E-Journal Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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    580 research outputs found

    Implementasi Principal Component Analysis (PCA) pada Pengenalan Wajah Resolusi Rendah

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    Face recognition involves matching facial features by restricting the facial area. The problem found in the experiment was that the program recognized images outside the face area, especially for low-resolution images. The PCA algorithm and the proposed bounding box approach can identify the facial area and match it with training data. The experiment uses the Yaleface and Face94 datasets in various scenarios, including normal resolution and resolution reduction (75%, 50%, and 25% of the original size). On gif images, the proposed algorithm can produce similarities between the detected image and the input image in a resolution reduction of up to 50%. On jpg images, reducing resolution to 75% does not affect the performance of PCA. The proposed method can recognize faces with similarities in variations of pose and facial expression. The Euclidean value of the jpg image produces a better similarity value than the gif image.  &nbsp

    Analisa Beban Penekanan Hidrolis Terhadap Kekerasan Komposit Resin Epoksi Berpenguat Serbuk Kulit Jagung dan Fly Ash Menggunakan Metode Compression Molding

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    Using fly ash and natural fibers as environmentally friendly composite materials is expected to reduce the negative impact of fly ash as industrial waste, turning it into a material with added value. One of the methods in composite manufacturing is the compression molding method. This research aims to analyze the influence of compaction loading variations on the hardness values of epoxy composites reinforced with corn husk-fly ash powder. The research begins with producing composite specimens containing corn husk powder (20% wt) and fly ash (10% wt). The specimens are pressed with compaction loading variations of 1 ton, 2 tons, 3 tons, and 4 tons. The specimens from the compression molding are then subjected to sintering treatment at 150°C for 1 hour, followed by Shore D hardness testing. The results show that the composite material's hardness increases with the compaction loading. The highest hardness is achieved at a compaction load of 4 tons with a hardness value of 80.3 SHD. The compaction process of the composite material produces a fly ash structure that undergoes agglomeration or structural densification. This phenomenon results in an increase in the hardness of the material along with an increase in the compaction loading.Penggunaan fly ash dan serat alam sebagai bahan komposit ramah lingkungan diharapkan mampu mengurangi dampak negatif fly ash sebagai limbah industri sehingga menjadi bahan yang memiliki nilai tambah. Salah satu metode dalam pembuatan komposit yakni metode compression molding. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh variasi pembebanan kompaksi pada nilai kekerasan komposit epoksi berpenguat serbuk kulit jagung-fly ash. Proses penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan spesimen komposit serbuk kulit jagung (20% wt) dan fly ash (10% wt).  Spesimen ditekan dengan variasi pembebanan 1 ton, 2 ton, 3 ton, dan 4 ton. Spesimen hasil compression molding selanjutnya diberi perlakuan sintering pada suhu 150 0C selama 1 jam dan kemudian dilakukan uji kekerasan Shore D. Hasil menunjukkan bahwasanya kekerasan material komposit semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya beban penekanan. Kekerasan tertinggi dicapai pada beban penekanan 4 ton dengan nilai kekerasan 80,3 SHD. Proses penekanan/kompaksi material komposit menghasilkan struktur fly ash yang mengalami fenomena aglomerasi atau proses pemadatan struktur. Fenomena inilah yang mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan kekerasan material seiring dengan peningkatan beban penekanan kompaksi

    Upgrading Bahan Bakar Jumputan Padat (BBJP) Sebagai Co firing Sistem Tenaga Uap Melalui Thermal Drying dan Fermentasi

