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    Uwagi o zmianach semantycznych staropolskich rzeczowników osobowych (na podstawie dzieł leksykograficznych)

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    The aim of the presented article is to show semantic changes in Old Polish person-related nouns. Describing selected entries from a diachronic perspective – by comparing semantic notations from the Old Polish Dictionary edited by S. Urbańczyk with definitions from later dictionaries – has allowed me to identify semantic modifications occurring over the centuries (e.g. metaphors, de-metaphorisation, expansion of meaning, pejorative meaning) and to make a number of remarks on the subject.The aim of the presented article is to show semantic changes in Old Polish person-related nouns. Describing selected entries from a diachronic perspective – by comparing semantic notations from the Old Polish Dictionary edited by S. Urbańczyk with definitions from later dictionaries – has allowed me to identify semantic modifications occurring over the centuries (e.g. metaphors, de-metaphorisation, expansion of meaning, pejorative meaning) and to make a number of remarks on the subject

    Gwarowe nazwy wyrobów ze świniobicia w języku mieszkańców kilku wsi rejonu mościskiego

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    The subject of the article is the dialectal names of products prepared after pig slaughter presented against the background of the language spoken by Poles in the south-eastern borderlands. My analyses revolve around the dynamics of change to food names. The aim of the article is to present a selected group of lexemes attributed to one of the subfields of dialectal culinary vocabulary, to draw attention to the meaning of names, their origin and motivation (partly also to the formal shape), as well as to discuss the nomination mechanisms. The research is based on own field materials collected in this area.The subject of the article is the dialectal names of products prepared after pig slaughter presented against the background of the language spoken by Poles in the south-eastern borderlands. My analyses revolve around the dynamics of change to food names. The aim of the article is to present a selected group of lexemes attributed to one of the subfields of dialectal culinary vocabulary, to draw attention to the meaning of names, their origin and motivation (partly also to the formal shape), as well as to discuss the nomination mechanisms. The research is based on own field materials collected in this area

    Krótki opis długiej historii języka polskiego

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    The article offers an overview of the history of Polish language from the 9th century up to the present moment. The development of the Polish language was informed by two processes, namely, linguistic diversification, which caused dialectal differences, and integration, which contributed to the constitution of the literary language. The first half of the 16th century constitutes a critical period in the evolution of Polish language. It is then that the inception of the literary language took place. Here, the invention ofprint turned out to be a communicative breakthrough, predominantly because it facilitated language integration. Consecutive stages in the history of Polish language were connected with historic events, like the loss of Polish independence and its regaining. Such events brought about changes in the status of Polish language. The most recent period in the history of Polish language begins in 1989, when vital socio-political changes, as well as the information technology revolution took place. It is also the timewhen the integrative processes intensified, and began including geographical, as well as stylistic linguistic variations (predominantly, by the expansion of colloquial Polish into other functional varieties of the language).The article offers an overview of the history of Polish language from the 9th century up to the present moment. The development of the Polish language was informed by two processes, namely, linguistic diversification, which caused dialectal differences, and integration, which contributed to the constitution of the literary language. The first half of the 16th century constitutes a critical period in the evolution of Polish language. It is then that the inception of the literary language took place. Here, the invention of print turned out to be a communicative breakthrough, predominantly because it facilitated language integration. Consecutive stages in the history of Polish language were connected with historic events, like the loss of Polish independence and its regaining. Such events brought about changes in the status of Polish language. The most recent period in the history of Polish language begins in 1989, when vital socio-political changes, as well as the information technology revolution took place. It is also the time when the integrative processes intensified, and began including geographical, as well as stylistic linguistic variations (predominantly, by the expansion of colloquial Polish into other functional varieties of the language)

    Słowniczek wyrazów weterynarskich wobec polskiej terminologii weterynarynej w Słowniku terminologii lekarskiej polskiej

