Revistas de la Universidad de Valladolid
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    Cuando una rabieta no es lo que parece: a propósito de un caso

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    Introduction: Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis is a pathology with an increasing incidence in childhood in recent years. We report a two-year-old patient whose early diagnosis and treatment was important to his recovery.   Clinical case: 2-year-old patient who comes to the emergency room brought by his parents due to behavioral alterations, agitation and insomnia. Clinical features progress: choreo-athetotic movements, language regression and seizures that require ICU. Positive anti-NMDAr antibodies in CSF, conclude the diagnosis. The patient receives treatment with intravenous infusion of corticosteroids and immunoglobulins, making it necessary to combine rituximab. Six months after the onset of symptoms, the patient has made a practically complete recovery.   Conclusion: Autoinmune encephalitis should be suspected in a patient with acute  neuropsychiatric symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment can be beneficial for the outcome.Introducción: La encefalitis asociada a anticuerpos anti receptores de N-metil-D-aspartato es una patología con una incidencia creciente en la infancia durante los últimos años. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de dos años cuyo diagnóstico y el tratamiento precoz fue clave para su recuperación. Caso clínico: Paciente de 2 años que acude a urgencias traído por sus padres por alteración de conducta, junto con agitación e insomnio marcados. El cuadro clínico evoluciona con empeoramiento neurológico: inicio de movimientos coreo-atetósicos, regresión del lenguaje y crisis convulsivas que requieren ingreso en UCI. Se obtienen resultados de anticuerpos anti NMDAr positivos en LCR concluyéndose el diagnóstico. El paciente recibe tratamiento con perfusión intravenosa de corticoides e inmunoglobulinas, siendo necesario asociar rituximab dada la escasa respuesta al tratamiento inicial. Seis meses tras el inicio del cuadro el paciente ha presentado una recuperación prácticamente total. Conclusión: Este tipo de encefalitis es potencialmente tratable y curable, pero su clínica insidiosa hace que sea necesario un alto grado de sospecha para su diagnóstico. Ante un paciente con clínica neuropsiquiátrica de inicio agudo se debe sospechar este cuadro e iniciar tratamiento lo antes posible

    “No estaba de humor para las personas que trataban de interpelarme”: Comunidad, hospitalidad y amistad en Ciudad abierta de Teju Cole

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    This article examines community, friendship, and hospitality in Teju Cole’s novel Open City, drawing on Nancy’s The Inoperative Community, Blanchot’s The Unavowable Community, and Derrida’s The Politics of Friendship and Of Hospitality. I aim to show how the representation of migratory experiences in this novel revolves around the contrast between operative communities based on immanence, fusion, and essentialist concepts such as race and ethnicity, and inoperative and elective communities characterized by openness and exposure to alterity. I examine how friendship and hospitality prove to be the necessary force in the novel to transform New York and Brussels into truly “open cities” hospitable to people of different races.Este artículo examina la comunidad, la amistad y la hospitalidad en la novela Open City de Teju Cole, basándose en The Inoperative Community de Nancy, The Unvowable Community de Blanchot, y The Politics of Friendship y Of Hospitality de Derrida. Pretendo mostrar cómo la representación de las experiencias migratorias en esta novela gira en torno al contraste entre comunidades operativas basadas en la inmanencia, la fusión y conceptos esencialistas como raza y etnia, y comunidades inoperativas y electivas caracterizadas por la apertura y exposición a la alteridad. Examino cómo la amistad y la hospitalidad demuestran ser la fuerza necesaria en la novela para transformar Nueva York y Bruselas en verdaderas “ciudades abiertas” que son hospitalarias para personas racialmente diversas.