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    The waste sorting process produces organic and inorganic waste. It can be converted into Solid Recovered Fuel with the addition of a maximum of 20% plastic, which can be used for co-firing coal combustion in steam power systems. High humidity levels and the condition of organic waste with its various constituent components require drying and other treatments to increase the calorie content. Types of organic waste treatment, methods of drying, and decomposition of organic waste went through a fermentation process. The research aims to identify the effect of fermentation, addition of biomass, and plastic shreds of BBJP products on density, ash content, chlorine, and calorific value. Dimensions of organic waste powder at a level of 50 mesh and plastic shreds of 5-10 mesh are aimed at increasing the pellet/SRF bond. Mechanical testing data in the form of compression testing resulted in a level of resistance that exceeded pellet strength requirements and increased by 67%. Chlorine and sulfur levels are approaching the limit, but ash levels are still high. The calorific value of pellets in the fermented organic waste specimen treatment produces a higher calorific value compared to other treatments. Research on converting waste into co-firing fuel in solid form with the criteria for calorific value and physical properties that comply with the technical requirements for co-firing steam-powered systems can still be optimized to produce fuel with a higher calorie content. Reducing chlorine, sulfur, and ash levels is done for a low-carbon and environmentally friendly combustion process

    Monitoring Sistem Pembangkit DC 24 Volt Dengan Sensor PZEM-017

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    Trainer merupakan alat peraga yang biasanya digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran, alat peraga tersebut digunakan sebagai simulasi praktikum. Trainer digunakan untuk mejelaskan simulasi cara kerja suatu proses alat melalui sebuah prototype alat fisik yang dapat di uji coba langsung. Trainner ini dibutuhkan karena dalam proses pembelajaran membutuhkan simulasi situasi nyata agar dapat memahami situasi nyata dan juga bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan konsep yang diajarkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memonitoring tegangan, arus dan daya yang dihasilkan oleh simulasi pembangkit DC sistem 24 volt dengan menggunakan website google spreadsheet. Dari pengambilan data tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa tingkat ketelitian pembacaan sensor terdapat selisih berbeda dengan alat ukur. Namun untuk selisihnya yang dihasilnya masih dalam batas toleransi. Untuk perbandingan eror antara perhitungan sensor tegangan dan sensor arus dengan alat ukur mempunyai selisih rata rata eror untuk tegangan dengan beban lampu 200 watt sebesar 14,7 % dan rata-rata eror pada arus sebesar 1,75 %

    Perancangan Sistem Presensi Siswa Dengan RFID Berbasis IoT Menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266

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    Dewantara Sumbang Vocational School has 4 majors, namely Business and Motorcycle Engineering, Multimedia, Graphic Design, and Sharia Banking and the current number of students is quite large, namely 537. The teacher keeps track of attendance for each topic in each class. The student attendance process is carried out manually, namely recording in the attendance book. Attendance book documents are susceptible to damage such as tearing, getting wet, and being lost. So it will cause difficulties during the recording process at the end of the semester and it requires many attendance book documents. Apart from that, it requires storage space for attendance documents. Using RFID in the design of an automatic attendance system to track students' attendance in class and Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is the solution to this issue. The study employs a Waterfall method approach, with steps starting with requirements analysis, and moving on to system design, testing, implementation, and maintenance. The research results are the design of an automated student attendance system based on IoT and RFID. The attendance system for 28 students in 1 class takes 16 minutes, 4 minutes faster than the manual attendance system, which is 20 minutes. Teachers can see the results of the attendance data recap through the website interface which includes information on subjects, classes, majors, academic year, semester, names of students present, KBM date, entry time, and class exit time. &nbsp

    Perancangan Skema Dual Port Injection Sistem Electric Control Unit Motor Spark Ignition

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    Blending fuels is an urgent alternative to reduce dependence on gasoline. Blending gasoline-alcohol bioethanol is realistic due to its high octane number properties and the abundant availability of raw materials. However, high viscosity results in inconsistent fuel mixing homogenization and decreased injector performance. The research aims to design a Dual Port Injection scheme as a dummy simulation of fuel blending so that bioethanol alcohol can be homogeneously blended with gasoline in the combustion chamber. The method used is observation of the Electric Fuel Injection working system and designing a Dual Port Injection Scheme. The research resulted in a Dual Port Injection scheme with the concept of doubling the injection-based fuel system and commands from the commercial Electric Control Unit to be forwarded to the bioethanol and bioethanol fuel pumps to supply fuel to the high pressure pipe