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    The aim of the article is to compare materials from two 19th-century dictionaries that comprise Polish veterinary terminology: Słowniczek wyrazów weterynarskich of 1876 and Słownik terminologii lekarskiej polskiej of 1881. In the dictionary of 1881 there are 284 entries out of 297 contained in the lexicon of 1876. Of these, only 258 entries are full entries. The comparison of their editing in both dictionaries shows that in the lexicon of 1881, 3 foreign headwords had fewer Polish equivalents, 21 had more Polishterms, and 228 had the same number of Polish equivalents. The quantitative changes in the last two groups were accompanied by qualitative changes, involving the replacement of Polish terms. The analysis of Polish veterinary terminology has also shown its strong connections with Polish medical terminology of the time.The aim of the article is to compare materials from two 19th-century dictionaries that comprise Polish veterinary terminology: Słowniczek wyrazów weterynarskich of 1876 and Słownik terminologii lekarskiej polskiej of 1881. In the dictionary of 1881 there are 284 entries out of 297 contained in the lexicon of 1876. Of these, only 258 entries are full entries. The comparison of their editing in both dictionaries shows that in the lexicon of 1881, 3 foreign headwords had fewer Polish equivalents, 21 had more Polish terms, and 228 had the same number of Polish equivalents. The quantitative changes in the last two groups were accompanied by qualitative changes, involving the replacement of Polish terms. The analysis of Polish veterinary terminology has also shown its strong connections with Polish medical terminology of the time

    Z etymologii polskiej (2): rozgardiasz

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    The article is devoted to the word rozgardiasz (hurly-burly) well-known in general Polish. Its chronology, semantic development, geography, and etymology are presented in a detailed and systematic way. It has been recognised as a Polish-Latin hybrid and a manifestation of the word-forming invention of Jan Mączyński, the author of the Latin-Polish Dictionary from 1564. The word’s forming structure and etymology are not entirely clear. In all probability, three constituent elements can be identified: *roz- +-gard- + -‘as(z), where the initial segment roz- should be interpreted as a prefix with the meaning ‘to break with something, to depart from something, to negate something’, the central segment -gard- can be referred, most likely, to garda [guard], gardość, gardać, gardzić [to despise], hardy [impertinent], hardość [impertinence] etc., with a lexical meaning ‘splendour, superfluity, debauchery, choosiness in eating and drinking’. Most problematic is the interpretation of the final component -‘as(z) which seems to be a nonnative element, probably Latin. This is indicated by the graphic combination -dia-, alien to the Polish language and characteristic of Latin, assimilated on Polish soil as -dyja-, i.e. rozgardyja(s), cf. dialectal rozgardyjo, ozgardyja, ṷozgardyjo, etc. In Latin, -as is the acc. ending of pl. of feminine nouns like discordia, lūxuria, pl. dēliciae, epulae, īnsidiae, cf. Latin discordias prōdūcere (discordia ‘discord, feud’), dēlicias facere (dēliciae pl. ‘sensual pleasures, amusements, amusements, superfluities, delights,enjoyments’), alicuie pulas dare, oculis epulas dare (epulae pl. ‘dishes, dishes; feast, feast’), īnsidias struere (īnsidiae’ intrigues, scheming, deceit’). In the phrase rozgardias(z) stroić, the noun occurs in the accusative. If we assume that this is a copy of the Latin acc. pl. of feminine nouns, then the literal meaning of the conjunction r. stroić should be interpreted as a repeated, recurring activity, i.e. ‘to arrange sensual delights, debauched amusements, games, frolics, luxuries, pleasures; to hold feasts, debauchedand sumptuous feasts, with an abundance of exquisite and fanciful food, an excess of the finest liquors and the presence of other carnal pleasures’. This corresponds semantically with the synonymous verbs używać, bonować cited by J. Mączyński. It would also have to be assumed that over time, the acc. pl. of a feminine noun abstracted from the substantive-verbal construction as a masculine noun and began to live its own life. This conception of the genesis of the lexeme in question, although very attractive and internally coherent, is, however, unable to transcend the limits of an academic hypothesis.The article is devoted to the word rozgardiasz (hurly-burly) well-known in general Polish. Its chronology, semantic development, geography, and etymology are presented in a detailed and systematic way. It has been recognised as a Polish-Latin hybrid and a manifestation of the word-forming invention of Jan Mączyński, the author of the Latin-Polish Dictionary from 1564. The word’s forming structure and etymology are not entirely clear. In all probability, three constituent elements can be identified: *roz- + -gard- + -‘as(z), where the initial segment roz- should be interpreted as a prefix with the meaning ‘to break with something, to depart from something, to negate something’, the central segment -gard- can be referred, most likely, to garda [guard], gardość, gardać, gardzić [to despise], hardy [impertinent], hardość [impertinence] etc., with a lexical meaning ‘splendour, superfluity, debauchery, choosiness in eating and drinking’. Most problematic is the interpretation of the final component -‘as(z) which seems to be a nonnative element, probably Latin. This is indicated by the graphic combination -dia-, alien to the Polish language and characteristic of Latin, assimilated on Polish soil as -dyja-, i.e. rozgardyja(s), cf. dialectal rozgardyjo, ozgardyja, ṷozgardyjo, etc. In Latin, -as is the acc. ending of pl. of feminine nouns like discordia, lūxuria, pl. dēliciae, epulae, īnsidiae, cf. Latin discordias prōdūcere (discordia ‘discord, feud’), dēlicias facere (dēliciae pl. ‘sensual pleasures, amusements, amusements, superfluities, delights, enjoyments’), alicuie pulas dare, oculis epulas dare (epulae pl. ‘dishes, dishes; feast, feast’), īnsidias struere (īnsidiae’ intrigues, scheming, deceit’). In the phrase rozgardias(z) stroić, the noun occurs in the accusative. If we assume that this is a copy of the Latin acc. pl. of feminine nouns, then the literal meaning of the conjunction r. stroić should be interpreted as a repeated, recurring activity, i.e. ‘to arrange sensual delights, debauched amusements, games, frolics, luxuries, pleasures; to hold feasts, debauched and sumptuous feasts, with an abundance of exquisite and fanciful food, an excess of the finest liquors and the presence of other carnal pleasures’. This corresponds semantically with the synonymous verbs używać, bonować cited by J. Mączyński. It would also have to be assumed that over time, the acc. pl. of a feminine noun abstracted from the substantive-verbal construction as a masculine noun and began to live its own life. This conception of the genesis of the lexeme in question, although very attractive and internally coherent, is, however, unable to transcend the limits of an academic hypothesis

