oral communication or are used rarely (idiolectally).The material basis of the article consists of words of German origin derived from Standard German: 126 nouns and 15 words representing other parts of speech. In addition, the author includes 13 words of Lower German origin. Today, these words are no longer a part of oral communication or are used rarely (idiolectally)


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