    SALES I FAVÀ, Lluís. Crèdit privat i morositat a la Catalunya baixmedieval. Baronia de Llagostera 1330-1395

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    «Lección y herencia de Elio Antonio de Nebrija», de Francisco Rico (al cuidado de Rosa Bono)

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    Reseña del libro Lección y herencia de Elio Antonio de Nebrija (al cuidado de Rosa Bono, Madrid: Real Academia Española, 2022), de Francisco Rico

    Digitalización del transporte en la macrorregión del sur de Rusia y sus consecuencias ambientales

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    This paper evaluates the digital maturity of the transport and storage industry in Southern Russia and the related changes in the electromagnetic background of this macro-region. Research was conducted using methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and correlation analysis to assess the impact of broadband access networks on the transport and storage industry in the South Russian macro-region. Computational prediction was used to assess changes in the electromagnetic background in areas where broadband access network base stations are located. Published works of modern Russian and foreign scientists prove the relevance of the researched topic. The analysis of the key points of the process of digitalization of the economy in general and the transport and storage industry in particular was carried out. The main problems connected with this process were identified. The results of the statistical evaluation of the relationship between the individual components of the digitalization index are presented. The results show that wireless broadband Internet access is the main mechanism of digitization, and subscribers in the Southern macro-region access it primarily through smartphones and tablet computers. The directions of elimination of the digital divide between the subjects of the macro-region are considered. The ecological consequences of industrial digitalization in the macro-region have been evaluated. The main directions of the increase of the digital maturity of the subjects of the macro-region were formulated. The assessment of the changes in the level of the electromagnetic background of the territory due to the implementation of 4G/LTE mobile communication networks was carried out.Este documento evalúa la madurez digital de la industria del transporte y el almacenamiento en el sur de Rusia y los cambios relacionados en el fondo electromagnético de esta macrorregión. Se realizó el análisis de los puntos clave del proceso de digitalización de la economía en general y de la industria del transporte y almacenamiento en particular. Se identificaron los principales problemas relacionados con este proceso. Se presentan los resultados de la evaluación estadística de la relación entre los componentes individuales del índice de digitalización. Los resultados muestran que el acceso a Internet de banda ancha inalámbrica es el principal mecanismo de digitalización, y los suscriptores de la macrorregión Sur acceden principalmente a través de teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas

    O território, a paisagem e a modernização ferroviária:: os desafios contemporâneos da preservação do Patrimônio Industrial

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    The Brazilian state of São Paulo is home to an important set of industrial cultural assets that have shaped its landscape and urban configuration. With an extensive railway network inau-gurated in 1867 that expanded over the decades, this heritage includes lines, stations, workshops, and housing. Much of this legacy was transferred to Ferrovia Paulista S. A. in the 1970s, with some lines assigned to the federal government and later to the private sector. Currently, the process of modernisation of the railway structure of the state of São Paulo, due to its early concession, re-quires reflection on the preservation of these assets. The concept of landscape, which values hu-man interaction with the environment, can contribute to this debate and ensure the permanence of this type of cultural asset.O estado brasileiro de São Paulo abriga um importante conjunto de bens culturais industriais que moldaram sua paisagem e configuração urbana. Com uma extensa rede ferroviária inaugurada em 1867 e expandindo-se ao longo das décadas, o patrimônio inclui linhas, estações e oficinas. Grande parte desse legado foi transferida para a Ferrovia Paulista S. A. nos anos 1970, sendo algumas linhas repassadas ao governo federal e ao setor privado posteriormente. Atualmente, o processo de modernização e otimização da estrutura ferroviária exige reflexão sobre a preservação desses bens. O conceito de Paisagem, que valoriza a interação humana com o meio ambiente, pode contribuir para esse debate e garantir a permanência desse tipo de bem cultural

    Habilidades blandas en los administradores para la adecuación de empresas frente a la nueva normalidad post pandemia

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    The objective was to determine the relationship between soft skills and the adequacy of Peruvian companies in the face of the post-pandemic. The research was descriptive correlational with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, and an ad hoc checklist was used to record the information collected from the public retrievable material from business managers. It was identified that there is a statistically significant correlation between leadership and innovation with the adequacy of the companies; in addition, leadership, innovation, decision making and empathy of the managers better predict the adequacy of the companies in the post-pandemic period, as well as the soft skills as a whole.El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre las habilidades blandas y la adecuación de las empresas peruanas ante la postpandemia. La investigación fue descriptiva correlacional de diseño no experimental transversal, se utilizó una lista de chequeo ad hoc para registrar la información recabada del material recuperable público a administradores de empresas. Se identificó que existe correlación estadísticamente significativa entre liderazgo e innovación con la adecuación de las empresas; además, el liderazgo, innovación, toma de decisiones y empatía de los administradores predicen mejor la adecuación de las empresas al periodo postpandemia, así como las habilidades blandas en conjunto


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