    Magdalena Gozdek, Nazwy własne w Odporze na odpowiedź kwestyj (1579) Erazma Glicznera. Forma i funkcja, Lublin 2022, ss. 200, Młoda Polonistyka, t. 18.

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    Recenzja: Magdalena Gozdek, Nazwy własne w Odporze na odpowiedź kwestyj (1579) Erazma Glicznera. Forma i funkcja, Lublin 2022, ss. 200, Młoda Polonistyka, t. 18

    Kościół katolicki w kazaniach Jakuba Wujka. Uwagi wstępne

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    This article is a preliminary reconnaissance of Jakub Wujek’s presentation in his Lesser Postylla sermons of the Catholic Church and the truths of faith he preached. This reconnaissance confirms that the circumstances of the creation of Wujek’s Lesser Postylla, its genesis, strongly influenced the content of the work. For the universal, Catholic Church was almost always presented by the Jesuit preacher in confrontation with the image of the criticised dissenters. Notably, the picture of the true Church as presented by Wujek in his sermons is fully in line with the doctrine of this religion. Undoubtedly, the picture of the Church painted almost five centuries ago is still valid, as confirmed by confronting Wujek’s remarks with the contemporary version of the official interpretation of the Catholic Church’s doctrine of faith and morals, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, compiled in the second half of the 20th century after the Second Vatican Council.This article is a preliminary reconnaissance of Jakub Wujek’s presentation in his Lesser Postylla sermons of the Catholic Church and the truths of faith he preached. This reconnaissance confirms that the circumstances of the creation of Wujek’s Lesser Postylla, its genesis, strongly influenced the content of the work. For the universal, Catholic Church was almost always presented by the Jesuit preacher in confrontation with the image of the criticised dissenters. Notably, the picture of the true Church as presented by Wujek in his sermons is fully in line with the doctrine of this religion. Undoubtedly, the picture of the Church painted almost five centuries ago is still valid, as confirmed by confronting Wujek’s remarks with the contemporary version of the official interpretation of the Catholic Church’s doctrine of faith and morals, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, compiled in the second half of the 20th century after the Second Vatican Council