    Metode Fuzzy Time Series Markov Chain Untuk Peramalan Curah Hujan Harian

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    Cilacap Regency has diverse topography and geographical conditions which cause this region to have rainfall that varies spatially and temporally; therefore, a forecasting method to overcome these uncertainties and fluctuations is needed. Fuzzy Time Series Markov Chain utilizes Fuzzy logic which provides flexibility in handling uncertain and unstructured data. Moreover, the addition of Markov chain elements that utilize Fuzzy logic concepts provides flexibility in handling data allowing the model to capture inter-time relationships and changes in system state that depend on previous states. Therefore, the research aims to see the suitability of the Fuzzy Time Series Markov Chain for predicting daily rainfall in Cilacap Regency. The method is suitable for predicting rainfall data for Cilacap Regency. The accuracy value in this study can be seen from the RMSE and SMAPE values ​​on the training data (in-sample), respectively, which are 58.76469 and 0.7227493. Meanwhile, the testing data (out sample) was 56.01818 and 0.7055117

    Pelatihan Digital Marketing dan Pendampingan Legalitas Untuk Mengembangkan Usaha UMKM Entrepreneur Expo UNAIC

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    UMKM is an economic sector that has an important role in national development. However, MSMEs still face various challenges, such as low mastery of digital marketing and business legality. Therefore, the purpose of this community service activity is to provide digital marketing training and legal assistance for MSME Entrepreneur Expo UNAIC. This community service uses a participatory method, where the service team works with participants in planning, implementing, and evaluating activities. The results of the community service show that the participants experienced an increase in knowledge, skills, and motivation in developing their business through digital marketing and business legality. Participants also received assistance and consultation from the service team in overcoming problems encountered in digital marketing and making legal business identification numbers and halal certificates. This community service activity provides benefits for participants, the service team, and the wider community. This activity also contributes to the development of science and technology in the field of digital marketing and business legality, especially halal certificates. This activity is expected to be an inspiration and model for other similar community service activities

    Penerapan Pompa Air Tenaga Surya Untuk Sarana Irigasi dan Edukasi Desa Wisata Widarapayung Wetan Cilacap

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    Widarapayung Wetan Village was designated as an innovation village by the Cilacap Regency Innovation Village Determination which is located in Binangun District, Cilacap Regency. The main potential of Widarapayung Wetan Village is in the tourism sector, such as Widarapayung Beach and the pioneering tourist village. The facilities that have been built and already exist in this pilot tourism village are an art performance stage, pavilion, gazebo, gamelan instruments, plantation land, and rice fields. One of the pioneering developments of tourist villages is the development of educational tourism. This community service activity applies appropriate technology by developing water pump technology for irrigating rice fields using solar energy. Apart from irrigating rice fields, this solar-powered water pump technology is also used for educational tourism at the Widarapayung Wetan tourism village pilot, especially in the field of utilizing new and renewable energy. The stages of work carried out included surveying the installation site, designing and manufacturing a solar water pump system, system installation at the installation site, operational trials of pumps, and operational training and pump maintenance. The result of this activity is a solar water pump system for irrigating rice fields with a capacity of 30 liters/minute

    Analisa Terjadinya Electrical Treeing Pada Isolator Komposit dengan Bahan Pengisi Serat Pelepah Nipah

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    Technological developments in materials are increasingly evolving, one form of development is the type of composite insulation. One of the natural fiber composites currently available is a composite from palm fiber which provides increased dielectric strength. Partial discharge due to voids in the composite results in structures such as electrical treeing due to changes in the properties and morphology of the composite causing increased insulation failure and disrupting power distribution. This research tested the strength of Epoxy composite insulation and palm leaf ash filler. By combining these two materials, a complementary composite insulating material will be formed to prevent electrical treeing. The results of the research show that the composite insulating material with nipa palm fiber as filler has an average breakdown voltage value of 40 kV and is above the standard breakdown voltage value for medium voltage insulators of 30 kV. The addition of more and more palm leaf ash filling material will produce voids, thereby accelerating the occurrence of electrical treeing and decreasing the breakdown voltage of the insulation. &nbsp


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