    Funkcjonowanie nazw dawnych zwyczajów gospodarskich we współczesnym języku mieszkańców Kawczyna (gm. Drawsko, pow. czarnkowsko-trzcianecki) – pierzak, dożynki, szczeblik

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    The article analyzes changes over time (temporal variation) in the name of three old farming habits: pierzak, dożynki and szczeblik. The author analyzed the materials obtained today in terms of generational diversity and compared them with archival data – Adam Tomaszewski and Atlas of the language and folk culture of Greater Poland. The analyzes showed that the generational differentiation is insignificant among the surveyed informants, while the chronological changes of the surveyed names show a varying degree of transformation.The article analyzes changes over time (temporal variation) in the name of three old farming habits: pierzak, dożynki and szczeblik. The author analyzed the materials obtained today in terms of generational diversity and compared them with archival data – Adam Tomaszewski and Atlas of the language and folk culture of Greater Poland. The analyzes showed that the generational differentiation is insignificant among the surveyed informants, while the chronological changes of the surveyed names show a varying degree of transformation

    O potrzebie opracowania dziejów kresowej polszczyzny nowogródzkiej

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    The Polish dialect of Novogrudok is one of the variations that make up the North Borderlands Polish language, next to the Vilnius and Kaunas dialects, to name just two. A detailed study of this regional historical Polish dialect is important because of the history of the Polish language spoken in the North Borderland, and primarily due to the possible enrichment of the knowledge of the language used by Adam Mickiewicz. The article contains the names of authors and titles of 16th to 19th century works that might be useful in writing the history of the Polish dialect spoken in Novogrudok.The Polish dialect of Novogrudok is one of the variations that make up the North Borderlands Polish language, next to the Vilnius and Kaunas dialects, to name just two. A detailed study of this regional historical Polish dialect is important because of the history of the Polish language spoken in the North Borderland, and primarily due to the possible enrichment of the knowledge of the language used by Adam Mickiewicz. The article contains the names of authors and titles of 16th to 19th century works that might be useful in writing the history of the Polish dialect spoken in Novogrudok

    Analiza lingwistyczna pieśni polskojęzycznych ze wsi Murowana Oszmianka

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    The subject of the article is an analysis of the lyrics of 13 Polish songs sung in the village of Muravanaya Ashmyanka. A linguistic analysis of the transcribed lyrics of the songs based on the author’s personal recordings, conducted according to dialectological publications, and carried out on the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, and lexical levels, revealed numerous clear influences of the East Slavic languages. Among the many deviations from the general Polish language, and the multitude of dialectal features characteristic of the Northern Borderlands dialect, the following may be concluded: asynchronous pronunciation of nasal vowels at the final position and before fricative consonants, vowel reduction, the pronunciation of the dental consonant ł, the occurrence of the prepositional construction instead of the general Polish synthetic one, preservation of the voiced quality of the consonant w after voiceless consonants, soft pronunciation of l, change of grammatical gender, voiced pronunciation of the consonanth. The lyrics of the collected and transcribed songs are an example of valuable linguistic material fading into oblivion with the passage of time.The subject of the article is an analysis of the lyrics of 13 Polish songs sung in the village of Muravanaya Ashmyanka. A linguistic analysis of the transcribed lyrics of the songs based on the author’s personal recordings, conducted according to dialectological publications, and carried out on the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, and lexical levels, revealed numerous clear influences of the East Slavic languages. Among the many deviations from the general Polish language, and the multitude of dialectal features characteristic of the Northern Borderlands dialect, the following may be concluded: asynchronous pronunciation of nasal vowels at the final position and before fricative consonants, vowel reduction, the pronunciation of the dental consonant ł, the occurrence of the prepositional construction instead of the general Polish synthetic one, preservation of the voiced quality of the consonant w after voiceless consonants, soft pronunciation of l, change of grammatical gender, voiced pronunciation of the consonanth. The lyrics of the collected and transcribed songs are an example of valuable linguistic material fading into oblivion with the passage of time


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